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Everything posted by Clockwork

  1. Oh my!
  2. Looking at that, I still think we can win 9 more games, including a Vick-less Falcons and a home win against NE. The Chargers and Chiefs scare me a bit with their running game. If we let Williams dominate us yesterday, what will LT, Preist and Johnson do against us?
  3. Likewise. I went to the Jacksonville game two years ago, and I baked in the sun. Wearing a bandana and sunglasses all day made for an interesting tan.... But yesterday was brutal. Ive been to Jax, Miami and Tampa before, but yes, this was the hottest I ever was in my life, and I live down here! I am kind of pissed that I paid $60 I don't really have to watch my team lose and burn up, but overall it was a good football experiance.
  4. No INTs, but a whole lot of ineffectiveness.
  5. 23....And far distinguished enough to spot good music when I see it. Just my opinion though. I enjoy a band that can write melodies, and actually play more than a simple power chord.....again and again. Once again, thats just me.
  6. Just my opinion, but those guys are garbage.
  7. Smallville, anyone? If you dig the young chicks - she is my age...23. And Gavin, yes, the eyes are very hot. But still, scroll down a little bit There is more to see.
  8. Rachel Weisz is no sloutch either. You guys don't think Evangeline Lilly is hot? WHoa.
  9. Evangeline Lilly is the hottest chick I have ever seen.
  10. This thread should simply turn into "Post pics of hot chicks". Limiting it to one poster, once a day is silly! The more hot chicks the better. That being said, I have never felt more juvenile...
  11. Well, that last theory I had is WRONG. There was a screening of the next weeks show last night in Hawaii, and on a few messageboards people have described the first epidose, and what is in the hatch! If anyone really wants to know, PM me!
  12. I got season 1 on DVD a few weeks ago, and watched all of the episodes again. A few things that caught my attention- In the 1st episode, Kate says that she sees smoke and believes it is the cockpit, while they find the cockpit, could this have been the same smoke that the monster eminates? In the 2nd episode, someone says about the "moneter" - "That sound is very familiar", and followed it up by saying she was from the bronx. I thought subway system right away. The way the 'monster' sounds like a mechanical device, like a rollercoaster, is consistant with the subway system in NY. There are a ton of references to black and white. This seems to be a recurring theme - the backgammon, stones found on the bodies of 'Adam and Eve". This coincides with the man of science (Jack), man of Faith (Locke), and how there seems to be an imminent division between the lost-aways. The quote "I think we are going to have a Locke problem" by Jack in the last episode is very telling about where season 2 is going. All that being said, my theory is that the hatch is a place to transport science experiments, perhaps even nuclear and industrial waste on a deserted island, but it comes with a some type of mech that picks up the 'waste', eg. people. The islanders will find that this isn't the only hatch. Thoughts?
  13. Not to be a jerk or whatever, but to me, it's a shame that people can't get into music. You have to dig deeper than 103.3 the edge. GREAT modern music exists, its just a matter of whether or not you love music enough to go find it. That being said, Coldplay is good.
  14. I noticed that as well. Some of these girls on MSNBC are simply too good looking. I have a hard time taking them seriously.
  15. Not to be a jerk, but do we really need forgein aid? Although both weren't as severe, I dealt with 2 hurricanes last year, and I notced one thing for sure - everybody has nothing to do except help clean up. Plus we have out national guard to help out. If you have arms and legs, you can help out. It isnt like everyone has to go to work today.
  16. Funny and Funny. Its true though. Last year after the 'canes we dealt with in Florida, we were without power for a few weeks, windows were blown out, etc. If some jerk with a mic is sticking it in my face, I would be a little pissed too.
  17. Was he our biggest bust ever? I kinda thinks so. Maybe RJ, but we didn't draft his.
  18. He makes plays... Like the touchdown tonight.
  19. CUT HIM
  20. May I add, cut Lindell.
  21. Thats all I have to say.
  22. I am looking for an internet station as well.... If I find a good one, Ill post it here.
  23. Or....TD can actually sign him to a long term deal. Willis will be worth the money, especially because we aren't paying a QB big bucks.
  24. I actually had a moment a few days ago where I seriously considered driving off without paying. It was an evil moment, but I know the law, and didn't want to get caught. The next time I fill up, I'm going to take my plates off, fill up and bounce!
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