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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Let's run with your conspiratorial thinking that doctors and hospitals are in on a giant country- and world-wide not-exposed conspiracy for a moment here. If that's true, then overall deaths in the last 18 months should be relatively unchanged from past years, no?
  2. The question was the post you responded to.
  3. You didn’t answer my question.
  4. That's a ridiculous data point. There were a mixture of vaccinated, unvaccinated people over the July 4th holiday with thousands of people coming in from out of town--not all who were residents of that town or even MA. With a large population vaccinated, most of your cases will be vaccinated people. Still need more data because other data points the other way on transmission, still.
  5. Let's test critical thinking. Why do you think the blue line is rising? I know that you don't know but what could be just a few major reasons it's rising but that still fully support the effectiveness of the vaccines?
  6. I've answered your "question" multiple times. Nothing warrants a shutdown in my view until/unless hospitals are crumbling under weight of cases. You don't know if more people died in the last 18 months than normal. Yet you post in this thread under some guise of credibility.
  7. We'll see. They may open them for some L2 charging but it's unlikely anything more than that. And if he means that others can start to use (somehow) the higher output of the chargers, there will be a game of catchup for cars to access that.
  8. Hydrogen ain’t happening. I have the hesitancy re build quality on the Tesla. Mach-e build seems better but the DC fast charging network sucks so far. My wife has a bolt. Great under the radar EV car. Good range at 275. Use it for anything within 2 hours of home, which is 95% of our trips.
  9. 0-4. You admit that you don’t track deaths in this pandemic. Henceforth you’re the guy who doesn’t know if deaths are up in the last 18 months in the US. Noted.
  10. I know you have a certain schtick here but let’s try this a fourth time. No no wait. Do you think a lot more people died in the last 18 months or not? You post a lot here but say you aren’t looking at the data since last year. If a lot more people died in the last 18 months than usual, that’s something to pay attention to, no? If more people are dying, and I’ll wait for you to learn whether that is true or not because it would *seem* a relevant data point, those deaths could be a reason people are concerned. Get back to me on the deaths though. Might be a good thing for you to pay attention to.
  11. I’ve seen what’s out there. It would not justify a policy change. But because of what I’ve seen, I am ready to crap on the CDC if they have nothing new. I worry that this is the basis study. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html Concerns: not yet peer reviewed, under revision, based on models, based on vaccines not available in the US
  12. Truth bomb. But we should expect more from our leaders that Trump and Clinton gave and would have given.
  13. No no wait. Do you think a lot more people died in the last 18 months or not? You post a lot here but say you aren’t looking at the data since last year. If a lot more people died in the last 18 months than usual, that’s something to pay attention to, no? If more people are dying, and I’ll wait for you to learn whether that is true or not because it would *seem* a relevant data point, those deaths could be a reason people are concerned. Get back to me on the deaths though. Might be a good thing for you to pay attention to. No way to judge this fully until we see what the data says but I’m skeptical that whatever this data is supports the mask guideline change. I’m holding final judgment but ready to pounce if it’s not very convincing.
  14. You acknowledge that a lot more people died last year than normal right? Just trying to set a baseline of agreement. I am against any government shutdown, believe private companies encouraging remote work makes sense, relatively Ok with masking as a mitigation measure, and believe we should do a lot including mandatory vaccines for elderly and nursing home workers, patients, and visitors.
  15. Are you a guy who thinks that all the deaths haven’t risen because Covid isn’t killing people, they are just dying with a Covid diagnosis? I remember early Covid debates where people were saying, “Show me where more people are dying than other years.” Were you that guy? Be honest Blitz-y.
  16. You see those lines on the right and how they are bigger. And how the one line on the right is higher than any line since April. That means cases are rising. VA is about 6x its lows of a few weeks ago. PA is 10x. I would hope for no restrictions but at the same time the shitstorm is a’coming in yet again. We hope it is less severe but it ain’t gonna be nothing.
  17. Poyer is going to us Rodgers for QB2 next year.
  18. Its actually a rye. Whistle Pig. one of my go-tos. Not cheap but I don’t hit the brown bottles that often and it seemed like a nice way to wait for a potential storm. That is about as aptly put as you can do it. I’m not sure this guy knows a lot about vaccines, how they work, or why these ones are making such a difference.
  19. I’m drinking bourbon on my deck. Pretty relaxed, although there’s a mighty storm whipping up off the ocean with tornado watch on so things could get fun here shortly.
  20. Florida and Texas account for 1/3 of the US cases right now and 1/4 of the deaths. Super lopsided. Like the beginning of the pandemic with NY and NJ.
  21. The biggest thing that got wrecked was kids and schools at all levels, K-College. But I think the masks and shutdowns and every other shutdown messed up all businesses. I do a job that can be entirely remote and our payables are irretrievably wrecked. I've got a massive write-off coming once I give up on a bunch of unpaid invoices.
  22. By March, we had people dying in unfathomable numbers in New York. Back then, there was no way to Model, even though All_Pro seems to think this was like every other outbreak. Don't get me wrong. I've said it in this thread and elsewhere. The only justifiable shutdown was the initial one. After that, businesses should have followed common sense (work from home if you can, mask when possible) and gotten back to work. This is what Sweden did--trusted its people--and it mostly worked.
  23. When data changes, scientific conclusions change. Welcome to science.
  24. Biden's CDC starting to quote Trump's plans! Good luck with that. I want to see the studies that she mentioned about vaccinated people transmitting. There has been very little evidence of that in credible studies.
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