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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. No disagreement there based on what we now know.
  2. It doesn't matter to our vaccination to "know" this. We have plenty of vaccine (in the US). If someone had immunity unbeknownst to them and gets the shot, big deal. They should not [edit to add "not] have to do this but if it happens, it happens. You said this before. I don't see it. I see lots of studies about effectiveness in preventing Covid, not "no immune response." The study I see on antibodies shows 1 out of 182 developed no antibodies post shot. Do you have others? Your first bold statement is only true if unvaccinated are not engaging in mass events, immediately quarantine on getting covid etc. That's an assumption I'd question. Your second bold statement is something we don't know.
  3. Big Blitz is a pretty dubious source tbh. And don't take my word or his word. Talk to your doctor. We're just internet people. Since late June in VA:
  4. There have already been some studies on this point. Seems reasonable for those who are not at risk. Long term immunity is only 18 months old so clearly we need more data there.
  5. I was asking why you're obsessing about death categorization. Early on it was probably a mess. But clearly we have a lot of extra people dying from something. Safe to say the new virus is causing most of it. So the big "with Covid" vs "of Covid" narrative is misplaced. Covid is here and more people are dying because of it. The guy dies in a car crash and tests positive for Covid ends up as a Covid death doesn't add up. If that was happening en masse, the total deaths in the last 18 months would be relatively unchanged from the previous 18 months. I did answer already and do so again: Beats me. This is the first time you asked me that and though I'm not your organ grinder monkey, I'll answer so you can stop putting words in my mouth and have a dialog. That study is a bull#### sample. 85% male participants on "bear weekend" with people coming from out of town. If you make some assumptions that most of the tons of people who were there were vaccinated, then there's no to little evidence of vaccinated transmission, but just that there were lots of people who were vaccinated in one place mixing with unvaccinated people...so more vaccinated people ended up with Covid. And I don't think any of it justifies any policy changes of any sort. But I'm willing to keep looking at evidence. The nasal cavity viral load studies in vaccinated persons may or may not translate to viral transmission from vaccinated people. Worth looking into. Bully for you. This may well be true. I'm not sure when we would expect to see the snap back in death counts. After a couple years?
  6. I asked this before and will try again. If people were dying who would otherwise be dying (your “with Covid” and not “from Covid” argument), we can expect that overall deaths in the last 18 months should be level, right? Not just early on but also later in the pandemic.
  7. My FIL is an accountant. Says he wants to throw the phone through a wall for people calling about this.
  8. You maybe don’t get what that post was all about. Most of the account repeating the same thing yesterday were right wing accounts. They were intentionally crap posting. It’s a weird move. No idea what game you think I’m playing. I questioned you to think critically about the chart you posted and explain it. You never did though Oldmanfan eventually did it.
  9. It is not psy ops. It’s ***** ops. The similar meme someone shared yesterday was being ***** posted by right wing sites. Why share posts you know are junk?
  10. I wonder if you know what this is. I suspect not. And if you and still go to Twitter as much as you do, yikes.
  11. The viral load in the nasal passages is a data point, not definitive. Look at the Singapore study this weekend for data on viral load over time vax vs unvax. This does not show ANYTHING about transmissibility. So like the viral load stuff, it's just some other data. What we do have data on is that vaccinated people have at least a 50% less chance of transmission. That's nice!
  12. I test drove the Y in May. I took a 20 minute test drive (they told me to drive to a place and back). I used the Autopilot (this had FSD) at every road it would allow. It was awesome. More cautious than I'd have been but to not have to engage that part of the brain really is relaxing. It's not fully autonomous but it's more like cruise control for the steering wheel. You have to be there to make sure if it screws up but really, it doesn't screw up. The ride is rough. If you're looking for a smooth ride, this isn't it. I have had and still have a sportier car so that doesn't bother me but in a car that is not performance, I hoped for a little more cradling. The interior is a matter of taste. I love it. Others want more stuff. I mean, man, the thing is minimal. I like the exterior. I would like the Model 3 more if it had a hatch as I don't need more space but a hatch is really helpful for my life. The only thing holding me back (OK...price is holding me back too) is reliability. They suck donkey ***** on reliability. The Tesla-hypnotized never complain about it but if you go to any forum, or read Consumer Reports, the problems are legion. My wife has the electric Chevy Bolt. It's fantastic. Not as sexy as the Tesla but a really good and affordable under the radar EV car. Biggest downside: No fast charging network so you really can't use it for long trips. When that's fixed, the Mustang Mach-e, VW ID.4, and others become actual Tesla competitors.
  13. One guy doing mass hypnosis on the thousands lying about Covid cases?
  14. That doesn't sound douche-y at all. If hospital administrators at thousands of hospitals (of all parties), data aggregators at state and federal levels (of all parties), and journalists (of all parties) are bound in a data falsifying scheme that both the left and the right have at times accused them of over- and under-counting, it would 100% be a conspiracy of epic proportion. You can choose a different word if you like.
  15. Thank you for not putting words in my mouth. Not necessary. I just don't believe in giant conspiracy where thousands of participants would need to be involved and these thousands have not been exposed. I don't think Florida lied when their cases were low. I don't think they are lying now that they are setting records. Likewise I don't believe NY was lying either, though the one set of numbers that could be all screwed up is in the March-May data for 2020. That was a cluster, I have no doubt, but again I don't see conspiracy there.
  16. The underlined does not make sense. Getting Covid can kill you and has at least 18 month consequences for some people. Both at a MUCH HIGHER rate than vaxxed. Plus getting Covid usually means you're spreading without knowing it. The vaccine is the better way to get immunity, without question. That said, immunity seems to be immunity, no matter how it's acquired.
  17. You never answered but that's all right. I have no idea what that slide means or where the data was coming from. It doesn't at all gibe with all the other data we are seeing.
  18. I don't believe that at large scale. We all can see increasing cases everywhere. In PA they are up 12X from their lows just a few weeks ago. NY up 7x. CA up 9x. Most states may just be behind a curve that Texas and Florida are leading the vanguard on. I hope that I'm wrong (no one but the ghouls who want to be right want more deaths) but I suspect I'm correct.
  19. Here's the thing. Viral load in nasal passages does not necessarily translate to passing on the virus. A lot of investigation into this because we've got a lot of studies that show vaccinated people don't transmit at the same rate as unvaccinated, which is why the CDC reaction to that data may be right, may be not, and they probably reacted on the conservative end. I suspect we will know a lot more about vaccinated viral load vs. transmission possibilities shortly.
  20. Leat my posts about Florida be misconstrued, I suspect it’s just a matter of time before the higher vaccinated states see the same thing. 30-40% unvaccinated is still a lot of vulnerable humans in the more vaccinated states.
  21. Florida has more kids in the hospital right now with Covid than at any point. Young people who are unvaccinated are a vector they haven’t been before.
  22. We just had a president try to stay in office after losing so I agree with that.
  23. So you’re saying Big Blitz and Bills Time are reflective of America?
  24. It is a lie. Those are all anti vax accounts. meanwhile Florida has more people in the hospital for Covid than at any time yet in the pandemic. https://apnews.com/article/business-health-florida-coronavirus-pandemic-7ca97f0d685ab25559cf9b51cfc077eb I really didn’t expect we be back to seeing ***** like this.
  25. At least three of those accounts that I checked were right wing anti vaxxers. Song and Overclock. Another appeared to be but it’s been suspended. So it looks like an intentional crap posting campaign. Why does everyone post Twats so much with all this crap. Can no one think their own thoughts and link deeper sources?
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