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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. He was vaccinated and out dining. I go everywhere unmasked. How is this news in your orbit? I watched 0.0 minutes of the Emmys, keeping my current streak on that set to "lifetime." But you all seemed obsessed with it for some reason so I read up on the rules.
  2. If everyone is vaxxed and tested what's the risk?
  3. For everyone from the red carpet on in: Submission of PROOF OF VACCINATION to CTEH Submission of NEGATIVE COVID-19 PCR TEST within 48-hours of individuals first appearance on-site Daily health screening for every individual, every day that they are on-site.
  4. Vaccinated and tested. Not much risk when you do those things. But carry on: you have misinformation to share.
  5. I interrupt your conspiracy chat to share actual data.
  6. I'm trying but I cannot decipher this post.
  7. South Jersey is the part you want.
  8. What does your doctor say?
  9. 50 years ago we held a lottery to kill young boys for no reason. Seems like a bigger deal than mask mandates.
  10. We made a compromise on slavery to form this amazing country but masks will be our undoing. “Proud to be an American…”
  11. Following your doctor’s advice is too complicated. You know better. Got it.
  12. Don’t worry: You will be able to find another Facebook group to support your study. Listen to your doctor. Seems like simple advice. Don’t need Twitter, your vaunted Facebook Groups, or PPP. Don’t need FoxNews or MSNBC. Skip Alex Berenson and Fauci.
  13. Listen to your doctor on vaccines. Seems simple no? You’re over complicating things with your conspiracy mindset.
  14. I never thought I'd see the day when an argument that "But there's a Facebook group that says ____" had multiple supporters. Congratulations, we've plumbed a new bottom! Who else is in this club besides @LeviF and @Bockeye?
  15. You believe people posting in FB groups over scientific studies. How very pre enlightenment of you. Get some eye of newt ready. billion of doses given "But there's a Facebook group!! "
  16. Science: vax side effects minimal. Message board: I have a ____ who is almost dead from the vaccine. Color me skeptical.
  17. You spread more ***** than a farmer. “Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments.”
  18. Please share the whole bill they were voting on if you wouldn't mind.
  19. I am not into the religious mockery thing. I had a brief phase of it and I’m ashamed by it. But I’m also not into conversion talk. Every age believes theirs is the end of time. Western minds are narcissistically obsessed by the notion. There’s an interesting book about this consistent trend. Whether it’s religious end of days, climate end of days, you name it. We are prey animals perhaps deep down always looking for the lion. I don’t know why we do it. But we do.
  20. Shows how the vaccines effectiveness vs symptomatic cases wanes but vs serious Covid more or less does not, especially for mRNA Pfizer. Huge study of 2M people. Click the first link to see entirety of author’s summary and full study. Vaccines work. The founders would be proud of the group of people protesting their freedom to spread a deadly disease to one another. I’m anti govt mandate and pro vaccine. And also pro mandate by private businesses. Makes sense.
  21. Today we'll go to the Netherlands for Why Vaccines Work, because why not? The Dutch are cool. Vaccine effectiveness •Against Hospitalization: 95% •Against ICU Admission: 97% https://www.rivm.nl/sites/default/files/2021-08/Effectiviteit van COVID-19 vaccinatieVV270821.pdf On this we can agree. Trump was a bad president. Joe is an incompetent president. We can do better America.
  22. The Clear app. There's a section for uploading your vaccine card once you install it. Very straightforward.
  23. I have read revelation. I don't remember vaccinations. So you think this time it's really the end of times? Four horsemen and the like? And you also think that despite countries being more at odds than I can recall in recent history, we are headed to a one world government, where the likes of Iran, China, Russia, the US, India, UK, Germany, Israel, Canada all give over their sovereign powers to some single entity? I am trying to understand your position.
  24. Except for travel to certain countries that won't let me in, which is annoying for work purposes, I'm not sure there's currently one thing I can't do because of the pandemic. I know you like the narrative that this is all a government plan to exercise endless control but the MiC is doing a terrible job if that's the goal. All restaurants open. All schools open. All stadiums open at capacity. And that's in the socialist meccas of NY and CA.
  25. The Bible is against vaccines? Things I didn't learn in 13 years of Catholic school. Where is that? And what is the New World Order?
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