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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Study is early but there can be Iittle doubt children suffered more than anyone except the elderly since March 2020.
  2. And an interesting preprint study on vaccines and mutations to watch. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.08.21261768v1 Findings The vaccination coverage rate is inversely correlated to the mutation frequency of the SARS-CoV-2 delta variants in 16 countries of 20 countries studied. We also discovered delta variants evolved differently under the positive selection pressure in the United Kingdom and India. Meaning Full vaccination against COVID-19 is critical to suppress emergent mutations. Tajima’s D test score, with a threshold value as -2.50, can provide a promising tool to forecast new COVID-19 outbreaks.
  3. CC: @leh-nerd skin-erd in other news:
  4. You should start a comedy act. But be sure not to mention that you’re objective in any way again.
  5. Not the topic on the table. And also, not specific. If you don’t think AOC is a dick, you’re not paying attention. Voting for ***** is a solution to nothing. And it was not for one case. But besides that, good source. Big Blitz fail. Again.
  6. Your backbends to defend Trump and his vaccine example and whataboutism are remarkable. You can drop the veneer of objective thought you purport to have. Trump as president and immediate ex president should have been and continue to promote the vaccine. He should have gotten the shot on TV. He should be talking it up. Simple. Bracing for more comments about Obama, Biden, and the media. You’re nuts. But so are little NZ politics.
  7. But still no negative comment on Trump and his example especially on vaccines? Only time to chat about Obama’s vaccine and testing mandatory birthday party? That doesn’t gibe with other studies. I’d wait on more info. It especially makes little sense as between Pfizer and Moderna since their mRNA approach is pretty much identical.
  8. Your coddling of Trump’s modeling is cute. You missed my point on Florida. I assume it’s no different there than it will be everywhere on cases and deaths and agree with DeSantis’s approach completely. Though he could be less a dick and more compassionate. Turns out the situation in Florida is not great Gov.
  9. Shut up you piece of *****. A kid is dead. The kid whose age and death you questioned. Stop being a gleeful ghoul about it. Florida alone had 93 the day before. They didn’t report yesterday.
  10. You have been silent about Trump’s modeling. An observation. I wonder if the situation in Florida will expand northwards as the fall comes. The vax rate in Florida in particular is not that much worse than many states with lower case counts. And all the guests had to tested. I remember the Trump presser with the rapid test done at the podium. I expected those to become ubiquitous at large events until hospitalizations and deaths were way down but they’ve never caught on widely.
  11. You don’t know, but you keep questioning the death of a child publicly. If something comes out, make it a story. Until then, show a little decency and shut the ***** up you piece of *****.
  12. Nice now you’re questioning the death of a child because “politics.” Why would you inject her death even more into a politics board to make some “point.” You a sh-t stain.
  13. You don’t even understand what’s happening. You keep evading what you did but ill keep bringing you back to it. You rushed here without the facts about a child death to make a political point and questioned both when the kid died and whether the child was a child…all to make some political point on a message board. Turns out the kid had died the day before and she was indeed a child. But you gleefully scored your “point” within hours of the child’s death. And double and triple down on it. Piece of filth.
  14. No child death stories you want to doubt happened today sh-t stain? Maybe you’ll get lucky tomorrow.
  15. Oy yi yi. Lamar can singlehandedly you win a game. Taylor could single handedly make an occasional 6 yard pass out of a broken mess on a single play. I would say Allen is much better than Lamar but Lamar is scary. He’s gonna get a nice payday.
  16. Was just coming to say this. Yeah let those franchises bust now for worse players.
  17. Stay classy ***** stain. You’re addicted to shitting here. Enjoy.
  18. Scoring bull#### political points on a football board, as I've said several times, you piece of *****.
  19. Did rush to post moments after the news broke about a kid dying to score a political point on a football board? YES Did you question whether she was a child? YES Did you question when she died? YES You are at home here: You're a dolt. Read his post. He was rushing to push a narrative and questioned whether the deceased was a kid and also questioned when she died. He's trash. Enjoy defending him. Big Blitz: No word when this "child's" death occurred. But I'm betting it was weeks ago. Imagine seeing a story about a child's death and rushing to post about it on a football board, AND question whether it's a child and when they died. That's the guy you're defending. Cheers.
  20. I am calling out the guy I can talk to. You OK with him doing it?
  21. Great news on a Friday! At least 8 more seasons of the Josh Allen show!
  22. She ####### she. And she has a name you piece of *****.
  23. Piece. Of. *****. You rushed here before you had any info to take advantage of a child death story. Questioned when she died. Questioned whether she was a kid. Did you donate? Do anything else remotely good today?
  24. Others being pieces of ***** doesn't excuse you from being one. You are garbage. He's a piece of *****, just like you. Happy?
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