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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. I'm excited.... 1st person who names this movie gets 5 pts: Be excited, Be Be excited.
  2. I'm drunk, but even sober I think Reggie Bush sucks more than D. Davis. Good choice Houston.
  3. New Spanish version of our National Anthem debuts soon... http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nation/3826163.html
  4. here's another one: god hates u
  5. Why draft any pick in the top 10 then? I think Vince will be able to start right away, but to become that special player that I think he can be it will take a few years to correct his flaws. Thats pretty much par for the course with any player though. Most that are drafted aren't special players right off the bat. There are only a few who are.
  6. I think this is probably the most fair assessment of the big quarterbacks that I have seen. I don't agree that Young's flaws can't be corrected - I think he will step up to his situation just like he's been doing his whole life.
  7. Can I B word then?
  8. Me wuz drunk jackass, so editing: Sup previous thread: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=45646
  9. Sure, sure. I couldn't imagine you for a second on coke. You talk enough as it is. Just kidding, of course.
  10. He doesnt' have a drug problem, or addiction, or anything. He has a stupidity problem.
  11. Of course, Offensive Lineman that are unmovable tend to, you know, suck. Mike Williams was pretty much "DBrick" because of how fat he was. We need offensive lineman that move, not ones that are bricks.
  12. You owe Guiness 2 dollars.
  13. I had a teacher in high school who was a football coach once, and we all still called him coach. Same sh--.
  14. I think everyone was saying that ESPN wuz dumBO.
  15. I pick.... Hockey
  16. Vince Mother Fuc(@!
  17. You hate me don't you?
  18. I get to work all day today and until Midnight tomorrow answering calls about this! Yay! http://www.utexas.edu/opa/news/2006/04/data23.html
  19. dorfus farkletush
  20. double standard?
  21. And the 3rd most anticipated film is..... http://www.ew.com/ew/article/commentary/0,...88|1_0_,00.html
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