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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. So thats where all the Kazakh Uranium went!
  2. Yeah, because thats what he said. I suggest you re-read his post. Thankfully, since politicians want to get re-elected, they still have some incentive to stop it.
  3. Saying you're the best and saying that you have no weaknesses are two different things. And amen to LT.
  4. Reggie doesn't play with teammates because he needs to; rather, he lets them play out of the goodness of his heart and the selflessness that is Reggie.
  5. Bush relied on his quickness to just flat out beat everyone up the middle or around the corners. His biggest weakness comes in his lack of strength. Bush used lots of open room to be able to make his shifty moves and get around people. In the NFL, where holes close much quicker, I just don't see that happening. Bush doesn't break tackles well, a lot of that is due to his poor strength. All in all, he reminds me of Brian Westbrook. No, JP would be stupid. So would anyone else at the NFL level that said that.
  6. http://www.nola.com/sports/t-p/index.ssf?/...ll=1&thispage=4
  7. My wife... she was killed... by a hunter... because she is hairy and he think she is bear
  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ post em
  9. Texas is away as well =)
  10. Hehe. My Dad bought a guest season ticket with my student tickets (325 bucks) just so he could get one for that game to fly out and see it.
  11. Oh God I know. I was just sitting there going "!@#$ing Madden"
  12. lmfao, god this movie is going to be great. "Hi I want to meet you my name is borat"... briefcase falls open and chicken comes out. LMAO
  13. Yeah, that movie did suck, and you're right the brilliance comes from an unscripted situation, which is what this movie is. =)
  14. I wonder if all of the presidential busts talk to each other after the lights go out, or is that only the pro football hall of fame busts that do that?
  15. The US could turn it into an upside if, when peace is finally struck, the US sufficiently helps the Lebanese military drive Hez'bollah and SYria out of their !@#$ing government. Bush's strategy is right: 1.) Support Israel, but support peace more 2.) Once thats over, help Lebanon get control over their country, and !@#$ Hez'bollah up from the inside.
  16. I don't like Tivo as much with sports. Most shows I don't care if its live, sports I do.
  17. Given the amount the NFL Network paid to have games, I wouldn't be expecting a reduction in commercials.
  18. I'm so psyched about this film, I can't wait!!
  19. I sent spector a question about this when I was reporting what the Sabres were doing, and he kindly replied with the answer:
  20. They probably did try to trade him before they walked away from him. Doubt many teams would want him knowing that the Sabres would walk away and they could get him at the same salary or cheaper without giving up anything.
  21. omg I actually agree with you on something Mark down 08/08/2006.
  22. What about the stuff they got from Afghanistan?
  23. Must say, I agree.
  24. Most of the Lebanese army is made up of police officers and non-trained military officials. For their small army to go up against Hez'bollah, Syria, and possibly Iran in one big swoop would be suicide. As I was googling for the info I read to back me up here, I found that the US government seems to agree.
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