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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Wow, an attempt at a positive EJ comment engenders nothing but negative comments. How rare for a Bills' message board. EJ will get another shot next year and I predict he will do much better.
  2. Not telling you what to like or not. The books may be quite good. I guess I'm an elitist snob. Most popular work of this kind irritates me.
  3. I'm under the impression that Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir. Novels are a particularly wide genre, but they don't include such. Seems a lot of kids are now referring to any published book as a novel. I wrote a dissertation partly dealing with the novel. If everything is a novel, what are we going to call what used to be understood as a novel? Also, Albom appeals to a popular audience. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, so did Dickens, but I doubt he is actually a great novelist or an interesting prose stylist. Great novelists are people like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Jane Austen or Evelyn Waugh. Proust is a master stylist. Albom markets ordinary sentimentality in a way that people like. In addition, he was wrong about the dome and went out of his way to be snippy at a time when people have died and families are scrambling to protect themselves and their homes. Maybe he should reread his own books.
  4. The BBMB is rife with threads wanting Orton, a quality backup who doesn't know the playbook, to start week one. I am not certain what can fully explain it, but there is an irrational and ugly factor regarding EJ Manuel. He was drafted as a project. I believe he is progressing. Some people are so invested in being right about EJ being a failure (after what, ten games?) that I honestly think it's pretty clear they are rooting for him to fail. They don't want to be pleasantly surprised. They want some trivial vanity associated with pronouncements on an internet messageboard to be vindicated over stellar play from a young man of outstanding character who happens to be qb for the team they claim to care about.
  5. Sorry, I'm breaking into this conversation without reading all the prior posts. Can groups of people combine funds to purchase a PSL? I live in Georgia. I'm not rich by any means, but I would kick in some money towards a PSL to keep the team in Buffalo. I wouldn't expect to go to a game or anything. I just want the team in Buffalo.
  6. I think you need to change your user name. I grew up in Buffalo, but I haven't lived there in decades. I have family and friends who still live in and around the city. My sense was that Buffalo was finally starting to come back. Nothing as bleak and despairing as some of the negative posters here assert. What I do know is that the Buffalo Bills play an almost unique part in the civic identity of the community. The Bills mean more to Buffalo than almost any other sports team does to a city. I really cannot imagine that there aren't plenty of folks willing to pay to keep the team in Western New York.
  7. Thank you for your kind words, but I prefer Pats fans that are jerks. That way I can hate them with a good conscience
  8. No. Though technically, the way you phrased the question, yes. There are sure to be alarmists who think it is.
  9. Watkins is Julio Jones good. He does not duplicate Mike Williams' skill set.
  10. Such a long ghostly rant -- and then there was another one! Short version of above: Wilson is incompetent and indifferent. The Polian hire was close to an accident. There's no rational evidence the team will not be very bad so long as Wilson is the owner. The only tangible thing fans could do to change the situation is not buy tickets and refuse to support the team.
  11. I think the Christian existentialist-personalist thinkers have more insight than Sartre and Camus. The French existentialists are still worth reading, though. Kierkegaard is insightful, but difficult and one has to work through what he is doing with assumed characters as authors, indirect communication, etc. I recommend the following: Nicholai Berdyaev, The Meaning of the Creative Act, The Destiny of Man Gabriel Marcel, Being and Having, Man Against Mass Society Christos Yannaras, Post-Modern Metaphysics, Relational Ontology The Greek fellow at the end is more a fellow traveler than a straight existentialist, but he's interesting and is working through a similar metaphysical stance.
  12. So long as there is a south, there will be football.
  13. That would be an excellent draft, but I was under the impression Ijalana would be drafted before the third round.
  14. This makes much more sense than drafting Poz at twelve, which is certainly a ridiculous reach. It is hardly likely anyone would choose Poz before the twenties at the earliest. I would take Okoye at twelve, btw, though the rb pick is reasonable.
  15. He's thinking of Thurman and he was a Cowboy. Oklahoma St. wouldn't like being confused with the Sooners.
  16. Any thoughts on Ken Darby, rb, Alabama? He might be a round 3 possibility.
  17. Absolutely right. Those who think we are paying Ferrari prices for Cadillac players are only guessing, like everyone else.
  18. Do you mean appearance or playing ability and heart, because on the latter there is no comparison? Croyle would be a great second round pick, but only if we find a trade down situation that gives us an extra second.
  19. Wilson generally ponies up for players. It's coaching staff that he's on the tight side with. The Bash Ralph crowd is frankly ungrateful and stupid. A trade down may make sense, but as one poster shrewdly noted, you wait and see who is available at #8 before you make that decision. If the double trade down scenario were to happen, I would look at Eric Winston.
  20. Amen, brother! The reason you root for the Bills is their association with BUFFALO. Do you root for the Leafs because Toronto is close to Western New York? This kind of talk is for cowardly losers. No compromise here. You don't share your girl with your buddies, do you? Do you have a girl? If the NFL leaves Buffalo, screw the NFL.
  21. The TV movie Who was embarrassing. The revived series was authentic Dr. Who. Why a one-year wonder? Did BBC only commit to one year or is the actor not interested?
  22. I live in Atlanta. I heard on some sports show, I cannot recollect which, that the Falcons are rumored to be interested in drafting this guy in the first round.
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