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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I think you are referencing 716. He's an insightful fella and defends Culley. For whatever reason, Josh has played better after the injury and the arrival of Anderson. Culley may be golden, for all I know, though I sure hope they are considering a new coach for the o-line.
  2. DK Metcalf is a fella I think could fit the Bills.
  3. Ahh, I'm not sold on you as a future poster on these boards, though you'll probably reincarnate at a karmic level above your just due.
  4. Not sure how effective Culley has been as qb coach. We should just designate Anderson as qb mentor. Allen seems to benefit from his presence. Hell, let him wear a uniform if he wants to; start a new trend for coaching staff.
  5. I would like to get DK Metcalf in the draft. I hope we concentrate on getting o-linemen in free agency. We'll have to overpay, because they are a hot commodity and teams like Jets and Jags have lots of cap space and need as well. I think a fella like Tate would be available at a reasonable price and be the right kind of reliable veteran to add to the mix.
  6. As you suggest, 3.3 seconds due to scrambling ability is different from 3 seconds due to a superior line. Qb standing relatively comfortable behind a superior line presumably in a better position to scan the field and make better decisions. Folks who continue to lament Allen's throw to Clay in the endzone seem to forget the Houdini act to even be in a position to make that throw.
  7. Be careful now, some clever fella is going to deconstruct your whole argument by calling you a fanboy. I think Elway is Allen's comparable if he hits his ceiling.
  8. Your posts are generally cogent, but I think you are the one who is being unduly reactive here. I didn't actually make any claim about Allen. I think Barnwell's judgment, especially in the context of his overall evaluation of the rookie qbs, demonstrates an agenda. He's simply not just and balanced in his interpretation. I don't believe he's applying the same criteria to all the qbs. I do think Allen has a good chance to be very good. He needs to develop and correct numerous mistakes. One can disagree with Barnwell, be optimistic about Josh Allen, and also see he is a raw rookie whose potential is yet to be realized. If the offensive personnel is upgraded, I believe he likely succeeds. Belief, of course, is not certitude.
  9. I'm fine with dialectic and rational opposition to my views. Biased opinion with bad arguments and special pleading is going to be deservedly repudiated. Since you are inclined to the negative assessment of Allen, you're apparently not bothered by it.
  10. Ah, I see; inside joke. Back when I was young, ROR would have been classified as emo or Goth or something . . . then again, I've been called an Eyore so maybe I shouldn't throw stones.
  11. I hope I haven't offended you. I appreciate good writing. I think you are making a joke of some kind regarding St. Lois, but I'm afraid I'm missing it.
  12. I think Mayfield, Darnold, and Allen give the most hope for long-term success. In terms of the Rosen vs. Allen dialogue, it doesn't really matter if the BIlls or the Cardinals have the worst o-line. You are arguing over which awful line is worse. What is evident is that Allen provides leadership, the possibility of an exceptional play, running ability, and physical prowess that Rosen does not have. Surround Rosen with very good players, he may very well be a good NFL qb, but Allen demonstrates both tangible and intangible abilities that suggest he can raise the level of play of those around him. Think we got the Right Josh.
  13. It's a nice draft, but you better be signing a couple of above average o-linemen in free agency if you go that route. Like the Alabama center in the third, but that's not nearly enough.
  14. I agree with NewDay; if you see Allen as EJ redux at this point, your perceptions are distorted by preconceived notions. Funny how you are "wait and see," Rosen may turn into Goff with the right hire in Arizona (presuming a new coach,) but those who anticipate Allen improving greatly with improved players around him are vainly imagining another EJ suddenly getting better.
  15. Yes, I share your concern. If it turns out they hit on Allen, Jones (marginally, perhaps, but I don't think he's a bust), Dawkins and perhaps Teller, it mitigates a lot of decisions that were clearly bad. I still really hope there are other voices and perspectives brought in, because it's hard to have confidence in their acumen, particularly at the receiver position.
  16. As usual, your reasoning and judgment are sound, Hapless. Recent personnel changes on offense give me hope. I think Daboll has gotten their attention and they have moved towards speed and away from exclusively trying to replicate the Panthers' paradigm, even if one can plausibly argue Allen is much like Cam Newton. In any event, they need to hit on o-line, wr, rb, te -- we need a lot of upgrades -- the way they have shown astute evaluation on defense. If that happens, we may be in for a fun ride.
  17. WR does appear less dire than it did a few weeks ago. On the other hand, o-line needs at least three new starters, imo.
  18. What's odd about Allen is he seems proficient on some of the harder throws (and can make some throws because of his truly superior gifts that few qbs can even dream of making,) and yet he is behind most qbs in terms of being able to reliably hit on the "easy" throws. He works hard and is bright, so I don't see why he won't catch up on the "bunnies." If he does, look out . . .
  19. Hyperbole is no doubt involved. Folks are enthused because many were lead to believe Allen was the wrong Josh, had intractable issues that made him a poor choice, not just a risky pick, and so raw he would need multiple years of development before he could even plausibly see the field. The potential one sees is not simply based on athletic talent. Allen's judgment has improved and his poise and leadership has raised the limited ability on offense. It's evident the team believes in him and they know an exceptional player when they see one. So, yes, the OP is more emotive than anything, but it's understandable and fine, imo, given the decades long drought of hopeless qb play and the fact that much of this is reactive to the opposite opinion that initially held sway here and elsewhere.
  20. As much as we need wr help (and te and a rb under 30 that is good and not a liability in pass protect,) o-line should be top priority for improving Josh Allen's chances of becoming a franchise qb.
  21. I like the Young-Big Ben hybrid suggestion. You're arguing with a troll, however. He doesn't want to get on board. He wants to make everyone feel bad so he can feel good.
  22. Fella was bashing the Sabres and calling hockey bush league in another thread. He's just here to pee in the cheerios.
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