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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Trump was extended the opportunity to return the documents as well. He didn’t. He lied about it. Lied about having the documents that he in fact had. Now he’s in trouble, as he should be.
  2. Is it the best? Only one team will prove that. Is is close to being the best. Absolutely. To think otherwise shows embarrassing recency bias.
  3. So many bandwagon people. This is a very talented team. This was a bad loss. So it goes.
  4. Murdoch's paper is trying so hard! At least he's turning on Trump.
  5. Nah. She’s talking about cheating and finding ballots. Fantasy believer. It is when you lead with cheating conclusion. Sane-er.
  6. What a fantasy land you live in. Everyone I know on both sides of the political spectrum is trying to pay their bills, raise kids, take care of families and friends, etc. normal stuff. Guys like you and BillsTime make it seem like QAnon is coming to lock gay people in prison and you have all your strange tales. Get a grip. We’re living in the best time ever. And complaining endlessly about it.
  7. Still waiting on Dem winners in many places. And we waited on Dem winners for a while in 2020. You're not a discerning observer. B-Man, am I wrong that she's an election denier or that PPP is a sane place?
  8. There's another Bills site with an Admin who's a full-throated election denier. She's on and on about this stolen election cycle. PPP: The sane place for Bills fans to discuss politics!
  9. The last super confident poster in this thread has a string of bad predictions on his Twitter account. I wouldn’t trust anyone giving advice here.
  10. Scorched stupid. Is anyone still buying into this? He’s a man child, minus the man part.
  11. Was there a bloodbath for incumbents? Not even close. No sitting senators lost re-election bids and just a few in the house. Everyone complains but no one ever votes their guy out.
  12. Lie from a dubious source. Here’s the thread of Trump crapping on DeSantis. https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109322017568994719 BREAKING NEWS: Man gets credit for doing his job.
  13. Indictment will help Trump. 0.0 doubt.
  14. Republican primary voters did the favor. The Dems ran a turnip in PA and the turnip won the Senate seat. A radish would have won the PA gov seat vs that R wacko Mastriano. Boebert will seemingly win but barely vs a nobody. MAGA is dead to the majority of Americans but not the base of Rs. It’s a problem, solvable by a shift to angry Ron, but only if he can defeat Daddy.
  15. And young people have been showing up in historic numbers. Social media sucks for a lot of reasons but young voter turnout is up huge in the last few years. That’s amazing: “What about young adults? In 2018 turnout among 18- to 29-year-old voters rose to 36% from only 20% in 2014. In 2020 this turnout reached 50%, up from 39% in 2016. “
  16. Agree with all this. Also pro choice. But not vehemently so. It’s down around issue number 7756 for me.
  17. Unless dems pass a federal abortion law, which they will do if they ever get a more secure control of Congress. Voters understand what they were doing. Either heading for that or at least heading off a Republican anti-abortion law. Oz said something to the effect that he wants abortion to be between a woman, her doctor, and local politicians. Just what women want to hear. PA state legislature (at least one house I think) flipped blue this round. I am lazy to look the specifics up but I know I read that lately. PA will be fine.
  18. Alternative view. They said no thank you to a complete lunatic gov candidate and no thank you to a quack doctor from New Jersey. The GOP slate in PA was an embarrassment. If the two men who came in second in the primaries had won them, there would certainly be. GOP senator and maybe a governor. But they put up terrible candidates.
  19. You like to label anyone who disagrees with you as a leftist. How lazy. And you believe in things BECAUSE there's no evidence of them. This is a novel flavor of logic, I'll give you that. I have never seen a unicorn, therefore unicorns exist. QED.
  20. Another lie. “I do appreciate you recognizing that nothing I said was factually incorrect….” I didn’t respond to your other stupid points because you were trying to escape your first lie and I wouldn’t let you get out of it.
  21. Ah yes, the old “there’s no evidence so that proves it” rationale. You get top marks for that in Conspiracy 101. Less than 500 convictions despite the inferno of watchers and complaining. Just wasn’t there. Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy? No evidence could mean she’s real.
  22. You continue to conflate your personal theory vs what that voice in the video said. At best, you could say the voice in the video said he was a nudist and was told by someone on the phone not to say that in the press conference (yet). That's it. You said, "Police caught on hot mic stating that they will not correct the perception he is a right winger by stating fact that he is an illegal alien nudist activist. " Last time: The police said. No. Such. Thing.
  23. How do you feel about voting within a two week window instead of a specific day? 500 voting fraud cases out of 155 million votes cast--in an election with the most investigation into fraud ever. So. Much. Fraud.
  24. Because it allows people a nice long time to research and decide on all their candidates. Because it's easy. Because people may not be able to control their plans on election day. Oh, and because there's no evidence of widespread fraud. Maybe I said that before. That's some right wing boogeyman under your bed.
  25. Your anecdotal criminal venture witnessing and not reporting notwithstanding, there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud. None. Zero. Nada.
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