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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Its a bit early for me to crown him great. It was a run against the 2nd teamers on the friggin Titans.
  2. You mean, on the Patriots you have to beat out Logan Mankins, Monty Beisel, and Ellis Hobbs. On the Bills, you need only be better than Willis McGahee, Takeo Spikes, Nate Clements, and London Fletcher. This is fun!
  3. Ahh, gotcha. Unfortunately I was stuck all day helping my girlfriend move to her new apartment. I need to catch some games with you guys at the Fox and Hound for sure tho.
  4. ROFl Thats great
  5. You get the NFL Network? With time warner?
  6. I'm not sure Nall, or any other QB for that matter, could have thrown that pick for a TD.
  7. Reggie Bush is always on top during sex because Reggie Bush never !@#$s up. Jesus can walk on water, Reggie Bush can walk on Jesus
  8. Did my warning level just go up?
  9. Ii r etract ne and aLL agreementses
  10. Are talent pills banned by the NFL? If not, they should be! This is unacceptable! Its worse then steroids!
  11. Hay guess what? The Patriots still won the superbowl without having any pro-bowlers on their roster prior to that season.
  12. BUt doen't you thikn thath he has ahigher hance of incury playing?
  13. I was being sarcastic.
  14. Yeah, I'm pulling a cromaggus, so what. http://youtube.com/watch?v=gCelxz0uf6o&mode=related&search=
  15. In my country, there is problem. And that problem is the Jew.
  16. THis is Mike Shanahan, he switches starting running backs every other day. Is this really a surprise?
  17. Because I'm planning on buying the game for my 360?
  18. Anyone watch the Daily Show just now? Right after the report on terrorism, they played the Sierra Mist commercial where the bottle of liquid "sets off" airport security. rofl
  19. I can't say I ever noticed that, but man is that true. Kind of makes me depressed, lol.
  20. Yeah, I want a player to think that they're pretty damn good myself. But at NO time do I want a player thinking he has no weaknesses. What the !@#$ is he working on in practice then? At that point he doesn't think he can get any better, and becomes a detriment to himself and the team.
  21. Preach on brotherman.
  22. Yeah, I'd have to agree with you. I don't think I made myself clear in my last post, I meant that they have incentive to stop individual terrorist acts (and publicize them) since 9/11, as everyone wants to be the politician who stops it from occuring again.
  23. Why would you wear heart on sleeve? Wouldn't that make shirt dirty? In Kazakhstan, it is low person who wear dirty clothes. I believe in the US and A they called slaves. I think Don Quixote is dumb too. The entertainment industry is where Pamela Anderson work, yes? I want to do Pamela Anderson, and in the mean time help my country. You do not understand great country of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is good, strong country, which sometime causes misunderstand Borat. In Kazakhstan there is plenty of energy, and my sister she has too much (she rape me), so there is no need for you to give energy for us.
  24. Sounds like you have a crush on ol' Hillary. Awww....
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