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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. But Elvis is!
  2. Elvis is too.
  3. Good !@#$ing god. Its NOT HARD. Press the damn CAPS LOCK KEY.
  4. Dear half the posters in this thread http://heavymetal.about.com/od/heavymetal1...101_history.htm
  5. http://heavymetal.about.com/od/toppicks/tp/top_swedish.htm Now THERE is a list of good heavy metal bands.
  6. Maybe if the band was The Byrds.
  7. Ever actually listen to an In Flames song? Heavy Metal is In Flames, Iced Earth, Strapping Young Lad, Sepultura, etc. Here's a good list of goth bands http://www.nyx.net/~astoker/gothmusic.html
  8. Agreed. Plus Vick will make bad pass protection look better.
  9. Heavy Metal, pfft. A real heavy metal singer is Andres Friden. The guys you listed were rock/hard rock.
  10. I'm not sold on JP either at this point. Who is?
  11. Everyone besides me posting in this thread is a neocon.
  12. I <3 Vince.
  13. I've been there.
  14. Nah, it wasn't too bad at all. I had that and Pete's Cream Ale, and liked Iron City better. I liked it more then Natty Ice or Steel Reserve. Not a huge fan of dark beers, so I'm not a huge Shiner Bock fan. Shiner Blonde is okay, not great though. Ziegenbock isn't very good either, and its brewed by AB. I might have to give that a shot.
  15. Damn that was fast.
  16. And that problem is transport. 5 points to whoever names the quote first. PS my avatar line helps
  17. Read my synopsis on http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.p...t=ST&f=1&t=1175 Its a very good read.
  18. If Houston did this inr eal life, tehy might be a good team. It's been fun, thx 2003.
  19. I can get Genny Cream Ale for 9 a 6-pack here in Austin, at the North HEB only, during certain times of the year (not all the time)
  20. You must not understand how sh------- Texas is for beer. A 6-pack of Molson Canadian costs 8 bucks at HEB.
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