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Everything posted by Clockwork

  1. Exactly. Damn news!
  2. I'm not saying it isn't newsworthy, I'm saying that it is way overexposed. There are hundreds of people that go missing every day, but I never hear about them. I guess it takes a wide eyed, cute, white, suburban bride-to-be for it to be newsworthy, ala Peterson. I will retract that statement as soon as I hear a story about the inner city black girl going missing.
  3. Unfortunatly, that is the case. Speaking of "case", that seems to be one hell of a buzzword on the news channels these days. Was this girl's dissapearance a case? I thought a case was something that prosecutors brought against a defendant, but I might be wrong. Also, a guy like me shouldn't know that Mike Jackson had a book called "Boys Will Be Boys". I want to keep informed, but these news channels are driving me up the wall!
  4. I agree 100%. To quote my favorite movie, The Usual Suspects, "If a man gets killed and the cops think his brother did it, they are going to find out their right". I feel bad for the groom in all of this. One day, just a normal guy. The next, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC are camped outside of his house, questioning whether or not he had something to do with her dissapearance. I am really dissapointed with the cable news channels. Why is this their top story on national news? Aren't we fighting a war? Isn't Social Security in shambles? Isn't there terror attacks happening in Cairo RIGHT NOW? Why all the talk about this crazy chick with cold feet? It's a sad state of affairs.
  5. Exactly. In this day in age, the media overblows stories, and police start these searches that are brought about by all the media attention. All of the news channels are salivating for another Peterson situation. The money that was spent on a search is a farce, in hinsight. Although you never know the situation, these situations should be more closely looked at.
  6. 1. Run the ball 2. Get more than 1 turnover 3. Lindell makes his FG attempts There you have it!
  7. If I were the groom, the wedding would be called off permanently. No use getting married to a woman that doesn't want to get married.
  8. Funny lyrics, funny song! They should have had an Andre Agassi or Bruce Willis reference in there. Funny, as I am typing this, and Avacor commerical is on during the basketball game!
  9. That is like a fat guy saying "Gravity just likes me better than you", or me saying my hair likes my pillow more than my head. I suppose its OK, because I can be charming sometimes, and that never hurts with the ladies!
  10. TD has already made my dog run away, my cat have fleas, and gave my little brother scabies! If all he has in for me is a fading hairline, Ill take it.
  11. That seems to be the route I will take. Although I will always imagine myself coming out of a swimming pool and running my hand through my mane. Those commericals make it look so cool!
  12. Just for the record, the Italian crack was just an attempt at humor. God knows that he gave me a jungle As far as women go, it isnt that I am seeing anyone that at the moment, but it just kicks my confidence a bit.
  13. If I had any kind of health insurance, and didn't spend months at a time away from home on buisness, I would have already gone Last time I was at the doctor was when I was 19, when I first noticed the recession. He told me it was nothing to worry about. That same doctor a few years before (when I was 17 or 18) said that Ephedra was OK to take. Shows how much they know.
  14. That makes me glad that I have a good shaped head....looks good bald.....kind of
  15. A bit off topic, but I need some advice about my balding. I am only 23, and already have a much larger forehead than I did a few years ago. I was hoping this would happen after I got married, so my wife would just have to accept it, but I am still single, and twenty-something ladies don't seem to want a guy with no hair. I see all the ads on TV about regenerating hair, but, with most stuff, I am skeptical. Has anyone had any experience with any of those? Rogaine? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I do look good with a shaved head, but I think I look better with hair. Being Italian sucks sometimes - I grow hair all over my body, but not on the top of my head anymore!
  16. Roscoe kind of sound like Mike Tyson! JP seems to have all the confidence in the world, let's hope that translates to the football field.
  17. Davey is going to end up with the Browns. Then, ESPN will hail his as the savior for the organization, because he was a Patriot.
  18. God, I cannot wait till the first NE game, where TKO dislocates Brady's shoulder on a nasty sack, then little Flutie gets passes batted back in his face by our 5'9'' middle linebacker!
  19. The actress who plays Rose is actually doing some work on Broadway, and she won't be in any of the episodes this season. I like her, especially when she said he husband was still alive. A little bit of info, tied into that, Michelle Rodriguez will be a new regular next season. They are also introducing a new guy "Dr. Artz" within the last few episodes. Perhaps there were other survivors!
  20. I would hop on this in a second. Simon is a superb DT, still very young. I would be willing to go up to a 4th rounder (believing it will be a late 4th).
  21. Wow. With these two guys and their draft picks, they could be a team on the rise
  22. Sounds to me like he has a mean streak. Not only will he hit someone, he will take their head off! Those are the kind of guys to bring in. I like it.
  23. Who is Jonathan Palafox? Where did he come from?
  24. Clayton then added "If you looked up 'dork' in the dictionary, you would see a picture of my face".
  25. Anyone have height/weight on Gates?
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