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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Indeed, but its not just Dells that are good for porn.
  2. There are a couple of good solutions. One is Blab Lite! Its an ajax based solution with a mysql backend, and its free. Demo: http://justblab.com/ Another is FlashChat, which uses a php backend and a flash frontend (really slick I think). Its not exactly free, but it is really cheap at the price of $5. http://www.tufat.com/script.php?script=chat
  3. Kewl, I've always liked BNL, and they seem like fun guys.
  4. How do you know him?
  5. While I think scientology is crap, I figured that rumor was false. Lo and behold, it is
  6. You're just a boatload of contradictions aren't you?
  7. The Internet is also for porn.
  8. Except for the fact that they already signed Brees earlier today. Oh no, we didn't get Culpepper, wutever will we do! We are doomed.
  9. Uh, he's already getting an exuberant amount of money for this year.
  10. No, no, no. Thats not how it really is. This is a pic from last weekend. Everyone wearing Explore UT shirts works for UT doing computer tech support. Most of us doing it are male geeks.
  11. Theres a big reason why Moulds shouldn't be on the Bills in 2006: He doesn't want to be. You've seen how that detracts largely from a football team when that happens. If he doesn't wanna be here, don't let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.
  12. lol Kennedy!
  13. Maybe it was ICE
  14. Don't you know that red makes people angry? Soothing colors help!
  15. Not so much red would help.
  16. While there is some previous evidence of children getting their politics from their parents, and I think that there is strong reason to believe that this is how it works, I'm not quite sure that it the argument is necessarily valid. A lot of the anecdotal evidence that I've encountered actually is about 50/50 in college of people believing the same things as their parents (at least in my classes). I think with people who feel passionately about it, and who are most likely to go to the polls (college educated, ties in some way to a political party) are more likely to deviate from their parents then a normal American voter. I wouldn't say that there is an issue with children or not. Over the course of life, people's opinions are influenced by much more then their parents, and one of the theories, the "watercooler" theory persay, I think is more realistic. One reason why I think the watercooler theory has more credibility is because in situations where the outspoken leaders are liberal or republican, so are the followers. Universities are a perfect example of this, where lots of kids who came from a Republican background are made more liberal due to the environment they are in. Another environment seems to be cities as well in which people experience this behavior.
  17. Ah, yeah, these kinds of threads are fun, and I don't think I've seen one on TSW in a while. http://www.utexas.edu/events/exploreut/web.../2/IMG_0167.JPG I'm the one in the middle with long hair, trying to look stupidly gangsta for fun, flashing a hook em sign with a cheerleader's hand on my shoulder and a white pom pom in front of my knee.
  18. Cold Stone, Marble Slab, Amy's, all very similar and all here in Austin. I don't think its anything special
  19. He'z old and done.
  20. I thought she was hot too. Was quite the shock to find that out huh? That came way out of left field. "You're fired." "Is it because I'm gay?" What? lol.
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