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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security..." Well, you know the quote.
  2. I like JP. I just think Vince Young is better.
  3. Sorry that I don't bother to spellcheck my posts on TSW. By the way, the grammar that you should have used in that statement is "have to".
  4. Hell yeah he should be!
  5. Its interesting that you continue to lump Liberalism in with big government if you don't believe that liberalism = Democrat. Liberalism is an extremely broad term, and lumping everyone together is exactly what the Republican party wanted last election. "Tax and spend liberal" and "Big Government Liberal" was thrown around a lot last election. While it was true that it indeed fit Kerry, the overarching point was to drive home the connotation of "Tax and Spend" and "Big Government" with liberal. Liberalism has many facits, and you can be for the equality of people facit of liberalism without believing in, say, motherment laws for society (a la Clinton and video games). Its the same as Bush being a conservative. No one has called his budgets Conservative, but he does subscribe to a more conservative social agenda.
  6. Lets draft Vince instead.
  7. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  8. I bet I'm the only 20 year old that knows that comes from the 3 stooges.
  9. Possibly NSFW (it involves homosexuality and gerbals) This is an article read from the LA Times on a radio station, it was fine for my workplace, but if people are sensitive (or kids are involved), you might want to wait. Still though, one of the funniest things you'll ever hear. http://www.hoc.org.uk/gallery/funny/armageddon.wav
  10. Hehe, me and my roommate do exactly that with Blockbuster online. If it is as you say, I shall.
  11. Nah, its not a copout. I just have other priorities for my money. (sup World of Warcraft ) If I like it, enough to buy it, then I will. But I'm not going to go buy the DVDs without first viewing them and determining that they are worthy to be bought. There are very few shows that I think are at that level. Law & Order is one of them. I have bought the DVDs there.
  12. The problem is I'm a college student.
  13. Nice, I'll, go, uh "buy the DVD"...
  14. I drink coke zero.
  15. I gotta get around to watching Firefly one of these times. I've heard its damn good! Is it scifi?
  16. So yesterday I was at the University of Texas at Austin's pharmacy, and waiting in line to switch my insurance from the old ot the new insurance, when this guy comes up to me. "Are you Bluefire?" "Uhh, yeah" "Hi I'm ____" I really didn't catch the _____ part. I was trying to think all of a sudden who the hell would know me. Then I heard him say: "I saw your pic on the post your pic thread, and thought it was you." After that, I realized he said buftex. We talked about Moulds for a bit and then I had to go fix my damn insurance. To buftex: we should hang out sometime, you seem like a cool guy, maybe a Sabres game at a bar sometime for the playoffs?
  17. I'm starting to hate Ohio.
  18. http://breakingnews.nypost.com/dynamic/sto...-03-27-14-11-35
  19. I'm a big fan of single-episode dramas. What I mean by this is that on Law & Order, House, etc, there is a storyline that is epxlained in one episode, but there are parts that continue between episodes. Maybe its because I'm ADD. Anyway, what do you guys think are the best shows on TV? The shows that I try to watch everyweek (or tivo to watch): - Simpsons - Family Guy - House - Law & Order - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Sopranos - Daily Show Other then that, I don't watch much TV. I'll once in a while watch a rerun of Seinfeld usually when I'm doing something else. What do you guys watch?
  20. Damn them Liberals. Liberal is just another term for a Democrat who follows the party line. You CAN be a liberal that isn't a democrat, fwiw
  21. ding ding ding I remember my roommate got a pitbull, and he also was a very sweet dog. He got him as a puppy. I would push the dog's buttons and roughouse, but he never once took it too far, and he knew playing vs not playing. When my roommate first got the dog, the vet told him not to let the dog stay like in an unlocked car or on our porch, as they are extremely friendly, and people will actually take them and the dog will go with them. I thought you all on this board hated media sensationalism?
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