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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Let us know if he's interested.
  2. Have to hope there was an injury hampering his play, but regardless, it's time to seriously upgrade the wr room.
  3. Prayers offered.
  4. The book I am currently reading with great interest, The Matter with Things, is very long and erudite, but written in a manner that is engaging. It is a sequel of sorts to an earlier work, The Master and His Emissary, but vaster in scope. The main idea is that the left and right hemispheres of the brain process data and interpret reality very differently. The author, Iain McGilchrist, suggests many of our problems derive from the reductionist tendencies of the left-brain. The work of fiction I am reading just now is The Strudlhof Steps by Heimito von Doderer. It is a brilliant work filled with humor and wry observations. He's a genius for discovering unusual metaphors. For Muppy, you might find Christian Wiman's My Bright Abyss of interest. I dunno, but that's the theological work I dip into when I am not reading one of the above.
  5. I don't think that is an unpopular opinion. It's common sense.
  6. Passing on WR in both rounds 1 and 2 would absolutely be blameworthy. Fella like Adonai Mitchell could be there at 28. If they wait till late 2nd, I like Ladd McConkey. Folks probably see him as a slot, but I live near Athens, and believe he can run outside routes better than many suppose.
  7. DIdn't realize Dorsey was a Mrs.
  8. Werewolf memories are notoriously unreliable.
  9. Good grief, they are certainly beatable. That's utterly ridiculous.
  10. Don't encourage him.
  11. Right after McDermott calls a time out.
  12. When mid-season it looked like a Josh Allen led team was in serious danger of not making the playoffs, and after a number of losses to poor teams, just skating by the Giants, etc., it was perfectly understandable that folks were questioning McD's tenure. He has yet to have sustained success in the playoffs. I like him. Going forward, he needs to have a solid OC, hopefully Brady is that fella, and Beane needs to add a top end WR early in the draft. No doubt, McDermott is staying. They are in a position to win it all. Those of us who have been waiting fifty years and more for a SB will not be going after McD if he gets us to the promised land. He's free beer for life with me if he makes that happen.
  13. Don't know if it qualifies as B movie, but it was low budget.
  14. At the very least, he's been through the process, so I don't think Taron's opinion should be written off as irrational player optimism.
  15. Well, if we're going after the Chiefs who make a difference in the game, I vote for knocking Hochuli out.
  16. It's like he's waving an enormous "Put Me on Ignore" sign.
  17. Not that kind of clear picture.
  18. I don't think you fellas are doing this right. Phins should definitely invest in Tua. Pay him Burrow type money, because he's much better than he has appeared recently in crucial games. It would be a shame for Miami to miss an opportunity to lock in a qb so suited to their advanced, offensive system. They are always dangerous with Tua at qb. Signing him is an absolute priority.
  19. Not my favorite poster, but he's an aficionado of WW2 history and has posted on the topic before.
  20. Rather unnerving, to be honest.
  21. Hmm, two posts above, fella is saying the weather folks got it wrong. Of course, he lives in Florida and admits to now tolerating the Fish.
  22. It says a lot about the NFL that gave us a nominal home game where the London Jags were waiting a week for us to show up, and then wanted to take away our home playoff game and play it on a neutral site.
  23. Some folks are very devious about these things, have whine bottles hidden all over the house. They are creatures of opportunity, and indulge when they see an opening.
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