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Everything posted by LynchMob23

  1. I'd also add in, doing these with Rob as a guy that loves Rex's defense but also thinks he didn't do as much as he could with the talent he had - the checks are hard. I mention that towards the end of the video - the amount of late shifts and adjusting the defense has to do means the MLB/S and the line have to make calls. Too often those calls were late because the call in was late, which led to the scheme itself becoming moot.
  2. My one question for the Mario thing has been this - he wasn't all in, etc etc - played in meaningless games, etc etc. But he went 2% and Jerry went 150%...and they both got 5 sacks, leading the team. So were there other players not "all in" or am I missing something?
  3. "Bills 2016: We're Ready If You Are"
  4. I get that the feelings toward Mario are of the "what did he contribute variety", but for a guy who did nothing, tying the team lead for sacks (5) with Hughes, who can do no wrong (outside of personal fouls, offsides, etc) now is an interesting turn. Getting a rookie at 5T/4i and/or MLB is asking that person to learn the "whole defense" instead of just their positions as Whaley mentioned in one of those blog articles yesterday is a big ask. And then adding in say a Pace, who had 3 sacks last year at age 35? Seems like a lot of bandaids that are expected to cover over Rex not being as flexible as I thought he'd be with his system.
  5. Glad to see some enjoyed. I made edits to reflect the first one by JR - but if you have more here's what I used! Link
  6. I will politely disagree, citing a former mobile quarterback and how he developed. - http://blog.sfgate.com/49ers/2014/11/21/steve-young-and-the-art-of-molding-a-mobile-quarterback/ A few excerpts: Thoughts?
  7. https://vine.co/v/OiH06vArWL5 Here's a link of the Endzone shot of the flinch. As you'll see, it was quite easy for defender to jump / ref to call it false start.
  8. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Watkins not blocking the corner led to said fumble being a thing...
  9. OC, Your link worked and I believe both are right. See that yellow line between the green and the white of the sideline? The players are supposed to be behind that, and the coaches are supposed to be the only ones in front of the yellow line. So, technically while the ref running into the green was horrible coordination, Smith shouldn't have been over that line. Typically it's the get back coach's job to keep that area clear: http://cowboysblog.dallasnews.com/2010/12/cowboys-get-back-coach-will-be.html/
  10. Found it for ya~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NFL_franchise_post-season_droughts#Longest_post-season_droughts_in_team_history Longest is 25 years, followed by the Steelers with 24.
  11. Why is he being called Kujo? Kouandjio (Kwan-Joe) isn't that hard to phonetically say...
  12. It's guaranteed for injury only until something like the 1st - 3rd day of the league year next year. So, it costs literally nothing to exercise it now, negotiate toward a deal, and if he turns out to continue to be late/not "all in" whatever that means, you can cut him after SuperBowl. I don't see where the issue is in executing it.
  13. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24506182/lapd-desean-jackson-not-involved-in-gang-related-killings
  14. Evans seems to be exactly what they need, and on top of that would be able to be fit into very important down and distances (red zone) where Bills struggled with a 6'7" TE. Adding a 6'5 WR to that can only help, especially a jump ball specialist. For round 2, Crichton, ASJ or Tiny Richardson would fit the Bill(s)
  15. Seems like one of the first things they mentioned when signing Williams for guard was that he can help with the screen game, one of Spiller's strengths. With the addition of the Sr. Off Asst, I would doubt they'd move away from making one of their best weapons more effective.
  16. They served together in Dallas, where they ran 3-4 and 4-3 (Zimmer as DB coach then DC, Edwards as LB coach). So I think it's a little more of a philosophical agreement with a colleague of 10+ years than a teaching of a system to a "younger/less established" coach. Remember, in addition to the Bills making this "mistake" of hiring Edwards as a DC, the University of Florida and now Zimmer have. Given that this would be tilting at windmills I'll leave this be, but given the roster the Bills had at the time and the edict from on high to get to a 3-4, I can't fault the guy and haven't.
  17. If you look at the interviews post hire with Buddy and Chan, they both claimed they wanted him to. Edwards had experience with both 4-3 and 3-4, but if your boss(es) want a 3-4....
  18. On the all-22 Graham is getting open deep. So how is it his fault he's not getting the ball and 'not cutting it'?
  19. So Graham has been established (behind Mario, then Stevie) as the next player to run out of town? Got it.
  20. If they play to the level that their predecessors (Bears, Ravens, Jets) have/did under the Ryans, they won't need one.
  21. They apparently amended it to you can't do any of the celebrations listed a week ago at an opponent. You can still salute, spin, point, etc as long as ref doesn't interpret you're doing it at a player.
  22. Good chatting with you today Astro! Keep up the great work!
  23. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/26/sports/la-sp-sn-nfl-draft-jerseys-20130426
  24. I always look at this fandom as anything in life - On any trip (season) the pessimist may be right, but the optimist will enjoy the ride regardless.
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