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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. And if you do kick them out, it sparks a civil war between Hez'bollah and the Lebanese government, one that a Syrian-backed Hez'bollah would easily win. Good-bye Lebanese democracy, hello rule by Hez'bollah.
  2. Well, you know, they did get votes in the southern part of Lebanon which got them the seats in government, It still is a democracy. Its like if the communist or socalist parties here in the US won an election and got some seats in congress, do we just kick them out?
  3. Good good, you? Are you coming down to Austin for the game by chance? I think it might all come down to our running game versus your defense. Our defense should still be strong this year, and our running game is still strong with Charles, Melton and Young. Starting our new QB versus your defense where the only starters are left is on the defensive line should be a wash I think. I really believe its going to come down to whether we can run the ball successfully or not versus you guys. EDIT: I really believe that I might really think that I'm redundant at some times because I might repeat myself.
  4. I don't know what to think of this post. A lot of whats going on in Lebanon is because they aren't as civilized as us: A new democracy that can't force out partial control by forces outside of the government and within it because it is weak. Its easy for us to sort out the wacka's (just kidding wacka) in our society, because we already have the capabilities and system of doing so. Terrorists in the US don't have much of an effect, and much of an incentive, due to that. People like Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski (who I still think looks like George Clooney), Terry Nichols, etc are nuts, and I'm sure that theres a bunch more whackos in the US. If they were over in a middle eastern country, you could bet that they'd be having a bunch more impact then they had here in the US.
  5. Its texags, what do you expect?
  6. Captain Morgan > both!
  7. Heh. One of the things I liked about GW's bro, Jeb, is hte institution of choice into public schools. We'z need'z to get some'z comepTITition into the ShizNIT!
  8. Hay, someone actually likes this show.
  9. Oh noes, a popular intarweb site gets mentioned here a lot, bettar star discrediting it becUZ its pOPulAR!
  10. I agree with everything up until the last statement. Government has a place in Education, a country without a regulated education system is no country that I would want to be part of. However, it should be *much* *much* better then it is, and most of the liberal plans aren't working.
  11. Texas Cheerleaders (2006-2007) Even better, them in chaps =)
  12. No, best title ever. It makes it brilliant!
  13. Snakes on a Plane and Talladega Nights, can it get better? I submit that it cannot!
  14. Well I sure as hell aint gonna take him in! Almost feel sorry for the guy.
  15. What happened to the idea that we needed an Iraqi ally?
  16. I could just see him, sitting at home like an old crazy lunatic, rambling about the good ol days and yelling at the people on the jeopardy show everyday.
  17. Thats ESPN for you lol
  18. Week 2 in Austin!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!
  19. Holy sh--? We're second? I didn't expect us to be that high. Man, this makes the 2nd week of the season here in Austin even more crazy, #1 vs #2!
  20. I'd switch my Mike Williams jersey, but when he got cut, the cat took a sh-- on it, and I just felt that it was the perfect way to retire it. I do have a moulds jersey though, wonder who is wearing his number this year.
  21. Nah, was kidding because it was Bruschi.
  22. Agreed that it was a legit answer, but Alex DID make it funny.
  23. Now that was low.
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