It's mostly due to us idiots in Texas.
We caused an artificial gas shorted. There were a lot of social media rumors that everyone was running out of gas, the Railroad Commission (which is a misnomer and responsible for energy in Texas) responded by not addressing concerns. A run on gas started, which caused an artificial shortage, which caused all the gas stations to start to run out of gas, which made people panic more.
Shortly after that started happening, to control demand, all gas prices went up quite a bit here last week. We screwed up the national supply and gas had to be diverted to Texas to cover the areas without gas, increasing price across the nation.
San Antonio is still almost completely out of gas. I finally had to fill up my tank this morning, went to two gas stations here in Austin (which isn't bad) before I found some, and they were out of anything but unleaded.
It seems like supply is starting to catch up some now, but it's pretty much screwed up gas prices across the country.