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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. This may be answered upthread. How long does a grade 2 generally take to heal? Thanks.
  2. It would be shocking if they didn't devote considerable draft and FA resources to trying to upgrade offensive personnel. Evaluation and development capacity is the issue and so far, there isn't much reason to be hopeful.
  3. Well, that's a relief. I thought you were implying that Allen had no chance of turning into an orangutan.
  4. I was one of the few who liked him before the draft. I factored in the probable need for a redshirt year. If OBD had a decent veteran, he wouldn't have been thrown to the wolves with a porous oline, not very good wr corps, etc. I'm not shocked he's struggling early. I stand by my initial view that he has the talent, intelligence, and character to eventually grow into a solid qb. Fine if you don't agree.
  5. 3rd round pick for Benjamin. Pro personnel evaluation is an issue. Offensive player and coach evaluation in general, though I like Allen in spite of the growing pains.
  6. I think it's okay to question particular moves of this regime. It won't help having all that cap space for free agents and draft picks if they don't use them well. Some posters suggest there isn't likely to be a lot of quality free agents in our positions of need. Idk, but so far I don't see much reason to think McD and Beane can evaluate the offensive side of the ball properly. I'm not sold on any of the offensive coaches, though they may turn out well. I liked Josh Allen before the draft and I still think he can be good but besides reps he also needs good coaches and players around him. Patience is going to be hard to come by when they are this level of awful on offense.
  7. Well, I didn't really care who won this series, so I guess I'll root for the Brewers.
  8. Kavanaugh is a Bush Republican with an excellent judicial record. He is a mainstream conservative. The only thing controversial about him was what arose as a result of an initially anonymous and perduring unsubstantiated claim of sexual misconduct that was on noone's radar screen as the fella had already passed six FBI background checks. If you mean to imply that Kavanaugh should have been withdrawn once the allegations and Democratic smear tactics ramped up, such a move would only embolden those engaged in such intemperate and scurrilous political tactics to continue doing so to any GOP nominee.
  9. (5) The premise is likely wrong. Kavanaugh has made it crystal clear to traditionalists just how cruel and devious the Left is. If anything, there is greater incentive and passion to keep the Senate GOP.
  10. And if he was actually in the Senate, he'd likely vote no. That's how that crowd rolls.
  11. As to the OP, the main thing is the Supreme Court will no longer be used to circumvent the legislature and impose progressive agendas that can't get through Congress. What the fascist Left counts on is imposing unpopular social engineering by fiat in the courts, raising up young folks in the ideological training centers known as schools, then waiting on traditionalists to die off. That way, they expect a rising generation that will presume the imposed norms are just and acceptable.
  12. I heard Murkowski was likely a no yesterday, so there must have been whispers in that direction. I just rather doubt GOP would have called for a cloture vote without reasonable confidence they had the minimum.
  13. I'm not counting on Manchin. I think he only votes yes if it isn't really needed. If Collins is a no, it's trouble.
  14. Do you think Flake or Collins is a no? If not, I don't see how he isn't confirmed.
  15. So you think the vile, power-hungry fascists should be rewarded for acting with malice and deceit, while the exceptionally qualified judge with decades of professional excellence and demonstrated decency and character attested to by literally hundreds of witnesses spanning all of his adult life, along with his innocent family, should be left a life in shambles? Not really sure you've got a good grasp of the concept of justice.
  16. Yes, I hear you. I remember reading a Raymond Chandler novel many moons ago. There was a character who was a taxi driver and he tells Philip Marlowe he is Spanish American. The difference is he was trying to emphasize the American part so he would not be confused with Mexicans. In any event, I dislike the nomenclature as well. I sometimes use it to avoid the hassle that ensues if you ignore it, but in this case I was simply invoking the POV of the moron class and using the rhetoric as they understand it. So corrupt they are nearly beyond satire . . . also, George Soros would like to send you a check for this imporant information.
  17. I like her and was hoping Barrett would be selected, but she hasn't been a judge all that long. Progressive fascists would attack her lack of experience for starters. I'm not sure how the Left would try to skewer her and impugn her reputation, but I do know they wouldn't treat her with kid gloves. Only liberal women are women, just as only liberal African Americans are true African Americans who can't be disagreed with without incurring the charge of bigotry. Barrett would probably also have induced even more hysteria from the pro-abortion crowd as it is the crypto sacred rite of their political religion.
  18. I think officially this is supposed to be impossible. I may get grief for saying this, but I don't hate the Leafs. When I was a kid, there were a lot of bandwagon Montreal Canadiens fans (this was the seventies). I rather despised them. I remember watching Leafs' games on the telly. I liked Doug Favell and had a mild affection for the team.
  19. Daboll may turn out to have learned from previous stints and become an excellent OC. At this point, however, he doesn't have even a mediocre NFL track record. If Andy Reid is the coach, the "one driver plan" is justified. In our case, we don't seem to have the ingredients for either approach. Our qb coach mainly coached wr, our o-line coach seems a significant step down from Kromer, our OC is a question mark. Excellent point about McCarron's thin qualifications as a veteran presence. I'd love to have Fitz as the backup/mentor, but surely Moore or Anderson is preferable to Nate Peterman.
  20. Kid has a poor o-line and terrible wr corps, but somehow he should play like a seasoned vet already? Daboll's playcalling was pretty suspect as well. I think he has the talent to be very good, but development is on both Allen, coaches, and FO. I'm more concerned with the latter at this point.
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