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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Oh good so vaccine administration is up in Florida under Ron's leadership? Erm...... I like DeSantis's policies. His leadership on vaccines, not so much.
  2. Gov. Ron is bringing back rubella and polio!
  3. Tell me you didn’t read the study without telling me you didn’t read the study. Does vaccination stop all transmission? Nein. Does vaccination reduce transmission? Shocker, yes. The highest risk of spread is unvaccinated to unvaccinated. The lowest risk of spread is drumroll…. vaccinated to vaccinated. The lowest risk of serious outcomes is super long drumroll………. among those who are vaccinated. But by all means run with the sky is falling headline.
  4. Sundancer


    I love Dune and have never watched the entire original. It was terrible. One of the widest gaps of good book to bad movie ever. I have read the books and saw the movie. Not much deviation on anything that matters. The biggest deviations, if you want to call them that, are sidelining some of the background and certain characters.
  5. This was my question: I've not seen that study (if it exists). Joe Rogan was talking about this exact issue with Sanjay Gupta last week. So you're saying that CA schools will all be like Mississippi and Alabama now? An interesting hypothesis. What we did and are still doing to kids in Covid is an epic disaster.
  6. Thank you—not minimizing a swelling in the heart for sure. Myocarditis is a symptom of Covid in kids at a high rate. I’m not sure if I’ve seen a comparison of vaccine myocarditis incidence vs Covid. Either way, something about reacting to both the disease and vax causes it. The risk of myocarditis for children under 16 years is 37 times higher for those infected with COVID-19 than those who haven’t been infected with the virus, according to a new study. Authors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the study provides more evidence that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh a small risk of myocarditis after vaccination. https://www.aappublications.org/news/2021/08/31/covid-myocarditis-risk-children-083121
  7. I'll take getting us below pandemic level deaths for a starter. Then I'll take hospitalizations back to something like normal. At taht point, I'd say it's negligible. They've managed to do this in several countries with very high vax rates. No one knows if it's endemic. Way too early for that call but it might be. Given the virus's seeming dependence on its spikes, I would not put it past a future vax/treatment to wipe it out from humans.
  8. Looks like PPP to me. This conversation is moderated according to The Post's community rules. Please read the rules before joining the discussion. If you’re experiencing any technical problems, please contact our customer care team. Tab: All Comments ( 1.1k ) Sort byNewestOldestMost repliesMost likedexpand_more remove kms1925 12 minutes ago (Edited) If we look at history, all the great empires of the past have had their rise and then a fall. Nothing is permanent in this world. It appears that we have reached the peak of our greatness and it is now time for that inevitable fall. Trump and his party are making that fall happen faster - at breakneck speed. thumb_up3replyReply share flag remove Publius38 21 minutes ago (Edited) It will be quite cathartic when great numbers of people start putting these Trumpists down, as must occur in the next few years. The next civil war will be much messier than the last. thumb_up2replyReply share flag remove csangos 21 minutes ago Big talk. No action. thumb_upreplyReply share flagremove GatorMD 9 minutes ago The January 6 action was quite significant. thumb_up1replyReply share flag remove Progressive in Ohio 23 minutes ago I used to wonder exactly how a sophisticated society as Germany’s was in the 1930’s could follow the siren call of an insane, cartoonish fool down a rabbit hole of fascism and conspiracy theories. I no longer wonder how. thumb_up10replyReply share flag remove Mollace 24 minutes ago How is it possible for MTG to hold office? She is a deliberate, pathological liar. Like the Liar himself. Why can’t she be removed from office? These are seditious lies and real threats of more violence. Incitement. I am so exhausted from these awful people and their destruction. thumb_up4replyReply share flagremove GatorMD 7 minutes ago Unfortunately, there are lots of folks in her Georgia district who think and lie just like MTG - hence, they elected someone to represent their views. Sad, but true. thumb_up1replyReply share flag remove paulie on a dying planet 33 minutes ago Don’t these idiots realize many of us on the left are armed? I for one, hate guns but I recently purchased a 12 gauge pump action shotgun because I’m truly afraid of my insane neighbor. thumb_up8replyReply share flag remove irunrva 35 minutes ago Is Charlie Kirk the pinhead? thumb_upreplyReply share flagremove Jones of Texas 3 minutes ago One of many. thumb_upreplyReply share flag remove RIMark 37 minutes ago Trump should be tied to a pole and shot for treason...along with anyone who aided and abetted his treachery. thumb_up4replyReply share flag remove jenjenocon 45 minutes ago If the election was rigged, why did McConnell, Graham, and Collins all get reelected? thumb_up10replyReply share flagremove JKGlobal 34 minutes ago Exactly. Let those liars all resign, then we'll consider the Big Lie.
  9. I focused of federal because, as I literally quoted you 6 posts above, you asked “With virtually total control over Washington for the better part of a year now, why hasn’t Biden [mandated vaccines]?” Then started whining that no one was answering you. Read your own posts! I haven’t masked except at the doctor since the spring. You sure seem wound. Are you living in New Zealand?
  10. I don’t know if we can eradicate this. Certainly not for a long time. But we can 100% reign it in until it’s negligible with vaccines. I don’t support any mitigation measures besides masks around at risk people (hospitals and nursing homes). You created a false choice. If you’re a healthcare worker, go spread your COVID somewhere else. You’re fired if you don’t get the vaccine. Businesses should require what they see fit to keep their employees safe. It’s a pandemic, and currently mostly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Stop spreading it if you’re unvaccinated. That’s how this ends.
  11. Maybe because your question is so stupid. “With virtually total control over Washington for the better part of a year now, why hasn’t Biden [mandated vaccines]?” Biden is trying to mandate as much as he believes he can. Why he’s doing it? To stop Americans from dying. Why is he struggling to enact? Because he’s getting lots of pushback. Not that hard to comprehend, liar.
  12. Thankfully we have a long track record of this NOVEL coronavirus that is driving a global pandemic and your kids can be part of the transmission chain.
  13. In a thread full of bad info, your post adds more. Plenty of hospitals have been severely stressed. Lots of people could not get treatment because Covid cases dominated the workers. Even Fox covered this. Maybe not OAN though.
  14. And myocarditis, while not something anyone wants, is easily treatable. Covid, which has widespread impact in the human body, is not. The FDA concluded that benefits outweigh risks for kids in most scenarios when Covid widespread. Only when Covid cases were very low in the community, and it looked to last summer for a benchmark, did it not appear beneficial to vaccinate children. CA would be a good example of a place where mandating vaccines, even according to the CDC, would not make sense. Good luck getting CA to follow that subtlety.
  15. No. SoCal is a liar. I proved it. He refuses to apologize or admit it because he has no honor. Shots for U18 who are not in risky environs should be up to the parents/private school rules. I would argue the evidence weighs heavily in favor of kids getting the vaccine though, for both themselves and more so to cut avenues of transmission.
  16. You're an idiot. You're a liar. That's the truth. You have no sense of honor. That's also the truth. Government mandates for vaccinating kids, in this case and at the moment, I'm against. But I'm more against the stupidity of people defending those who refuse the vaccines. Only it doesn't fit here because you are, in fact, a liar. Where it does fit is you thinking I'm for mandates because I am pro vaccine.
  17. Sundancer


    I read the 6 he wrote, not the many that followed and yes, goes off a cliff after about the first two books.
  18. I believe there’s 1-2 people here advocating government mandates. Otherwise you’re talking to strawmen. And still a liar.
  19. I am no insurance expert and I think someone here works for an insurance company because he mentioned it before. My Google PhD says that insurers cannot charge unvaccinated people more (but they can charge smokers more?). But maybe employers can charge more for the policies—perhaps that’s the wrinkle? I dunno. I would have thought employers would do it as an incentive: Get vaxxed, lower premium. A million years ago I used to get a premiums discount from a company for going to the gym.
  20. Cool but not what I asked. “How have you felt about other vaccine mandates for kids? ”
  21. You already know your a liar from your lies a few days ago that you can’t own because you have no honor. And to imply that I support a federal mandate is further evidence of what you are, a liar. This has become the thread to talk about vaccines. I don’t think you support govt mandates because you’re posting in it. Not legal to do that. They could pay higher life insurance premiums though. How have you felt about other vaccine mandates for kids? BTW, people resisted the smallpox vaccine too. People can be dumb.
  22. Sundancer


    250 million opening weekend tracking to 500. They will make a sequel with that. It doesn’t have campy robots or jokey dialog. Not that kind of story. I loved it. Totally get that its appeal is going to be more limited without Ewoks, gore, or superheroes but it is by far the best adaptation yet. 5 stars for me. Hope they can get through a couple books but if they just do this and give it legs for HBO series, it’s a win. The story centers on a hallucinogen so it’s not exactly easy.
  23. Back with more lies? I guess that’s what liars do. The story to end the pandemic is simple: Get vaccinated. Don’t defend the people not getting vaccinated because they are wrong. Get vaccinated. End the pandemic. What lies tomorrow liar?
  24. How many PPP people are arguing for a federal mandate?
  25. Wilson jumps up and the only thing he could grasp was his calf. If Wilson stayed on the ground, he gets tackled at his stomach. Do you know how low you have to go to tackle Wilson's knee? He's like 4 feet tall.
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