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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I am and have been since before the draft someone who thought highly of Allen's potential. I think he is showing enough to vindicate optimism. BB@Shooter's consistent defense of Allen is alright so far as I'm concerned, but if he's pegged you as a fella with an agenda, he's not reading well enough.
  2. Matt Ryan signed a huge contract to stay with the Falcons at the beginning of the year. Imagine, Google stated a falsehood ?
  3. Predictable, yet dismaying that political passions cannot be put aside to simply acknowledge the life of a decent, dignified human being. Plenty of other venues to voice dissent from contemporary leaders. As a conservative, I found plenty to disagree with Ted Kennedy. His character could certainly be put in question. When he died, I was sorry for his family and prayed God would care for his soul. There's a time and a place for polemic and political argument. This ain't one of them.
  4. Ross Perot is what cost him the election. His family are classy people. He was a fine man. Your response is the opposite of class, but that kind of rancor is typical of many nowadays. Cheers.
  5. Same for me. Not sure I could make it, but put me down as possible.
  6. One hopes Teller works out, because C, RG, and RT all need upgrades.
  7. I am a Georgia fan. The defense is not as good as last year. I think the offense is better, despite the loss of Chubb and Michel. I will be surprised if Georgia wins, but I don't think it will be a blowout.
  8. Or possibly in troll, though at least he's not as bad as the dude who decided Josh Allen was just as terrible as Nate Peterman and then went into another thread to bash the Sabres and call hockey bush league.
  9. I believe it stands for a "Look at me post." The sort of thing Just Jack adverts to a few posts above.
  10. I think you might need a pound or so to see any effect.
  11. I think one can make a rational case why Allen might be an exception. I am aware you are not keen on those arguments which would allude to his unusual path and general lack of good coaching prior to entering the pros. While I am considerably more hopeful than you, I do agree with your initial assertion.
  12. I think Mayfield was expected to be one of the few qbs in the draft who could plausibly contribute right away. Rosen was also considered more advanced, but so far his play does not strongly advance that argument. The coaching change in Cleveland seems to have opened up the offense and Mayfield has more talent to work with. One can't really compare Mayfield's progress with Allen who is recovering from an injury. A fair grader would give an incomplete there, not an implied pejorative. Everyone knew going in Allen needed a lot more development. Most likely scenario (and it's not ridiculous) is that Allen gets through next year to show if he is a future franchise qb or not.
  13. The fella you responded to was terse because he treated playoff team as a univocal term that can be reduced to a tautology. The sarcasm was implicit in the pithy expression. Your point understands playoff team to be an equivocal term. One can have a strong roster that can reliably expect to participate in the playoffs or one can be one of those teams that is marginal and lucks into a spot. A team that has a lot of talent isn't thinking about rebuilding. A team that lucks into a spot and really isn't very good should. The logic is not difficult to figure out, but some folks have an agenda and prefer snark to decency.
  14. I agree. People in pain often act badly. It doesn't make bad behavior right, but understanding the complexity of human nature ought to engender a nuanced compassion that can censure what is objectionable without dismissing the person as merely contemptible.
  15. At the beginning of the year, folks were lamenting that Star was a bad signing. He's clearly not that, though I think one can plausibly argue he is overpaid for what he offers. When you say look at the records, I believe that is missing the larger point, though it has some obvious initial power. Everyone knows the team is 3 - 7. Yet the past week suggests (albeit against a weak and demoralized opponent) that a merely competent offense combined with a superior defense is a likely playoff team. Star is contributing to a superior defense. The narrative that Beane is terrible at free agency is mitigated when a player turns out to be useful.
  16. I think most feel confidence that McDermott knows how to build a defense. I like that the team doesn't quit. Early in the season, they seemed to sleepwalk through the first half, so you wondered if he could get them motivated for a whole game. The ineptitude on offense has been the main concern. The qb situation was mismanaged and the deficiencies on oline and at wr seemingly ignored. Granted, one cannot fix an entire roster in one offseason and Wood and Ritchie were partly unexpected (the contract offered to Incognito, however, indicates they were prepared to go without him.) Regardless, a game like yesterday gives one hope that Daboll can design an effective offense given sufficient talent. I am encouraged by Teller. If at least one side of the oline is solid, you can concentrate on upgrading 60% of the line. I think a superior center and RT should be a priority. 4-2 down the stretch with Allen flashing enough progression to solidify hopes he will eventually be a franchise qb, that's what one hopes for. Given the relatively weak competition (outside of the Patriots, who are not quite themselves this year,) I think it's possible.
  17. It is a very schizophrenic season. Hard to feel secure in one's judgments. I do think some of the progression noted by oldmanfan is legitimate.
  18. If he's a legit backup, that's still a nice addition. We need one.
  19. Highly speculative surmise. Not good if true, though it doesn't square with the general assessment of his teammates that he is in fact a good guy. In any event, the fella has to be gonzo in the near future, so it wouldn't appear to matter much.
  20. When you make billions of dollars and buy a sports team, presumably you can use whatever criteria you want to hire the coach of your team.
  21. They are easy whipping boys, but much of it is deserved.
  22. Individual aesthetics differ. I can't dispute what a particular look conotates for you. Hasek would have won a Cup here had we been wearing the royal (j/k). The navy often looks black to my old eyes on the telly.
  23. Time for the Sabres to bring back the royal blue. We're about to be really good and I need a new hockey sweater.
  24. French culture is truly magnificent. The contribution of France to western art and thought is undeniable. I particularly appreciate poets and novelists like Peguy and Bernanos. The scene in Casablanca at Rick's where the patrons shout down the Nazis with a rousing rendition of La Marseillaise is a perfect example of national feeling trumping fascist intentions (yes, pun intended). Unfortunately, for modern France, ingratitude and arrogance is also a French tradition.
  25. Guess you're too young to recall Jack Kemp.
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