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Everything posted by Clockwork

  1. That looks like improvement
  2. Have you ever seen Fight Club?
  3. His name was Robert Foster. His name was Robert Foster. His name was Robert Foster.
  4. Is he a free agent after the season? Possible compensatory pick for Mia?
  5. No punter yet. yikes
  6. My brother and I had the team set in like 1990 - Bruce, Kelly, Thurman, Andre, Cornelius Bennett wearing #55 and I think Shane Conlan tok
  7. No fuss. Get the kid in. I love it.
  8. Joe B is a personal friend of mine and I love him dearly. He made the right move here. The Athletic is the most proper local outfit these days it seems.
  9. Football ***** rages with the fury of a 13 year old boy. Love this pick.
  10. You guys remember that novelty store Ziggy and Zon’s In the airport plaza on Union? I do.
  11. I disagree with your assertions.
  12. Trent Murphy- questionable in more ways than one.
  13. This game completely changes the way I look at this team going forward. Incredible half of football thus far.
  14. Seemingly historically bad in all aspects of the game of football so far this season.
  15. McD REALLY has to start watching the games he’s coaching. This ‘I have to watch the tape’ bull **** is ridiculous coachspeak.
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