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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Dude, you can't be serious. There's no predictable playbook for this virus. You can't predict mutations. We could not have predicted mRNA vaccines being so effective. We didn't know there'd be nervous system involvement in the virus. We didn't know the age-specific thing. And we certainly could not predict the waves happening like this. In the broadest strokes, we could predict some things but not in a specific way. And thus the changing forecasts. Scientists are doing their best. They may be right. They may be wrong. But until it worked its way through India/UK/Israel, we had no idea. Now we have data, so now we can make some forecasts. (Note that those countries had much less/higher/much higher rates of vaccination than the US respectively. Scientists don't all agree on the policy response. Again, how is this something to be surprised about?
  2. That story is ridiculous. Benjamin has no credibility.
  3. Florida and Texas are now 33% of the daily US death toll. That's a wild number.
  4. SAVED! We talk about things being Billsy but this situation is truly Jetsy.
  5. I'm trying to picture a scenario where it all worked out for Kelvin Benjamin.
  6. The "problem" is that this is a new virus. It is not fully predictable, and thus our scientists are doing what scientists can only do: Their best.
  7. Oh brother. Get vaccinated.
  8. Tell me what he said in that video that was wrong.
  9. You can only look at the same data point, over time. The UK may spike up again but after a sharp rise over 6-8 weeks to 75% of its high in cases, it’s down in the last week almost every day. And though deaths went up, they did not mirror waves one or two in terms of death/case. Lots of reasons possible for that but whatever the reason, that’s great news for us (for the vaccinated and the young…not going to help unvaxxed older and fat people and not going to comfort immune compromised people) as we start our Delta rise.
  10. UK cases coming under control it would seem. Their vaccination campaign is a lot further along than ours but good to see.
  11. Is international travel causing the spike in Arkansas?
  12. The people who don't trust the government are suddenly going to trust the government? Makes sense. You'll see people get vaccinated more then because more businesses will require it with less fear of push back.
  13. Lots now starting to come out on this. This is overall effectiveness. Do you not get the masking thing and how it's one layer in the swiss cheese yet? "So you'd like people to die in a gutter because they've make the personal choice" ... That's helpful. Get vaccinated.
  14. First, thank you for the above. Second, you know the underlined is not true so why say it?
  15. Cancer treatment for one. In a window of down time from chemo, that one was finally was able to get the vaccine. Another has an immune complication and serious reaction to I believe shell fish that doesn't allow for many vaccines. And of course, the U12 contingent in my extended Catholic family. Always a lot of kids that I'd rather not subject to a nervous system virus that the herd could help prevent.
  16. Do you promise that you won't spread it to my family who can't get vaccinated? Do you promise to be sick and/or die at home and not use health care resources? Do you promise not to contribute to mutations? Do you promise not to contribute to it breaking through to older people whose immune systems are not as robust? Do you promise crap politicians won't start shutting crap down? Get vaccinated and this largely ends. Or not.
  17. Berenson, big time wrong again messing with data he doesn't understand or maybe...understands and misrepresents? Say it ain't so. You can't take this guy seriously as a source of anything.
  18. It will be interesting to watch this once Delta has run amok. This particular sort is just the last two months: Source I like Twitter but my god it's stupid sometimes.
  19. Virginia has interesting data on deaths, cases, and hospitalization by vaccine status. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-data-insights/covid-19-cases-by-vaccination-status/ It will be interesting to watch this as cases rise in the next month. It’s currently telling the same story we see everywhere. Unvaccinated people spreading and hospitalizing each other.
  20. I know you post a lot of nonsense from behind the veil of Tweets but this is absurd. The long term trend of viruses is for them to weaken but there absolutely are virus mutations that get more deadly. Ebola, Spanish Flu come quickly to mind. Whether it’s more or less deadly is not yet certain but it is perhaps less, however if it’s more contagious, it could kill more unvaccinated people. See India and more young people in the hospital in general.
  21. Not long term no, but we know the risk profile of Covid more than the vaccine and there's no comparison. Yes. Again, children are not adults. Drugs react differently because kids don't have the same hormonal balance AND they vary greatly in size. You can't be this dense can you? We are not bypassing FDA approval. We have its emergency approval because you know, emergency. When they get full approval in another month or so, are you saying that the millions will line up to take it? Is all that's needed is that last step? I am feeding the troll, I know, but maybe others will benefit.
  22. As a general rule, true. But it's definitely not a given. Ebola and the Spanish Flu were the opposite. And this Delta is much more highly contagious so that may mask any fatality dilution it has, if it indeed has that at all. This seems to be the case, which is good for the vaccinated.
  23. I am against any shutdowns. That doesn't mean that this current run we're going to have with the Delta variant needs to be as bad as it will be. Get vaccinated. Do you understand that children are much different than adults? Getting dosages right for kids is not as simple as halving the amount if they weigh half as much.
  24. Agreed 100%. Agreed 100%. "Did your parents tell you everything that was going on in your house, at their job, etc? I’m guessing not." This is not how I want my government run, and I suspect, neither do you. That's exciting and irrelevant. Get vaccinated and encourage others to do so. It's all of our problem.
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