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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Most of the college apartments around here are including internet and tv. But rent is so frickin cheap it doesn't really matter. I've got a bedroom/bathroom in an unfurnished 4/4, including internet and tv, for $299 a month.
  2. Rattay would be an excellent pickup.
  3. Its especially easy to do something like that over shoutcast.
  4. You didn't have enough stress. Let me try: ****VERTICALLY****
  5. Read the post right above yours.
  6. I think I'm just gonna leave my pop-tart in the toaster, and eat the toaster with the pop-tart in it.
  7. Damn straight! Why would you want the bun microwaved anyway?
  8. I hate that Head On commercial. Worst commercial ever.
  9. Apply Directly to the Forehead!
  10. I microwave my hotdogs already, and I just get the cheap ones. Why the hell did they make new hotdogs that can be microwaved?
  11. I went to the first one on Friday night. lol, I love Caliendo.
  12. Brian Regan has a bit on Pop-Tarts. I've never read the directions, but according to him you can microwave a pop-tart, in 3 seconds. 3 friggin seconds. How long does it take to just toast the damn thing?
  13. From the link I posted above.... "I can't make this up, John Madden said this word for word after Troy Aikman lost a contact on the sideline.... Here's a guy who when he puts his contact in he can see better."
  14. I'd say what I want to say, but Simon might increase my warning level.
  15. Hahaha, thats awesome
  16. Most announcers just come across as stupid. I wish they'd be more like Jaws, and actually give comments on Xs and Os rather then just obvious comments that I could tell you. Its the Madden disease. Agreed. Tony's a smart guy, and I think he'll get much better. He also didn't remind me of Miller. Theisman's a jackass who thinks he's much smarter then he actually is. At least, thats the way it comes across. The worst was when last season it was a game in late november or december. They were talking about who coach of the year should be, and he cuts off Mike Patrick who is saying Lovie Smith should be, a decent choice, to say "Mike Tice is coach of the year. He's done a heck of a job in Minnesota." MIKE FRIGGIN TICE? What the hell's wrong with you. My Favorite Take On Madden Agree with your takes on the rest.
  17. Not showing up for class is enough to arrest them I believe.
  18. madden's so good his bust talks to other busts when the lights go out.
  19. hahahahah
  20. maybe, although he broke his bong
  21. I feel that his post is very long and your post is short.
  22. Futurama's coming back in 08. =)
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