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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Yeah, its the Judge's fault. Judges bad!
  2. I'd think they'd still announce themselves as police officers, not to do so would be putting themselves in jeopardy. However, they don't have to do it before the knock down the door now, but rather can choose to do it afterwards.
  3. If it was today, looking at Democratic poll numbers, I don't think its even close, Hillary wins the Democratic nomination. Watch for Hillary to snap up all the top Democratic talent off the bat, much like what Bush did in 2000. I think the only chance for a different democrat to win it is to throw their hat in the ring early, and then go after the best campaign managers the Democrats have. I don't think she is as polarizing as everyone thinks within the democratic party. Most of the other top candidates being named (Kerry, Gore) are equally, if not MORE polarizing due to people viewing them as losers, not winners. They wouldn't get the same type of monitary support that they did in their first campaigns. Especially Kerry, who left something like 13 million in the bank rather then spending it in Ohio, which pissed off a lot of the big campaign contributors for the Dems. As for the Republicans, I think its a two man race between Rudi Giuliani and McCain if they both run for it. It'll be interesting to see what Rudi does to try and get his name out there, he hasn't been in the news a lot since he left his post as the mayor of NYC. McCain has a good advantage with incumbency in the Senate.
  4. Avant is just an interface for the Internet Explorer engine, you still get most of the crap that IE gets. Firefox FTW!
  5. Moorman will be getting old too, he'd be 35 then.
  6. I think the much more important quote is this one: All the good quarterbacks in the NFL seem to have this moment, when they just go out and play.
  7. As I was on campus today, I overheard a kid who was with a field trip to UT. The class couldn't have been much older than 5th grade. The kid goes to his buddy, "Never bet against William Shatner, unless he's fighting Patrick Stewart". /dev/null was that your kid?
  8. Hockey pucks are racist.
  9. I would still make the argument that having a law which requires you to wear a seat belt is government playing daddy, which shouldn't happen. If they want to make a campaign for people to wear their seat belts, great, but I wouldn't make a law requiring it.
  10. Basketball games can be fun to watch at times, but I agree with you about baseball.
  11. Earlier during the game it was Reality Czech
  12. Yes, you're an idiot. I don't thinkt he Bills will be close to the playoffs, yet I'd love the season ticket. Idiot. (just kidding of course, I jsut wish I could see the games, you're lucky )
  13. I'm not being anal, I didn't get the damn reference. And I knew what Mensa was. Maybe thats why I'm not in Mensa.
  14. Yeah, it is. We weren't debating that. Do you still hate people at Fast Food Places that don't speak English?
  15. No, there are people like you who believe that, and then there are idiots like Wacka who doesn't like someone for the sole sake that they are speaking Spanish at McDonalds.
  16. Maybe he shoulda spelled it right then.
  17. a.) Who is Menssa? Who can't read again? b.) I was still right c.) I don't have a Vince Young blow up doll d.) I don't use myspace.com e.) You are still wrong.
  18. Are you this stupid in real life, or only on the internet?
  19. Check out Pasta's post right after yours. Its exactly why I quoted the point in the article that I did, and what I thought he was saying.
  20. No need to get all defensive and insulting, its a friendly conversation. Yes, you are right, that is what the thread is about. However, the point that CTM was responding to (and that PastaJoe was making) was that American's don't care if we wiretap terrorists, we care if we wiretap Americans. This is also what I was replying to. Again, read this quote. He specifically states that "the problem is when Americans have their phones tapped within the U.S. without a warrant." Sounds to me like he's stated very clearly he isn't talking about tapping terrorists, but rather tapping American's within the US. Why do you think I'm even talking about what VABills was talking about? I'm responding to a comment by CTM, who was responding to PastaJoe's comment about wiretapping American's inside American territory. I could care less about the rest of the thread.
  21. Yep, and from my understanding, he specifically states that he's talking about American's in his post. He also is seperating the terrorist issues from the American issues, which I am doing, but you don't seem to be.
  22. Did you read PastaJoe's post?
  23. I was looking at the chart entitled "Not My Phone Calls!" which had the results: 24% favor 73% against The chart below it also has breakdowns by party. The point is that they don't mind monitoring the terrorists, its ourselves that we don't like.
  24. How bout the Pew Research Center then?
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