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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. That must mean that this quote from you is true then!
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2434536
  3. Good. Where'd you see it, ESPN?
  4. Hell, if all I had to do was a few Law & Order episodes a year, I'd "long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood" too.
  5. You mean TSW isn't worth $3.50 a day?
  6. Ah, but advancements in care, especially at home, should help out with the lesser availability of nursing care. Once a successful diagnosis is made, people should be sent home (except in extreme cases). With Ice readily available at most homes, tylenol, and other such advances, keeping a fever down and symtpoms manageable while you fight the flu should be better. No need to have a nurse monitor you all the time like there would have been in 1909 I'd think.
  7. Hell, my girl is a biologist. Its funny, the bird flu has been around for thousands of years in birds, and hasn't become an epidemic. Yeah, its something we should be ready for, but you are right, the panic is ridiculous.
  8. We all have a bit of Hypochondria I think.
  9. Christ, that is strong. Good info, thanks.
  10. While that is true, technology has also improved an incredible amount in that time period, and if needed, I think health care COULD be efficient. Not saying it is, just saying it could be, with all the technological improvements we've had. Especially if they are discriminatory in their care.
  11. Tis a good point, I'd bet you are right
  12. Maybe the officer was drunk.
  13. Is it alcohol in a pill?
  14. I think that last statement, in particular, was actually part of my point. Its happened in politics, its going to continue happening, and sh-- aint gonna change. Thats crazy though that Ambien is that powerful, I didn't know that. Is it an as needed thing or is it an every-day drug?
  15. More power to her. That these stories are stupid and useless.
  16. Did u know that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian?
  17. In my experience, being around people that I care about, maybe a girlfriend or friend, and crying helped me when a family member died. My best friend at the time just chilled with me and made me feel better. Getting lost in a movie or television show usually helps me too. A good movie can allow you to block everything else out and focus on that when you just need a break from being sad for a while. Once you get strong enough to sit down and just think for a while, do it. Remember the good times that you had with him, be thankful you had the chance to meet him, and enjoy the memories. I think the biggest key is to not let the whole "YOU'RE A MAN, YOU MUST BE STRONG" stigma interfere with the grieving process. Laugh. Cry. Cry some more. Laugh some more. Let the emotions flow out, it'll help you get over it. Sorry about your loss man, that sucks. (PS, you could always masturbate )
  18. You don't know time warner that well do u.
  19. I like you, but not in a homosexual way.
  20. U R GOIN TO BE ETEN!!!
  21. OLN is screwed up I think. Sabres.com also lists the game at 7pm EDT.
  22. Did you just say Buffalo in 3? rofl
  23. Eastern Conference 1 Ottawa vs 4 Buffalo - Buffalo in 6 2 Carolina vs 3 New Jersey - New Jersey in 6 Western Conference 5 San Jose vs 8 Edmonton - Edmonton in 6 6 Anaheim vs 7 Colorado - Colorado in 5 All upsets this round!
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