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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. I've made a similar flight to get a kid back for school but to skip the traffic, I always left early and parked far away. This was during the drought so I usually wasn't missing much. These days, I wouldn't do that.
  2. If this story was widespread, total deaths for the last 18 months should be comparable to the previous 10 years or so, right?
  3. Anyone ***** ing around in Singapore knows what's coming.
  4. Not much to disagree with here. The problem is so many people opposed to the mini-Hitlers as you call them mix their opposition to them with bad science. See Big Blitz and Timmy and many others here. Covid is serious. Vaccines make a difference. Widely used good masks make a difference too. We should not allow government to rush to control decisions unless the situation is extremely dire. In this crisis, I'd say March/April 2020 justified extreme measures. And maybe right now in Florida, Texas, Alabama you could justify measures while the hospitals struggle. Maybe.
  5. And more contagious. And new. But besides that...
  6. Moderna reports 93% through 6. Pfizer 84% through 8. I haven't seen J&J that I can recall. So pretty close to 90%. If you adjust for age, it's well over 90 for under 65. They are recommending boosters because Delta is circulating so effectively and winter is coming. Clearly the best use of the vaccine would be to shoot up unvaccinated and older. But if unvaccinated continue to want to get Covid, the vaccinated can use the doses to give themselves that extra 7-8% boost with menial risk of issues. Moderna and Pfizer are testing Delta specific mRNA vaccines now BTW. mRNA technology is incredible. And then there's this today: https://www.ft.com/content/49641651-e10a-45f6-a7cc-8b8c7b7a9710?shareType=nongift
  7. The best use of vaccine is vaccinate at risk people everywhere, then work your way down to the rest. That's a supply chain problem that can't be solved easily. So the next best use is to vaccinate the unvaccinated and perhaps boost the most high risk folk. Boosting non-at risk people gives you a negligible gain compared to vaccinating unvaccinated and at risk folk.
  8. Big Blitz used a story about a specific child's death from Covid to make a political point, and tripled down on it, questioned the child's death on the day the mother was grieving. He's a piece of *****. And yes, also crazy.
  9. Maybe for the most at risk here, yes it is easy to explain. We should be shipping the vaccines all over the globe to get others vaccinated. If we want to save lives and prevent mutations, makes much more sense to give vaccines to places with worse health care and prevention options. Unfortunately, we're in a "me first" mindset and encouraging people with 90% efficacy (some show more, some less) from the vaccine to boost it to 95-98. Massive expense for little gain. Much more gain from shipping it out or shooting people like Chef Jim with blow guns as they go to the store.
  10. Not sure it's massive dancing. It's the data they are reporting on. Tracking breakthrough cases will always under-report because there will be asymptomatic and low symptom cases. (Same as unvax low symptom cases are hard to track.) Vaccines are preventing hospitalizations and deaths on a massive scale. Oh, and cases too, but that data is coming from other studies that have been linked. Some faith-based chicken little types here that vaccines don't work after 6 months but data and science say otherwise. Keep watching the data. It's evolving.
  11. Anti-vaxxers: "I am not putting that experimental vaccine into my body." Also anti-vaxxers, "If I get Covid and have to go to the hospital, you better give me that experimental cocktail Trump got!"
  12. I don't think it's a good idea but it can be implemented easily. Just do it using a secure app. NY has that Excelsior app. Is it foolproof? No. But it's idiotproof. For Bills games, you need your phone to get into Bills games already so everyone will have their phone. I expected mandatory testing before entry this year back when Trump put on the show of rapid testing and said we'd being doing hundreds of millions of those tests in a week. That was last fall, or should I say fail. Of those 8054, 1800 were hospitalizations for other things and those 1800 were asymptomatic. Sorry for the error: You can reduce the breakthroughs even further.
  13. Deplorable. Were you equally appalled when Barrack Hussein Obama said, "Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election...This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”
  14. Israel does. Already posted on this today. I'm sure that a well-informed guy like you read the paper. [gags] The number will of course increase. But from that paper, make sure to give us at least 3 reasons why.
  15. To date, 8,054 serious (hospitalization) breakthrough cases in the US. Good number to watch. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html That's 8,054/168,000,000 = 0.0048 % of breakthrough cases have resulted in serious outcomes, which according to @Buffalo Timmy supports his contention that "the vaccines don't work after 6 months in most cases." If I can think to do it, I'll update this count weekly.
  16. Yeah, help him out B-man. I want to see you two deeply insightful guys do a Bluenose political commentary. Should be as good as B-Man's deep insights on Scottish politics yesterday: "What who me?"
  17. Don't put too much faith in earlier generations: (Yes that's real) Evade and avoid little man. Back this up: "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months"
  18. Another person freaking out about vaccines not working in Israel. Try this article on for size. https://www.covid-datascience.com/post/israeli-data-how-can-efficacy-vs-severe-disease-be-strong-when-60-of-hospitalized-are-vaccinated I'll save you the read. So why is Israel (and the US) going for third shots? It helps the most vulnerable AND there have been few bad outcomes. Why not minimize your risk to get and spread Covid? I'd prefer we spread the vaccine to other countries but whatever. By the way for the 2 people here who are amazed by the actual science, the mRNA technology has already been adapted to work for Delta. Being tested already. And it's also being tested now vs HIV. It's 100% the wave of the future. Someday soon we will look at injecting live/dead virus into people as middle ages technology.
  19. Trump is a ***** leader but I don't think that even his crap leadership could have changed much in deaths and cases during Covid pre-vaccine. He could have been more honest, uniting and a million other things but people would have gotten Covid. Now, post vaccine, he could have done a lot more. Quote me the part of that story where it says, "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months." You're the dumbest poster in this thread and that's saying something.
  20. You cannot read. I said the 18 months was a typo for 8. Of course no one has been vaccinated for 18 months. You said "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" and in support posted a link that shows breakthrough cases to date have been 0.08% in all of those vaccinated. When I asked how many of that stellar high number are hospitalized and died vs. unvaccinated, you ran away, which is the smartest thing you've done here. "Hospital workers" is a big net that is outside Big Blitz's understanding. My wife's medical system has the same issue. They eventually had to lower the boom: Vaccinate or leave. It's not the doctors, nurses, and social workers who are avoiding the vaccine.
  21. Kids don't care about the masks. They just want to be in school. I don't think kids should be masked at all but whatever. If we B word, they get freaked out about it. If we don't, life goes on. Unless this is all about controlling the masses for mass indoctrination! Don't do B-Man's work for him!
  22. Let's start with the hard question for you: How many states are there? When you get that answer, you will start to answer your question if you look really closely at the first two letters of my post that you questioned. Oh and since you're once again chicken little over-reacting with your link to OH MY GAWSH 125,000 CASES SINCE JULY, precisely what percentage breakthrough is 125,000 cases for 168,000,000 vaccinated people? 20% 10% 2%? 1% 0.5% Can't be lower than that can it? You make this too easy, again helping me show how dumb your statement that "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" is perhaps the dumbest thing said in this thread, with a lot of dumb things. But at this point you've sextupled down on stupidity and keep linking stories that undermine your statement. Keep it up: Post another link.
  23. If you don't know what it is, perhaps you shouldn't be posting about it. Or you could just spread it without knowing anything about it, as appears to be your MO.
  24. I thought that thread got transferred to billsfans.com?
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