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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. I didn't say whether you were vaccinated. I said you're an anti vaccine apologist, which you are. I don't know anything about your politics. I am only here in this thread seeing your science ignorance.
  2. He's not getting less snaps because of his social media. He's getting less snaps mostly because of Knox. They Bills can now play more TE sets. With Knox out there, the Bills have an extra blocker and (now) an extra pass catcher. Beasley is not blocking anyone. Bills still need him and he will have his day but this team's makeup may not be as wide open as last year. BTW, don't see Diggs turning on the fans about getting less action because of Knox and Sanders. He's all for the team success.
  3. Best Chiefs fan response on Twitter. “We are all Tyrann.” Been there!
  4. I wonder if you're smart enough to understand the differences between what is happening now and polio/measles/smallpox. My guess is no, but no worries, there were anti-vaccine folks for those vaccines as well. They look as dumb in retrospect as the covid antivax apologists will look. If this disease were killing kids at the same rate it was killing old people, the drive to get everyone vaccinated would be in feverish gear. We'd be praising science and trying to create herd immunity to protect kids. But we don't care about old and at risk folks.
  5. What's your doctor (and pretty much every doctor) recommend? It's exciting to feel more informed than the people whose job it is to care for your health. But also dumb. If I decided to take up smoking, I harm no one (for the most part) but me, ignore my doctor, and am being idiotic about my health. Pandemics are different of course than smoking and overeating because you're not just harming yourself, you're part of a chain of spread--with the inconvenience of two trips to a doctor's office to break that chain and ensure you're not burdening the medical system. The safest and most effective way to break that chain and keep the hospitals free of this added burden at the moment is vaccines.
  6. Since you frame this so childishly, here’s what I can say with 100% certainty and without a shadow of a doubt: Anyone who gets the vaccine will dramatically lower their own chance of dying and going to the hospital, and significantly lower their ability to transmit and kill other people, including those at risk and other unvaccinated folk. Can you make the same statement 100% without a shadow of a doubt about unvaccinated people? No, you cannot. Stop thinking with your Twitter MD and listen to the scientists. This antivax anti science movement is strongest here in the USA. Being anti progress is nothing to be proud of.
  7. Early in the vaccine cycle, a *survey* of HCWs had 50% of them vaccinated. You are really showing me.
  8. No answer to my specific question? Just an amorphous conspiracy group in charge? When are they coming? When will they be revealed? Article from March 2021 on vaccine rate of HCWs. You sure schooled me.
  9. Yeah hard to talk to the brainwashed.
  10. Where are they holding the meetings on this grand conspiracy and who are the "people in charge" at the moment? The rebel B-Man was celebrating works as an anesthesiologist for Pete's sake. "Not vaccinated, good bye" makes sense to me if I run a health system. Imagine you get covid from one of your treating doctors when you're an at-risk person. Hospital workers should be getting triple boosted!
  11. I didn't say you're antivax. I added a word. You're an antivax defender. OR I could say antivax apologist. CDC messanging has been awful. I've said it a bunch of times. Trump's messaging (or lack thereof) is and was atrocious too. At best we get a "I think you should get vaccinated" wink-wink that got booed and that came very late. But here's the only message. Get vaccinated. If you don't like that message, don't go to Twitter or PPP to refute it, ask your doctor.
  12. I only argue with #######s here.
  13. This has already been addressed. Let me know when you read what Sweden is doing and how that relates to the vaccines, their effectiveness, the new recommendation in Sweden, and the actual risk of myocarditis and how myocarditis affects those under 30 folks. The myocarditis risks have been talked about for a long time. None of that data is new. The anti-vax defenders are exhausting. "I got the vaccine but let's attack the science of vaccines that we don't understand. BUT I HAVE A DATA POINT ON THIS!!!! A LINK!!!! A COUPLE STUDIES!!!!"
  14. You can *choose* to ignore your doctor, and when you do so, you are making a bad health decision. I of course make those decisions and when I do, I make decisions that are BAD FOR MY HEALTH. Which is why I keep asking the vaccine defenders: "What does your doctor recommend?" If they are honest and say, "they recommend that everyone get the vaccine," that's good but they should also admit part 2 of this "logic," which they don't like to admit: "and not getting the vaccine is a bad health decision and bad for my community because it will help spread the disease to vulnerable people who might die." I am against government mandates. Anti-vax defenders like Plenz and Timmy put words in my mouth that I've not said. But people should follow the science, not the Twitter-science that Plenz, TMD (Twitter MD) promotes, and admit: Getting the vaccine is what actual scientists and doctors recommend. Only here in America is the anti-vax defense so vocal and not laughed out of existence. There's the Plenz TMD types and his ilk who get excited about any link that makes them feel counter-culture above the scientiests, "See I knew I was smart all along." It's an odd way to self-validate. Be proud fellas and enjoy the next remedy that comes from Twitter. Here, I am going to make something up out of my ass for how to treat Covid and if it gets enough follows, I bet people start believing it. It can be as crazy as anything but if Berenson or Tucker start talking about it, it will take off! You know what works well to treat Covid: Horse-dewormer dog flea and tick medicine taken orally.
  15. They probably created the pandemic and are holding back the real cure.
  16. Hmm so a new virus that has mutated may require another shot. No way. Instead of being grateful for mRNA technology that allows quick adaptation to a deadly and incredibly contagious virus, let’s keep up with anti vax defending and messaging. “It’s a conspiracy of something. I am smarter than doctors and scientists! Here’s a Twitter link. Science shmience.”
  17. What does your doctor and every doctor besides Beach’s doctor, who gives shadow recommendations, recommend? Your Twitter research is cute and a uniquely American response to the pandemic.
  18. Cool cool. Lots of doctors recommending patients skip the vaccine? And yours? Ignoring doctors sounds like the perfect path to healthy living.
  19. I’ve seen people say that on PPP and Twitter. Not seen definitive studies on that. Thanks for responding to the antivax defenders. A movement rooted in America. Be loud and proud PPP.
  20. I pooped this morning. Fact.
  21. What does your doctor recommend? Or do you to Beach’s doctor who recommends his friends not get the vaccine and hides his vaccine status? Beach also has a girlfriend but she lives in Canada and he sees her when he’s on summer break.
  22. What’s not right is that you don’t understand exponential growth. Or the delta variant.
  23. Antibody testing is not that accurate in mass settings unfortunately. But that would be great if it was possible.
  24. Rebelling against science. Americans leading the March back to the Middle Ages. Bravo.
  25. Like I said, not controversial except in US social media and Venezuelan politics. No controversy in medical circles. Getting vaccinated is a sign you will be a good custodian of the limited organ supply. That's a medical, not social media driven, observation.
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