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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. It's a simple question with a not so simple answer. One way to do it would be to make the 3rd party as a whole viable and a major player in the game. It'll probably take a major voting bloc of one of the big parties to break off and either join a 3rd party or start their own in order to be taken as serious. Even if they do this, though, more then likely they'll just end up joining up together again with one of the two big parties, because if for example the evangelicals broke off from the Republican party, and split that vote in every district so that the Democrats won all the seats, they would be worse off then they were before, where they at least got some representation. Thus, they rejoin. The other way would be on an individual level, the Ross Perot way. If you have tons and tons of money, and then get exposure (such as the debates where the perception was that Perot won), you can show people that you are a viable candidate and poll numbers will support this claim. If Perot hadn't have backed out of the election for a couple months, he would have been a strong competitor. The thing is, though, people won't be convinced that whatever party this candidate belongs to is going to be worth voting for every single time. They're voting for the candidate, not the party.
  2. I've always thought that nutcase Gore Vidal had a point about the war on drugs. It creates tons of jobs, gives the impression of government caring about the people it serves, shows effectiveness when they catch people who are labeled as criminals, and brings in lots of revenue due to fines/other things. Financially, would taxes really help the economy and their political environment as laying off a bunch of drug workers and reducing government fines?
  3. Zidane for President?
  4. What do you mean exactly? How could they not monitor legal weed at the places that sell it like they do alcohol? Amen.
  5. That they would, but I think the party process inherently changes their position. If a young person wants to get elected, their best chances are to join either the Dems or Republicans. Since young kids that are in politics are at least somewhat smart (and most likely stupid at the same time), they make the best strategic decisionf or themselves and choose to join a party rather then start one. As older generations die off/lose, younger people are there to take their place. Therefore, the parties adopt. Voters are also strategic voters, and don't like to throw away their vote. Hell, I know I don't, and would rather vote for the best Dem/Repub then for a 3rd party candidate, unless that 3rd party candidate had a chance at winning. Where in lies the problem. i think for one party to die, its going to tay another party years and years of not only convincing voters, but proving themselves to be viable. Ross Perot would be a good example. He convinced a lot of the American public to vote for him, but he screwed it up politically. If you get some major financial backers like Perot, and garner votes that are significant, you might be on to something. That'd take a major screwup by the parties though. People like Ted Stevens would have to just go on and on about how his internets were delayed and how the internet isn't a dump truck.
  6. Preach On Brother Man. Personally I don't smoke, but I know people who do. In my experience, alcohol is more harmful then weed. At least when you're on weed, all you want to do is sit on your ass and eat instead of the fiesty alcoholics that want to kill people.
  7. *grin* no need to apologize. I was just wondering, as thats the trend I've experienced anecdotally. *shrug*
  8. No your post sucks. Oh wait, this isn't the thread that I was an idiot in. Sorry.
  9. After all, his name IS Rocky.
  10. Ah, gotcha. I was taking it too literally. Kucinich is an interesting character. I think he's perfect for the House of Representatives. He's an idiot on foreign policy, but he has a lot of domestic issues that I agree with. Legalization of weed, abortion, some environmental stuff, death penalty, drug war, and others. Economics and Foreign Policy though, yeesh, he's a sad character.
  11. Hmm, would you consider yourself a Republican or someone who leans Republican? Reason I'm asking is most of the people who lean Republican I know that like Jon Stewart have stopped watching his program since Colbert came out with his own show. Most people like me (I'd consider myself a middle of the road voter, who leans one way or another depending on what office it is) or who leans/are a democrat likes Stewart better.
  12. It pains me to see my boy in a Titans uni. I friggin hate the Titans. I have to say though, most posts don't make me laugh in real life, just in my head, but this one did.
  13. Bill of Rights. Freedoms. All that jazz that makes America America.
  14. Yeah, after all, thats the ONLY thing he does. Thats the ONLY thing I've seen on the whole program for the past few months. Have you even watched it?
  15. He did spend a bit of time doing Rome, but noted that only about 5-10 people got the joke. I bet that caused him to do his Rome impression less in your show. Funny enough, me and my girlfriend were only a couple of the ones that got it.
  16. Not really. Rob Johnson anyone?
  17. Wow you're a faggot. Voted.
  18. Not a YTMND fan eh?
  19. Dear Senator Ted Stevens, Thank you. Seriously. Otherwise, without your insane ramblings, we wouldn't have masterpieces such as: http://rankthesetubes.ytmnd.com/ http://teddyraps.ytmnd.com/ So, thank you Darin and other Alaskins, for keeping this crazy man in the senate. Sincerely, Bluefire
  20. Seriously. stupid move by them lol
  21. At least Virginia drivers slow down for no reason. Why the !@#$ was there a traffic jam at 2pm on a Wednesday in Austin without an accident?!
  22. of these mother!@#$ing snakes on this mother!@#$ing plane. This weekend bitches!
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