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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Why is that? How can you not want a guy who has put up a record that he has at this stage of the game? I just want a guy who will win, and Sherman seems to be that guy.
  2. That might be the dumbest argument I've heard all day.
  3. How bout that Zach.
  4. I disagree, that wasn't funny.
  5. He had a stomach ache.
  6. Hmm, this is probably a better way to say it. The public can act polarized in one race without actually being polarized overall, due to the nature of the candidates in that race. Here's the data that I was talking about, on the 7-point scale of party ID. http://www.umich.edu/~nes/nesguide/toptable/tab2a_1.htm
  7. Heh, yep. Exactly why I said that I blame the primaries. :-) I'm not sure that its fair to say that the public is polarized just on the basis of a turnout of an election. A lot of the public was picking between 2 evils as they saw it. If you take a look at the seven-point scale of party identification, you can see that a large part of the public is, in fact, toward the middle. Its at its highest numbers since around the 1950s. The problem is that the candidates were extremely polarizing, which gives the appearence of polarization in the public. A good number of people thought that Bush was a deuche bag, and they wouldn't vote for him under any circumstance. And the same is true for Kerry. The more polarized the candidates are, the more polarized the public will seem in an election. However, just because they seem polarized, doesn't mean that they actually ARE polarized, just that thats what the choices were.
  8. Not tradition, but rather party identification. Given time, IF and I mean IF these groups start considering themselves slightly republican-leaning, then you will see the large shift. However, this could still take years to do.
  9. Hillary is really going to kill herself in a Presidential race when she wins the nomination with all of these quotes. I wonder how many notepads the RNC has with these quotes on it ready to bring up in her face. Nagin, on the other hand, isn't exactly a leader. He's more of just a jackass that no one llikes. Robertson, in contrast, is liked by lots of people. When I was growing up, I know lots of people from my church tuned into the 700 club. And how can we forget Justice Sunday?
  10. Its really only the candidates that are polarized, the American public remains at around the same levels of polarization as it did back in the 50s or so. The real evil here imo is the primary system. The primaries tend to select an extreme candidate rather then the best candidate.
  11. My guess is Daschle is sending out feelers so that we can get some poll numbers with him involved. http://www.pollingreport.com/WH08dem.htm Not really sure what he would do to that dynamic.
  12. Next week has to be Austin, part of what they showed tonight was from UT Ausitn. :-)
  13. Marv Levy is too old, he wont' make the right decision.
  14. Duh, you win a Government handout!
  15. Time to go get the DVDs and catch up!
  16. I heart wow
  17. Haha, I was thinking the same thing when he said that. It'll change tomorrow. I hope so. :-) I like Sherman.
  18. On sportscenter tonight, Clayton said that Haslett is pretty much out of the running for the job, and he's going to become the Head Coach of Detroit in all likelyhood. He thinks that it's down to Juron and Sherman, with Juron having a slight lead right now after his interview.
  19. Yeah but the Colts had 3 timeouts.
  20. The NFL will still be the #1 sports league in the US.
  21. Packers hired Mike McCarthy, 49ers OC.
  22. Bruce Dickinson knew they had 3 timeouts.
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