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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. I'm not eating lunch today.
  2. Hey All, I need some more owners for a 12-team fantasy football league. Non-keeper league, high performance, email draft to start as soon as we get all 12 owners. Using www.easports.com/fantasy/ If anyone is interested, please send me a PM with a team name and email address. Thanks!
  3. My grayhound had something like that. Took her to the vet and it really wasn't that big of a deal. Pill and its gone.
  4. lol the episode where George loses the video tape of Rochelle Rochelle, Jerry's car as BO, Susan became a lesbian, and Kramer stole her girlfriend was on last night.
  5. That site > me I hit 1 card the whole friggin night.
  6. Haha, yeah.
  7. Or, rather, the people who are covered by the media are the people who would make the best sensationalist story, which is what you're going to find, because it sells. I don't feel that having a baby baptized in Lebanon is a necesity, but what is a necesity is relative in this case. As for your firemen analogy, firemen have tools to put out fires, American's over there don't have the tools to put out a conflict between two countries. Quite a difference. If a fireman gets trapped, and dies, without being able to do anything about it, I'd bet you he'd be yelling for someone to help him right up to his death, and wondering why they weren't helping him sooner, especially if other firemen from other units were trapped, and were saved by their friends quicker. Really? Wow, I never thought of that!
  8. Oh yeah, I agree with you there, the logistics of this whole thing are crazy. Still though, I don't find any fault at them for complaining and bitching, its what most anyone would do if they were in that situation too.
  9. That 2nd part was added as an exaggeration that I added to try to make a point about what you said in this sentence: It seems as what you are saying is that people who are critics of the current people in power shouldn't receive any help from it, which is an entirely authoritarian line of thinking. Most of the time the biggest critics ARE the people who get/demand the most help from it, because they're the ones who are the most directly effected by the program. To somehow imply that they receive less treatment then other individuals doesn't fall in line with Democratic ideals. My other point is that it is necessary for some people to go, its not just that these people just picked up and decided to ignore the government's warnings one day instead of doing an alternative. Our government has researchers and what not over there too. To just say that these people knew the risks, and decided to go anyway, so whatever happens to them happens is rather lame. If I was stuck over there, and I felt that my complaining would get me noticed and rescued quicker, I sure as hell would start bitching too. The media loves it because its very emotional and sells a good story. The government would hate it because it makes them look bad.
  10. It couldn't be that any of these people are Scientists, Researchers, Media, Family Members, and other such people, eh? Nah, couldn't be. Anyone over in the Middle East is a bunch of America-hating bastards that need to be blown up.
  11. The media got you too, eh? Do some research and you'll find out that Pitbulls are actually VERY friendly dogs, except for a small, small minority. The vet warned my roommate when he got one about leaving him unattended in say a car or on the porch. Why? Because they are so friendly, that they'll walk off with people, and they are stolen quite often. Not because they are aggressive. Your logic is akin to saying "Some white people murder humans, lets ban them all from the US".
  12. But our governmental leaders can't do a good job and look out for our interests as religious people without being religious themselves. And that means following all the rules. Like swearing. Or at least thats their logic.
  13. You mean "Bring the Troops Home" isn't foreign policy?
  14. I just think its funny because some of the religious base that I know personally are shocked and appalled that a Christian would use such a term. After all, its more important to be a good Christian over a good President when you are in his shoes. ;p But a pretty decent advisor.
  15. Or, he uses religious convictions for political purposes like a normal politician.
  16. Man, I don't. All I really wanted out of 2004 was to have either the Presidency, or one house of congress to be controlled by the Democrats. I would have even taken Kerry. Tis why I voted for a mostly democratic ballot. Course, I always am scared when one party exclusively holds the legislature and executive.
  17. I *might* not be able to make it tonight. My apartment complex was supposed to have the carpet replaced yesterday. As of about 11am, they STILL haven't friggin done it.
  18. Its freezing my 360. Talking to microsoft right now
  19. I don't know, it seems to me that the fall of the Soviet Union has more to do with internal Russian affairs then Reagan. Reagan played a huge part putting pressure on them, but ultimately it was the Soviets and the Soviets who couldn't maintain that delacate balancing act of a competitive authoritarian system, which is what Gorbachev was moving toward. Gorbachev did too much too fast, which led to the USSR's downfall.
  20. Welp, my roommate a couple years ago had a dog, which pissed on my Bills flag. Today, though, my roommate's cat pooped in my closet (she's a kitten and is getting potty trained). She took a sh-- right on my Mike Williams jersey. Seems like a good way to retire that jersey to be. Good bye Mike, even cats sh-- on you during your time here!
  21. $20 off the game tomorrow only at Frys, saw it online today. Might be worth a trip tomorrow to pick it up!
  22. http://www.google.com/ig
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