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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. I will give you an el oh el for that.
  2. Since when did candidates start winning on the issues? Did I miss a memo or something?
  3. Just politics. Portraying a group of people as negative is just politics JimBob. Both sides do it. Doesn't change my opinion that Allen was a deuchebag for saying it.
  4. Let us know how it goes with the specialist!
  5. The NHL completely changed the way the game was played, the NFL didn't. I agree with you that we should stay positive, but its a bad comparison.
  6. Good news. Hopefully its nothing bad.
  7. Tis why I am named "Bluefire". Bang fests ftw!
  8. How, exactly, does this analogy work for "ideological" bullies?
  9. You do realize that what you described is the flight or fight response, which your body activates when you feel threatened right?
  10. You have a gift for ignoring what people say.
  11. Taking the physical into account is looking at it in hindsight with 20/20 vision in regards to the trade. I would agree with you if I looking at it from a context other then the Jets trade. Before that, Suggs HAD been injured, but it wasn't known by the Jets that he would fail a physical, and in their position, he had more upside then Gates or A-Train. The risk is that he was oft-injured and might not ever reach it. However, in college, Suggs proved that he could be a very good starting running back. High risk, high reward, yet at the same time still low cost. If he fails to live up to his pre-injury status its no big deal. Gates and A-train both don't fit what the Jets were looking for, and the Jets most likely wouldn't give the Bills much, if anything, for either one, seeing as how one of them is going to be cut in all likelyhood.
  12. Don't worry, the fact that you used the term Bully is proof enough.
  13. Man are these guys funny or what? EDIT: Forgot to post the link. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...MNGVJKJELG1.DTL
  14. CTM is a bully? You feel threatened by him?
  15. Suggs has a lot more upside then Gates or A-train at this point in their careers.
  16. Because they aren't worth crap on the NFL market. We'd get more value out of them being a backup.
  17. Most pipes I wouldn't mind being passed. But please, don't pass me this one, whatever you do.
  18. I realized, that while reading these posts, we need to have a post of classic Kurt for all to enjoy. Kurt on Microsoft: Kurt on Tom: Kurt using statistics: Kurt on Television: Kurt on Washington, DC: Kurt on Abu Ghraib: And of course, everyone's all time favorite, Kurt on Justices in the US: Ooooh I forgot one, Kurt on American society:
  19. Never met many people with a mohawk have you?
  20. I must go read.
  21. Especially when you're making a nickname. "I think I'll throw some letters together and make this guy macaca. Hmm, you kinda look like a leikarak. How ya doin leikarak?"
  22. http://www.buffalobills.com/depth_chart/index.html Check out WR and DT.
  23. Its also Lord Ted's first game back.
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