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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. Only hope on Darnold is Browns pass on him and that Beane has worked out a deal with Giants if they do so. If G-men want Darnold, we will be trying for whoever is left after the Jets' pick.
  2. What do you think the Broncos do if both are available? If they don't want qb, they could trade back and get a nice payout.
  3. Not everyone here hates Allen. He's my second choice after Darnold.
  4. I like the top four. I would be surprised if Allen drops to 12. I think there's a better chance Rosen falls a bit.
  5. But the draft is literally all about projection. Will Rosen stay healthy or not? Will Allen reach his potential? How would Mayfield react to the bright lights of NYC?
  6. One of my favorite novelists, Georges Bernanos, said that it would require God at the final judgement to clarify "why so many imbeciles." Unfortunately, the wise are always few. Can't let the irrationality of the mass of men deter one from pursuing excellence -- in this case, drafting a potential franchise qb.
  7. Hypotheticals mean nothing, though. Darnold didn't, as it happens, sit on the bench waiting his turn. Teams evaluate the players, take into account performance, character, injury concerns, team fit, ceiling, floor, etc. Darnold is more creative and durable. Rosen has a perfect throwing motion and intelligence. They're both fine choices.
  8. If given a choice, I'd pick Darnold. I think his ceiling is higher and I don't question his durability. Rosen is a solid choice as well, however.
  9. Qb is disproportionately important and also much harder to find. There simply are few athletes on earth that can play qb at a high level in the NFL. Injuries and health concerns are a general issue in football, but longevity is more frequent with qb and special teams players like k. Part of evaluation of a potential franchise qb is character and fit with your organization. It's simply defeatist to presume that a qb won't want to stay in Buffalo, especially if you are winning.
  10. Yes, that is evident. If you surmise that is the primary motivation and that qb is incidental, we disagree.
  11. I'll rephrase. They gathered assets so they would have a lot of chips. I strongly suspect they did that in order to secure a qb.
  12. You are expressing belief, not knowledge. Terminal pessimism is irrational despair. Different coaches, different regime.
  13. Why is that? Qb bust rates at the top are 50%, but closer to 90% later on.
  14. Peyton Manning was 3 - 13 his first season with the Colts, btw.
  15. That would be ideal. Only happens if Browns take Allen, Jets take Rosen/Mayfield, Broncos pass on qb and Giants/Browns/Broncos take positional players w/out trading out. Possible, I suppose.
  16. If Bills have several qbs ranked closely, your prudential analysis is faultless. If they are absolutely in love with one guy (Darnold in this scenario,) prudential calculation goes out the window.
  17. I seem to be one of the few here who like all the top four, so I won't be disappointed if we end up with any one of them. I will be irritated if we pass on Darnold should he be available. I worry about Rosen's durability. I prize Darnold's creativity under pressure, but one can certainly argue plausibly that Rosen has potential to be the best.
  18. I agree, but I think Darnold more probable to be the best so he's the one I want most.
  19. So happy if it works out that way. I didn't think there was any chance for this. Now I've got my hopes up so as a Bills' fan, I have premonitions of disappointment
  20. Interesting, thanks. Darnold, Allen, Mayfield, Rosen -- how they should be ranked, imo. I'd have to imagine the Jets would strongly consider Darnold if Browns take Allen.
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