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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Yes, that's possible. Given the fair possibility the Bills regress record-wise next year and also given the quality, especially DL, available at the top of the draft 2019, I'd be reticent to make that deal. My #1 qb would have to be sitting there at 4.
  2. Every fan base has its share of folks with unreasonable expectations. The above isn't happening, but neither is the #4 pick garnering a 2019 1st.
  3. I think you only trade up high for Darnold or Allen, imo. I prefer Darnold, to be clear. I would much more readily pay the price there. I have a feeling Rosen may fall a bit. One of the top four should be available in the 6 - 10 range. A small trade up for Rosen or Mayfield is more likely and probably more prudent.
  4. Giants want Peterman when they used a third on Webb last year? Has to be a joke, no?
  5. I understand your point. You judge the risk too great when there are good qbs with fewer questions. I don't disagree with your logic. The counter is that Bills' evaluators would have to believe Allen's likelihood of reaching his potential strong for their action to be rationally warranted. If that is the case, they would accept greater risk (because less than you imagine) for higher payoff.
  6. I don't think there's any question Rosen is the safer pick. He is also arguably the most ready to play. My main emphasis in my rejoinder was that if Beane selects Allen, it will not be (as in 2013) because there really weren't any alternative choices worthy of consideration. I infer from this that OBD will have determined Allen's potential fairly likely to be reached and worth waiting on. They could be wrong, naturally.
  7. I don't really see it. Say they trade up to 2 and take Allen with Rosen and Mayfield available. They would have to have evaluated all three and still concluded that Allen would eventually be the better pro. EJ was in a bad year for qb; this isn't.
  8. For some folks, if he can't start year one, he isn't worthy of a top five pick. I disagree with that criteria and hope we would follow a similar trajectory as that of Mahomes.
  9. I'd rather get Darnold, but I like Allen and would not be angry or sick to my stomach like many of you.
  10. If Browns take a non-qb at one and the Giants don't jump on Darnold and actually trade the pick to the Bills for a king's ransom, I would be very surprised if we don't take Darnold. I would. I suppose your scenario is possible, but I don't think it's probable. If it happens, however, I will not be devestated, though most of this board will be livid.
  11. What benefit would Cleveland get from that? I really doubt we would trade up to 1 for Allen, though I like him considerably more than you do.
  12. Not in the mood to have my dreams of somehow landing Darnold crushed, so shush with that . . .
  13. He's a good one. Hopefully we have some decent picks for o-line, lb, and wr after we get our qb. Hopefully, we get our qb
  14. The cost to trade up for Barkley is the same as the cost to trade up for one of the top 4 qb (Darnold would cost more, of course.) This is a deep draft for rb. If you somehow can grab a qb and keep 22, Sony Michel and Darius Guise might be there for the taking. Rashaad Penny might be available late second/early third. So, it's a dim idea.
  15. I think folks roundly criticized Washington for paying that price. Dan Snyder is not the model to follow. If that is what Cleveland is expecting, they will likely end up taking Allen at 1. If he doesn't care, no deal gets done. Simple as that.
  16. I love it when the expert comes in and says the item is worth X and the seller then asks for twice X.
  17. Again, it's a negotiation. You can ask whatever you want. The other fella doesn't have to pay it. If you ask for 175% premium, perhaps everyone tells you to go fish. Then he misses out on a smaller premium that might have been achievable.
  18. No doubt. Darnold is the apple of their eye, apparently, and I don't blame them. But I think there are four solid qbs at the top of the draft. Everyone has a price point. Bills will offer what is feasible to them and Browns will accept or reject. I don't think the 2019 1st is self-evidently necessary to get to 1. If it is, I have no idea if Bills are willing to pay the price. I would be reticent, but I'm not the GM.
  19. They won't get shut out, they just won't get Darnold. Unlikely Giants take a qb. If Browns, Jets, and Broncos (unlikely, but possible) go for qb, one of the top four is available 6 - 10. Bills will invest less and get a qb.
  20. I hope Dorsey is more reasonable than Cle23 who is not stupid, but overplaying his hand, imo.
  21. Yes, that makes sense. I think this most likely implies that we want Darnold and are hoping Cleveland takes Allen.
  22. If this trade is legit, any speculation as to when is it most likely to happen?
  23. This is my concern with Rosen and why he is actually fourth among the top four for me. Darnold is the fella I like the best, but I have presumed he was out of reach. Regardless, I would still be happy to get Rosen or any of the potential franchise qbs. I just don't want to get frozen out and settling for Rudolph, White, or Lauletta.
  24. Accentuates the importance of trying to get the qb with a small trade up into the 7 to 10 range. Qb has to be the priority, but o-line is next. I think there are decent lbs to be found on day 3.
  25. Maybe that Thurm fella is Beane. Maybe the negative crusade on these boards is an attempt to get Rosen to fall to us
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