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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. They are human. Doctors don't often have compassion for patients who abused their bodies and made terrible life decisions. Truth bomb, I know. Did you get the vaccine yet?
  2. What are you panicking about now? Schools are opening almost everywhere. Stadiums at capacity. The 30% unvaccinated are a drag for sure but I haven't been prevented from doing anything for months except traveling to India.
  3. I'm sure docs are all welled up with compassion for people who chose not to get the vaccine. You're helping so much.
  4. The shut down for hospitals had odd times. But you can’t say it was a slow 18 months overall unless you’re in a strange community.
  5. Interestingly, we have a health care system set up to handle all those *****. Covid is new and crushing hospitals. Oh and preventable with a needle in the arm. The diseases we stop with needles in the arm, like polio, smallpox, etc should be. Don’t be an ass: Take 10 minutes and get the shot. If you want to start a thread about fat asses and smokers have at it. This is the Covid thread. Jim can take 10 minutes out of his life and pretty much avoid the hospital. But he’s too selfish to do it.
  6. I’m not a party member. For the time I was, I was a Republican. If they make a heart failure vaccine that works as well as this, take it.
  7. You know. But by all means do the ignorance game.
  8. You're making the choice to burden the hospital system unnecessarily if you get sick from Covid. You want to be self sufficient and strong--die at home.
  9. Maybe yes maybe not. And it’s only possibly yes After his 60-day hospital stay when the hospital could have been caring for other people instead some unvaccinated douche? Thankfully you’re committed to dying of Covid at home right?
  10. 1. And that's my point. I listened to my doctor with the new oral medicine and with the mRNA vaccine. How many of the 35% of Americans who are avoiding the vaccine are following their doctor's advice? Never heard of that.
  11. Had a skin infection a few months ago. Got a cream that didn't work and then some oral meds that did. Oral meds came out 4 years ago, I am sure were not given to billions of people to date. I took them without posting about it on a football board. Until now. Seems like most people listen to their doctors, until recent times when suddenly people believe they know better about vaccines and medications.
  12. Trumpers: Don't put that experimental FDA approved drug in my body. Trumpers in the hospital with Covid: Give me the experimental drug cocktail they gave Trump!
  13. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.23.457229v1 Penn study showing SARS-CoV-2-specific memory B-cell responses are robustly induced following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination AND continue to increase in frequency for 6 months (so far), even as circulating antibody levels wane. Pre-print but not surprising and this is why you can't freak out right away about antibody level studies, as many knowledgeable people have been saying. Maybe you get Covid later and then the B-cells fire up their memory and rock it out. Explains the cases, but less serious cases, in vaccinated. Sorry for the possible good news. Carry on doom and gloomers.
  14. Yes many people alive remember well that more conservative people in America had a lottery to kill young boys. Shove your “And you're welcome, from those of us trying to keep [America free]!!!”
  15. Nah. The “community” of PPP should expect more than laughing at deaths of Americans and rushing out self made conspiracies about children’s deaths.
  16. Shut up c--t. Billstime is a POS and I've told him so. Unlike you, I don't read every post all day long. You must be proud to be in the same sh***y human club as him.
  17. Shut up dirtbag. You’re using children. You’re laughing at Americans dying. You’re a piece of *****.
  18. More people dying. You are laughing. Never wonder why you’re a piece of *****.
  19. Stop your TDS. I’m talking about you you POS. Where it has spiked up, it goes down eventually in every wave. So I assume (yes ass out of me possible) that the states at the top now will wane and those starting the upswing will be on top again soon. I would love to be wrong and see the northern states have an uneventful Covid winter.
  20. They are all rising. Just different points on the curve. Delta has Spiked cases everywhere. Hard to believe any place will be immune to it.
  21. You're a shrew. Those are Americans. And when the stats are flipped, and they will be, be sure to return to show NY, PA, NJ etc. at the top of the list.
  22. So you're saying EVERYONE SHOULD GET VACCINATED. First intelligent post you've ever made. See what happens when you don't question a child's death? If Covid made the flu go away last year, 2011 must have been a banner Covid year.
  23. This has flipped so many times. I don't understand how anyone can dunk on the red/blue states over deaths. It's all us. No one is winning.
  24. I agree with much of that. But then why push the people are being diagnosed with Covid wrongly narrative? I don't want to talk about your friend because that's heartless, but I see social media accounts like this a lot. That cannot be widespread and is not causing the excess deaths. It's some other issue, assuming it's widespread, which I doubt.
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