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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I like our chances if that scenario plays out.
  2. As of this moment, I am hoping we find a way to get Mayfield.
  3. I am not sure about how the cap works with regards to MD's contract. My sense is that after 2018, we could get out from under with relative lack of pain. If so, all the savings calculating in 2019 - 2021 money is largely illusory. There must be some real savings that opens up flexibility going forward. My question is whether a deal could have been swung after the season, because the timing certainly does not help this season.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Haven't paid attention at all.
  5. Really lazy not to see they are genuinely vulnerable this year.
  6. Yes, I agree. And so many terrible teams looking for qbs along with legacy teams with aging qbs. 49ers, Giants, Browns, Steelers, Cards, Jets should be qb buyers. Probably more, that's just off the top of my head. Colts are terrible, but unless they question Luck's long-term viability, they should be the trade target if you want to get ahead of the crowd.
  7. I find Brian Kelly immensely annoying, but they do look like a compelling team right now. I am an UGA fan, so I like that this makes the win at South Bend look more impressive.
  8. Everyone was telling me how great the 2018 qb class was going to be when I was repeatedly promoting Mahomes and Watson. Now, the 2018 class looks far less imposing and that is before the post-season scrutiny begins. Mayfield and Jackson both intrigue me, but neither is without question marks. I like them though. Darnold appears in a bit of a freefall. Still like Rosen. Rudolph benefits from a great wr corps. He had a bad game yesterday as far as I can tell (I don't claim to be an expert.)
  9. Don't listen to those fellas. I'll buy you an umbrella
  10. Really thought this team would be better. They are a major disappointment and one has to say, the TM critics appear to be proven right.
  11. Keep on preaching, John C. Hope Beane is listening, because if you don't fix the qb issue, you don't fix the team, no matter how much you hit on other positions.
  12. Well stated. That's what a true franchise qb does and if you want long-term success and a real chance to win super bowls, you need one.
  13. Really well stated. Now get off my lawn.
  14. I recognize a fair number of these names, but you fellas are really informed and I am not. I don't see the nuances of the game as I am mainly a casual viewer. My sense, from some of the posts above, is that we need to play more of a ball possession, defensive, tactically sophisticated game and so far, we've just tried to get by on aggression. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts. Hope we get it right . . . relatively soon.
  15. Who is coaching the U17 and U20 teams? Any candidates for the national team?
  16. I'm rather surprised you didn't blame Tim Murray . . . and don't call me Shirley.
  17. I'm a very casual soccer fan. I generally only pay attention to the World Cup, which I enjoy, US team present or not -- though I'd like to be able to root for American success. Your view is the most encouraging I have heard. The talking heads on ESPN do not give one a sense that a positive sea change is coming. Now I am sorry Klinsman is gone.
  18. Autocorrect, ESPN, everybody disrespects hockey . . .
  19. They're pretty bad in the NHL as well
  20. You might be sleeping longer than Rip Van Winkle Nah, never let the facts get in the way of a good joke. He needs to do better, still, imo. It would help, of course, if his wide receiver corps wasn't so wretched.
  21. It will be more of the buy high, sell low variety which will be justified as making the best out of Doug Whaley's bad decisions.
  22. The pacing makes me somewhat nauseous. Not quite sure what it is. Every episode, I'd say, well, enough of that, but always watched the next one anyway. Characters are quirky and one does end up caring about them.
  23. Smart observation. We have a lot of needs, but let's hope that among their skills, qb evaluation is near the top.
  24. Well, I really like Blade Runner. I like noir if one means Out of the Past, The Third Man, The Big Sleep, etc., but not a fan of the B-movie genre as a whole. As sci-fi noir, I thought Harrison Ford played Decker just right. It's not a glamorous lead role. Rutger Hauer steals the show in that degree, but that is fitting, as the redemptive thematic moment belongs to Roy Batty. I agree the director's cut is far preferable, though I have some nostalgia for the voice over version and don't absolutely hate it. I rarely go see movies at the theater. The Artist was the last one, so you see how infrequent. I think I'd like to see the new Blade Runner on Imax, though. The whole question of identity and the mix of interesting philosophical/theological questions with a rich, dystopic mythos makes the original and sequel worth contemplating. Blade Runner is based on Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep, so the speculation regarding the future was further out than the film date might lead one to surmise. Anyway, I know quite a few folks who think it dull and I can understand how they find it so (I find David Lean films dull, though they are cinematic masterpieces I suppose.)
  25. Thanks for the take. You and Shrader are two fellas who I listen to for informed opinions. Any chance Lehner gets better at shootouts? It's depressing, but the minute we go to SO, I just assume it is a loss. I'd almost like to put Ocho CInco in for the SO, regardless.
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