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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Covid is easier to wrangle because it’s dependent on the spikes for effectiveness and it does not mutate that quickly compared to others. The smart money is probably on a limited number of boosters before cases are effectively negligible. Delta did us a favor in some ways by driving out a lot of somewhat successful mutations but even delta is only so effective vs the vaccine, and most of its effectiveness is just because it’s so prevelant…and it is so prevelant especially in the US because we have so many people unvaccinated! I think we are in the 50s now for most vaccinated country rankings. What a cluster. Govs like DeSantis are pounding the table about anti mask mandates when he could be dedicating more energy to talking to his base about the importance of vaccination. Trump holds a rally and gets booed for his wink-wink vaccination line but won’t stand up to his base on that. Failures of leadership abound on vaccination messaging. The CDC has been a disaster too. There should be one message from all leaders: Get vaccinated. And they should be messaging that exactly at the people who are resisting it, be they the GOP base or the black communities.
  2. So yes, you were wrong. Link me where I said it's permanent? You can't, so I'll save you the trouble. Wrong again. Literally in the post you quoted, "The vaccines' effectiveness does wane" Dude, you should quit this argument. Well you said over and over again until two days ago that the vaccine doesn't work for most people after 6 months so when you say 4 months, who knows what you now believe?
  3. So this is not a scientific term but just a term you made up. And you said that I used it but refuse to provide the link, so I guess we'll add that to another thing you're wrong about. And another thing you're wrong about: 99% of people who get those vaccines are not immune. About 90% is the actual number. You posited some theory from nowhere that I work for pharma. I went along with that for your benefit. You can't believe what Pfizer pays me to post here. PPP is one of their big influencer campaigns. I'm sorry that when I link to study after study about the effectiveness, long and short term, of the vaccines, it bothers you so much. Nevertheless, let's do a short review of the data thus far since you don't seem to get it (Pfizer sent me these bullet points to share with you): The vaccines' effectiveness does wane to prevent infection a little for younger people and more for old people. The vaccines' ability to prevent severe complications remains high in all people with some more waning in old people. The vaccine remains very effective against Delta though less so than vs other variants. Natural immunity is effective too, and even more so with a vaccine on top of it. The vaccine is extremely safe (something like 3.5 billion doses so far). Everyone should get vaccinated, and if you don't believe me and you shouldn't because I'm just some guy on the Internet, ask your doctor if you should get vaccinated. More of you diminishing the vaccines' effectiveness. This is your schtick, Mr. Science.
  4. WTF is "true immunity?" I've never heard that term. Please define it and then tell me where I used it. Get vaccinated because it works. Not a little. Not just against pre-Delta. It works vs all Covid extremely well both to resist infection and severity. There's one message to spread: The vaccine works. You can try to undermine it all you want but you don't know what you're talking about, as you consistently establish.
  5. It's terrible that we can't convince people to get the vax. So many people spreading bad info.
  6. Showed them the app, walked through. Maybe 4 extra minutes of line compared to normal. Actual entry time was about 20 seconds longer than normal. They check the vaccine stuff, then waive you through to the metal detector and tickets. Stadium seemed full even though it was a garbage opponent. This week is garbage squared.
  7. He announced that he had Covid the day after he was in public. So I guess he could have been out intentionally infecting everyone but I don't see why anyone would think that given that there's no evidence of it. He also may have slipped a rufi into someone's drink and gave the restaurant an upper decker. Who knows, right?
  8. Pfizer pays me handsomely.
  9. I post data point after data point about immunity in people, including the above. You counter with an anecdote about people well over 65 in a nursing home. Timmy this is why I keep reminding you that your earlier scientific analysis led you to conclude that the vaccine doesn’t work for most people after 6 months…and dig in on that when confronted with a pile of data. This is why your thoughts on science are suspect.
  10. Your anecdote is nice but ignores the data on long lasting immunity in under 65 year olds, who by coincidence if vaccinated and don’t catch Covid, won’t spread it to others like your parents’ retirement community. It’s called something like herb shmimmunity. Some term like that. Maybe you’ve heard of it.
  11. Maybe you didn’t see the graph. The vaccine gives immunity AND if there’s a breakthrough, confers the added benefit of less severity. Many previous vaccines had lower effectiveness but we praised them. And of course more people adopted them. I advised this already but look at the graph. Give a teen a vaccine and they break the transmission chain.
  12. Wilson looks way way way overmatched. I do not look at him and see a QB. If he wasn’t a high pick, he might be on his way to bagging groceries before November 1. And they do not have a legit backup. That franchise is a cluster. Josh looked like an amazing athlete with zero weapons and very raw rookie talent in year 1. He was not ready and polished but he gave us reason to hope. Wilson not so much.
  13. For the “vaccinated people transmit just like unvaccinated” posters.
  14. My wife and best friend work in a huge a large medical system respectively. The vax holdouts are not doctors and nurses. Not to diminish the contributions of the people holding out, but they are mostly not medically trained folks. They are more like the PPP epidemiologists.
  15. You didn’t even admit you’re wrong today. My what?
  16. Effects are waning =/= "the vaccine doesn’t work for most people after 6 months" I didn't think you were admitting you were wrong. You are sticking to your misinformation, I guess because you are afraid to admit you're wrong under your anonymous name on a football board. Remember integrity?
  17. Cute. No reputed scientist ever said the vaccine doesn’t work for most people after 6 months. Only Buffalo Timmy stuck to his “guns” on that misinformation.
  18. I’ll echo oldman as well. The people not getting the vaccine in health care are not the workers most people envision. It’s not the doctors and nurses refusing the vaccine. I am not diminishing their contribution to effective health care but my point is this: More informed health care workers are getting vaccinated.
  19. One size fits all doesn’t fit everyone. Are you the guy who said vaccines don’t work for most people after 6 months? Or is that one of the other bad info posters?
  20. You can’t even read. He was out dining the day BEFORE he tested positive. Get vaccinated. Why? Because it works. Any other messaging around the vaccine is stupid.
  21. Ideological puritanism is a scourge.
  22. You could not explain why.
  23. No. They are making I am sure the very true assumption that vaxxed people rarely die or use up hospital beds, transmit less virus over less time, resist the virus better, oh and everyone was getting tested within 2 days of the event, so pretty minimal risk. But by all means let it get to you.
  24. So you’re just angry but agree the exemption makes sense. Cool.
  25. Seems like many places can get exemptions by requiring proof of vax. See for example Erie County and Highmark Stadium. Makes sense that people who are not at risk can get exemptions.
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