Welp, this story happened when I first got to UT Austin, and some friends that were 21 at the time that I was hanging out with, were drinking a lot. All the time. After all, it was summer.
So, up to this point I had only drank Vodka, and it was only a couple weeks after I started drinking. We were at the pool of the apt complex, drinking tequila and swimming. Turns out, being in the sun & drinking a new liquor was not a good combo.
Anyway, we were hungry, and decided to go to Chili's. eWe get our food, I eat a bit of it. Then, all of a sudden, I had to puke. It was the kind of puke where you don't get any warning. It just comes out of you like a volcano.
I puked all over my self and the table. One of my friends yells out "WAITRESS!" and starts laughing his ass off, requesting more napkins. The other is a bit freaked out. Both just go back to eating.
We finish eating, and go back to the apt complex. I was covered in puke still, but not as bad as before. So, we get back, and we decide that I should jump in the pool. Well, theres this old guy, who looks exactly like the black dude from the Aflac commercials (the guy who somehow gets in every single one).
Anyway, I take my cell phone out, and jump in. This created two problems. First, while I took out my cell phone, my wallet got SOAKED. I forgot to take that out of my pants.
Secondly, the black guy gets horrified at all the puke floating off me into the pool. But, for some reason, he just swims to the other end instead of getting out. He also seemed WAYYY too old for an apt complex, so he probably couldn't complain anything.
We get back to the apt, drink some water, then start drinking again. This time it was vodka!