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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Yeah, because a mohawk makes you a freak. Or are you just an old, grumpy guy sitting on your porch, shaking your first going "damn kids these days, NO RESPECT ANYMORE! THEY HAVE IT EASY! I HAD TO CARRY A HOT POTATO THROUGH THE BUFFALO SNOW TO KEEP WARM WHILE GOING UPHILL TO AND FROM SCHOOL"
  2. So its a choice between being an @ssback and going both ways? Hmmm...
  3. ni shuo bu shuo zhong wen? wo zai de zhou da xue xue xi zhong wen
  4. I'm too brainwashed by academia and american society to be able to do anything other then label him as a Nazi. Oh how I fear for my future.
  5. I was wondering where #10 would place. That was the first video game toilet that popped into my head. #4 and #2 are both classics, and who can forget Duke Nukem/Doom. The other day, I randomly said to a friend who plays video games, "Want some rye? Course ya do" Amazingly enough, he knew what game that was from, haha.
  6. Cool. Yeah, the live experience is tremendoulsy different for sure. I guess I developed a dislike for him when growing up, having my parents force me to listen to some local "classic" rock stations (more general rock n' roll), I heard Free Falling so much I wanted to break the radio.
  7. Do you have a link to that one by chance?
  8. I hope so, I've never really liked his music though, which is why I'm skeptical.
  9. Haha yeah. I think the problem for the NFL contractually would be Nike, not Reebok. The problem is that Adidas isn't allowed to pay the fine by NFL rules, according to NFL spokesman Greg Aiello's quote on ProFootballTalk.com. (although I wish I coul d see it on another site, I don't trust that one)
  10. Which is interesting, because NFL rules would force Bush to pay the fine himself. Unless Adidas worked something out with the NFL, but I didn't take it to be that way in hte article.
  11. My girlfriend is dragging me out to see Tom Petty at this year's Austin City Limits fest.
  12. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/9601371 This whole thing is just downright stupid. To the NFL: Way to continue earning your "No Fun League" nickname. To Bush, the Saints, and Adidas: Play by the god damned rules that your employer has set out.
  13. Haha Easy
  14. Seriously, what the !@#$ was he thinking rofl http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/08/16/allen.volunteer/
  15. I don't care what part of Syria's government he is in. I just want to slap the sh-- out of him.
  16. Maybe we should have a marriage office that approves or disapproves marriage licenses based upon racial standards (preventing mixed marriages from taking place). Oh wait, that's already been done, its called Nazi Germany.
  17. I hate psychological warfare sometimes. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/15/...d.ap/index.html
  18. I bet pop tarts cook even faster if you leave them in the box.... vertically at 1000 degrees
  19. To eveyone but you, "bills suck" boy
  20. Oh man, so I assume most of you have heard aobut that little fiasco where AOL released search logs, identified by AOL user number, to the public and then took them away. Well of course they're all over bit torrent and what not, and people are, not surprisingly, being identified. Anyway, Something Awful has looked through them and taken out the weirdest, most distrubed searchers for our enjoyment. NSFW
  21. It was indeed.
  22. They've been losing players/coaches for the past few years, and sometime its going to finally catch up with them. Players they lost this year: Tom Ashworth, T (SEA); Matt Chatham, LB (NYJ); Andre' Davis, WR (BUF); Tim Dwight, WR (NYJ); Christian Fauria, TE (WAS); David Givens, WR (TEN); Willie McGinest, LB (CLE); Adam Vinatieri, K (IND) Players they resigned or signed: Troy Brown, Reche Caldwell, Heath Evans, Martin Gramatica, Tebucky Jones, Steve Neal, Chad Scott. Not to mention losing another coordinator on the defense, and not being willing to pay Deion Branch. We're starting to see some question marks develop on this Patriots team. They love to pass, but who is going to catch the ball? They have a great O-line to run, but who is actually going to run the ball? Can Monty Beisel be a viable starting linebacker? Can Rosevelt Colvin come back to his old form? Who is going to be the 2nd corner? Can Gramatica actually not be a nutcase? How will the coordinators perform? Granted, its nowhere near the questions that the bad teams have in the NFL. However, my point is that they aren't the top of the league any longer either. Playoff team? Without a doubt competing for the AFC East, and at this point they have the lead. However, they have a lot more question marks then a Cincinnati (who is just wondering if Carson Palmer can get back), Pittsburgh (FS, WR #2), and Carolina (Question mark? Where?).
  23. McGahee for D'Brick and Mangold
  24. And Thurman still had the best YPC.
  25. http://www.newyorkjets.com/news/articles/s...&article_id=836
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