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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I'm not an expert on that sort of thing. What I've read is if they wait for a June 1st designation, it's around 8.25 million for next year and around 2.5 million the year after. They could choose to take the full hit this year which would be around eleven million.
  2. If he's healthy, I don't see why you wouldn't keep him. Glenn and Dawkins would give you two above average tackles. If he can pass a physical and we don't think he can stay healthy, I can see using him as leverage to move up and get a franchise qb, though I don't know how much trade value he would have if teams are not convinced he can avoid nagging injury. Maybe I'm out of the loop on Zo. I haven't heard anything about him being likely gone, but the unexpected cap hit from Wood being forced to retire may require cutting a few folks loose that otherwise might have stayed.
  3. I rather think that the internet has simply made glaringly evident the deeply flawed nature of human beings. I agree, of course, with the umbrage taken at a superficial selfishness that is unable to acknowledge with gratitude both the achievement of Eric Wood and his safely walking away from the sport.
  4. It's a plausible scenario. I am not sold on Zay. Hopefully he gets a lot better. I don't know how much playing with injury contributed to stone hands. Some fella was recommending giving Groy a shot at RG. If we go this route, I hope we spend a second rounder to get Sony Michel. I also like Mark Andrews at TE.
  5. So nice to have something encouraging to latch onto. How great would it be to be able to add Dahlin, Mittelstadt, Guhle and Ullmark to the mix next year?
  6. I don't think Cousins' play will equal the salary he will command. I prefer moving up for a cost-controlled rookie with franchise qb potential. If you hit, you are set for fifteen years. Of course, you may miss and Cousins' established floor is pretty good qb. I can certainly see the logic of going that route.
  7. National reports: aren't they the same bunch that were telling us TT is an above average qb?
  8. I live in Atlanta. Distance from Western NY doesn't have to make you stupid.
  9. If thinking TT is an inadequate qb makes one a troll, most posters on this board are trolls. Such an overly broad definition begs the question and presumptively claims the opposite view is the only rational perspective that can be decently argued.
  10. Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe Culley will go back to coaching wrs.
  11. UGA has so many good rbs, they played a rotation where Chubb and Michel both got a lot of snaps. Swift got the third most, but quite a lot of playing time. Michel is the more explosive runner and a better receiver than Chubb.
  12. Doesn't your analogy depend on Cousins being the equivalent of Brees? I don't think he's all that.
  13. I loathe both of them. For personal reasons, I also hate Philly. Vikings were the only team I liked, so naturally they got slaughtered. Only good thing about Pats* winning yesterday was Marrone losing. Schadenfreude is an ugly emotion, but that fella deserves it.
  14. The number is whatever is necessary to make Mr. Kraft happy.
  15. I've missed plenty of super bowls in the past. If I don't like the teams, I don't watch. Last year, I made an exception of not watching Pats/refs vs. NFC team because I live in Atlanta. I learned my lesson. No interest in sitting through endless commercials (though often better than the game) and some pop-star strutting for forty-five minutes in order to watch two teams I dislike. Too bad they can't both lose.
  16. Starting Peterman and post-season talk from Beane indicates to me a qb change will be a priority. I'll be surprised if Taylor isn't cut or traded.
  17. If you have a very good defense or a defense on a hot streak with lots of opportune turnovers, you can win games with a mediocre qb who avoids turnovers. I think most will grant that TT can win those kind of games. His limitations are obvious to anyone not blinded by irrational bias (and/or a member of the national media.) We'll be getting a new qb in 2018 and thankfully this prolonged, pointless discussion will go the way of EJ and Orton and a dozen other failed qbs.
  18. I would rather spend FA money bolstering OL and DL and try and get a young, cost controlled qb with franchise qb potential who can play for fifteen years. But see, I like Mayfield and I think you can get him without sacrificing all your draft capital to move up and get him; but you will have to move up, imo.
  19. I'm sure there are folks who go by quantifiable metrics. That can be helpful; I'm not dismissing analytics. But I don't spend time on that, so I can't offer that kind of criteria. Nor am I an expert, just a fan on a message board. I'll leave off fellas like Brady, Brees, Rodgers who are elite and future HOF guys. To me, a guy like Romo was borderline top ten. He was top ten if you discount playoff failures. Current crop, I think a guy like Carr is top ten, though this year he was not. I don't know if that was injury or not. Cousins has decent numbers. He might fall in top ten by criteria that just looks at completion percentage and yardage. OTOH, he doesn't seem clutch. I don't think he elevates the play of those around him. I think he's a pretty good qb, but not worth the price tag he will likely garner. Seems to me I recollect his coach making rather snide comments about him recently. I don't think Gruden would have done that if Washington planned on trying to keep him. And I guess that this implies Cousins probably is not keen to stay there either.
  20. He's not top ten, imo, Shaw. He's definitely not a 30 million dollar a year qb, which is what he might end up getting. Seems to me that would completely subvert the attempt to get the cap to a nice, friendly place for us. Don't know much about the oline draft, but guys on offense this team could use: Baker Mayfield, Sony Michel, Christian Kirk.
  21. Peterman's first game historically bad. Zay's first season, historically bad. Better hope the braintrust figures out offense.
  22. Picking Rudolph over Mayfield would indeed anger me. He's not nearly as good.
  23. You're right. I googled franchise qb tree and there's no such thing.
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