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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. It's mostly due to us idiots in Texas. We caused an artificial gas shorted. There were a lot of social media rumors that everyone was running out of gas, the Railroad Commission (which is a misnomer and responsible for energy in Texas) responded by not addressing concerns. A run on gas started, which caused an artificial shortage, which caused all the gas stations to start to run out of gas, which made people panic more. Shortly after that started happening, to control demand, all gas prices went up quite a bit here last week. We screwed up the national supply and gas had to be diverted to Texas to cover the areas without gas, increasing price across the nation. San Antonio is still almost completely out of gas. I finally had to fill up my tank this morning, went to two gas stations here in Austin (which isn't bad) before I found some, and they were out of anything but unleaded. It seems like supply is starting to catch up some now, but it's pretty much screwed up gas prices across the country.
  2. Yes, they have lots of draft equity, but the hit rate on most of those picks is low. They traded away good talent for picks that, at most, have a 50% success rate on average across the board. If they were trading around people that wouldn't fit on the team in 2-3 years (like Shady), that's one thing. I don't see how trading away a guy like Sammy for a pick that even has a 50/50 shot of making the NFL is a good move, regardless of how it ends up working out.
  3. The new Bills brass is continuing to pee on our legs and tell us it's raining.
  4. I believe the offense was as good as the numbers indicate as long as they ran the same scheme. If they're trying to run anything else, I agree
  5. No, I was saying everyone saying that he sucked and is the same as the WR we traded for was ridiculous.
  6. ^^^^^ every move we make makes us worse.
  7. I appreciate that but I don't think it's reality.
  8. Here's a decent 3rd/4th CB. Clay is awful. Lol I love trading for guys who won't make a team.
  9. LOL I love when a regime trades away talent for ****. Worst team in the NFL.
  10. Tyrod has a unique skillset and it causes people to go to extremes on their opinions of him. I think it's pretty clear that Tyrod is a QB with a very different skillset than the traditional NFL QB. I believe he can be successful if you put him in the right scheme with the right talent, which is exactly what the Bills did last year to get to an offense that actually produced decent points. The problem is for his skillset to work in the NFL it has to be a run-first offense with limited passing reads, which is why it tends to fail during two-minute type situations. Tyrod can throw a pretty ball, but he can really only read half the field with a couple progressions. He's just not going to be the type of guy who can go through quick progressions across 4-5 receivers so it greatly limits the type of offense you can run to be successful.
  11. Yep. It was interesting too because he struggled getting good WR fits for his offense, but he DID spend resources to try to get players. Jordan Matthews turned out to just be a slot WR, Josh Huff didn't work out in the NFL, Agholor got off to a rough start (but might be finally getting it together).
  12. Holy crap he stole some kids too?
  13. Airplane got screwed. Should be #1.
  14. Might as well have tanked with him instead
  15. Where the IDGAF we gonna suck either way option?
  16. I hope I see a team ready for the regular season. I expect to be a team ready to go 2-14
  17. I agree. Atlanta should have never been patient with a guy like Julio Jones. Look what good that did them. Or do you mean Dareus who missed two games in his first five years?
  18. I can't wait until we get rid of all our good talent.
  19. It rained some here in Austin last night, and is windy, but we haven't hit anywhere close to flooding yet. Looks like it's going to start for us here shortly.
  20. Keeping Shady on the team makes no sense. It's much, much more likely he falls off a cliff at 30 than it is he remains great. IMO, it makes total sense to trade Shady (and Tyrod) and throw the season away. Keep your young, good talent like Dareus. Here's the problem: it doesn't feel like there has been any semblance of a tank plan. Why did they bring back Lorax and sign Boldin if they didn't want to win now? Why are they trading away young talent that will be good when the Bills are ready to be good? It just makes zero sense at this point what they're doing, unless they've suddenly had an epiphany that they aren't good. If that's the case, this season has already been horribly mismanaged.
  21. Worse: RB OL - I believe the scheme switch will have an impact. WR CB Offensive coaching Better: DL LB Defensive coaching
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