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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I liked EJ. I hoped he would develop into an NFL qb when most gave up on him. Already, despite the naysayers, Allen is a better qb than EJ ever was. EJ was a blue chip prospect who signed with FSU. He had top coaches and NFL caliber players at skill positions around him. As an NFL player, he never seemed to have confidence and melted under pressure. Josh Allen has a long way to go, but he's already shown more courage under duress and the ability to make plays. Go look at how Wyoming is faring without him. He evidently raised a very poor team to fairly good in his conference, despite those who fixate on completion percentage. Allen is only now receiving the coaching other first round rookies had for years. Too bad his coaches and surrounding cast are for the most part below average.
  2. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. I was willing to give McDermott the benefit of the doubt as this is a depleted roster talent-wise (albeit largely self-inflicted.) I do think if the blowouts keep coming, there's a chance McDermott is gone.
  3. None of them have Andy Reid as a head coach and a superlative surrounding cast on offense.
  4. The only way the analogy works at all is if you include NCAA players that haven't been drafted yet. Who knows who they are at this point? I rather doubt we will find enough help through free agency to effectively improve the dreadful offense.
  5. When he says qb comp. next year, I take that to imply Allen as part of the competition. I still believe he will be a very good pro if given time to develop and an adequate surrounding cast. Still not sold on any of our offensive coaches, either, for that matter.
  6. Sigh. Folks make fun of the get off my lawn crowd and how everything was better in the old days. In this case, it was.
  7. Some folks seem to think Carr's contract is too high, but from what I have heard, it is pretty manageable after this year. Then the problem becomes fitting in a 16M cap hit for this year. I don't know how you figure that one out. I think Carr has definitely regressed significantly. If he can return to form, that would be a good deal.
  8. Judgment on the offensive side has not been encouraging. If they got Allen right, that is the most important factor, but I don't see how he develops well if they don't surround him with good players. They need massive upgrades just about everywhere from oline, to wr, to a young rb. I don't know if there was another way, but I would have strongly preferred another way.
  9. The obvious rejoinder is Glenn was necessary to move up in the draft and give one a better chance at a premium qb. I would have liked to find a price that did not include sacrificing a proven OT, though folks also point out injury issues. When Glenn is healthy, he's very good.
  10. Okay. I am taking the second opinion (by Dr. Andrews, the usual expert they go to?) as ruling out what may have been considered borderline prior to the exam. You are taking the initial questionable nature of the injury to be a perduring issue. I hope your more negative assessment is incorrect. I think Josh Allen's current mood and body language from what I have seen indicates a more optimistic prognosis.
  11. On what basis are you making this projection regarding the probability of Allen needing to surgically repair his injury? Seems you are suspicious of the reports that indicate exactly the opposite.
  12. You are more convinced than I am. Frankly, I don't care too much because he isn't playing for my team. The only reason this is an issue here is that those like yourself who are strongly convinced Rosen has a high probability of success are equally convinced Allen has a low probability of success. I see equivocity in both cases and I think Allen has the higher ceiling and much more appealing leadership qualities.
  13. Folks routinely make projections that turn out wrong. So what, really? You do seem pretty certain Rosen is destined to be a superior qb. I don't see how you know that either.
  14. Guess you're too young to remember Johnny U or Joe Montana. I don't think you have to be a jerk to be a good qb. Drew Brees seems like a very nice fella, doesn't he?
  15. LOL. Rosen isn't Brady. No one knows at this point who if any of the rookie qbs will end up as a top qb. I prefer Allen. It's alright if you like Rosen better, but if you are going to make a bad joke at Allen's expense, it ought to be okay to make a bad joke at Rosens'.
  16. Yeah, I would do that. Gruden would insist on Peterman being included and McD would block the trade?
  17. I like Allen considerably more than you. I would not be averse to picking up Carr, but I'm not trading next year's first which is likely to be top five.
  18. Just because your boy Rosen played badly last night doesn't mean the Bills should overpay for Carr.
  19. Fairly certain he'd rather Josh Allen fail than be wrong. I am hopeful, but I don't have a lot of confidence McD has a clue about offense. Next offseason is critical in terms of putting folks around Josh to give him a chance to succeed.
  20. I'm pretty sure there are certain folks tied to analytics that based on said criteria massively preferred Rosen to Allen. Last night's game is not dispositive, but it surely shows that nearly all rookie qbs struggle, especially when they start under less than optimum conditions. The moral ought to be, have more patience and give a fella time to develop before making definitive pronouncements on how someone will turn out. Let's see if anyone takes that to heart. Sitting and learning for a year with Alex Smith for a mentor, Andy Reid for a head coach, and a talented offensive corps. You are joking or out to lunch.
  21. I think a lot of folks didn't like Marrone's personality. I didn't. He appears to be a pretty good coach. I think Opie is somewhat more likeable, but I don't have much confidence he has a clue how to develop a young qb or improve the offense. Next offseason will be crucial in terms of personnel adds.
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