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Everything posted by Chilly

  1. Please don't take what I said as there not being a lot of work behind the scenes - there was still a huge group, a big BBQ cookoff, and you guys did an amazing job!! I just didn't feel it was the same as I remembered while I was at the tailgate, and I wrote that from a constructive point of view - I just wanted to point out the differences from the past. I still had a blast. Some of the centralized things I remembered from the past I didn't see this time. I had a fantastic time and already wish I was back. You guys are awesome I just noticed some differences and I didn't realize there was a place to contribute money or I would have, I actually looked and didn't see one - if there is an after the fact paypal account, I'd be happy to send some money to cover the costs. I apologize that I didn't get my point across well - you guys were great! I'd just like to offer feedback to make it even better in the future.
  2. I can't believe how many people I missed, and I was in the black chevy right across from the tent! Obviously I have to get back there next year. I feel like I missed a TON of people this year, and I hadn't been since 2009/2010
  3. I haven't been since Seattle and Tampa Bay back in 2008/2009 era, and when I was know as BlueFire, so take this as a grain of salt, as I haven't been in the loop on the changes. However, back then, I remember there being a raffle, an area for donations, etc. I thought this year there wasn't much outside of a tent and the wall to sign that I noticed when I walked in that area. I didn't really know what was going on under the tent, and I didn't see anything to contribute to - back then, we all chipped in, got T-Shirts, there was a raffle, there was a donation pile. I used to drop ~$100+ easy for my group on the tailgate just on those things. Personally, I loved those, and I'd love to see them back for next year. I'm planning on coming back again next year, been too long, and I'd be happy to help organize if everyone needs help. I think the other thing that struck me was how many people I *didn't* meet this time looking at the threads after the game. I have no clue how I didn't meet joesixpack finally after how many years. The crazy part was we were in the black chevy SUV right outside the tent! In 2009/2010, it was obvious when everyone was going to Danny's, I had lunch with Rich the day before, etc. I wish I had known about more events to meet more people again, and remind people of who I was that forgot I think SDS figured it out when I talked to him but I knew people wouldn't remember me outside of a few. The nametags were a great idea but I think an official meet and greet event would have been great. I had an absolute freaking blast though I just think we can make it even better!
  4. Was a great time yesterday, nice meeting everyone! Unfortunate that the tailgate was better than the game, but the tailgate was a blast.
  5. Love it lol, haven't seen that before but awesome.
  6. Which is true of pretty much every single team in today's nfl.
  7. This offense doesn't have enough weapons to overcome the loss of Sammy. Biggest weakness on the team coming true.
  8. The defense was obviously much better yesterday than almost all of last season, so I'm not sure how someone couldn't have seen improvement there. However, without Sammy, I'm afraid our offense is going to have more games like yesterday. Horrible news.
  9. I love overreaction Sunday.
  10. Olives and Mushrooms
  11. A+++++. I pretty much love everyone you drafted. Cooks is going to be a top-10 WR this year. Not really sure how you got all of them but great job and I'd never start Michael Thomas over Cooks.
  12. #3 is easy, take whoever is left of Brown / Julio / OBJ. The top 10 drafted WRs tend to be top 10 players at a MUCH higher rate than the top 10 RBs tend to be top 10 players. You want a guy at the top who is going to deliver. That's a WR. After that, let the draft come to you.
  13. That's fair, Striker has proven himself in the NFL while Albright hasn't.
  14. No man, they had Tre McBride while Roman was there.
  15. While the line may not have gotten much better according to PFF, Lewis was their best lineman last year: https://www.profootballfocus.com/pro-why-its-not-too-late-to-fix-seahawks-o-line/ Curious.
  16. The fact this guy couldn't cut it on the terrible Seahawks line makes me VERY skeptical about this pickup.
  17. JetBlue doesn't use GoGo, which is air-to-ground. They use a satellite based service that they claim delivers broadband speeds. I've streamed Sunday Ticket on it before; didn't get great quality, but it did work.
  18. Damn really? That's pretty lame.
  19. Love it! Great team. I'm in a draft right now, from the #1 spot: AB Cooks Hilton Hyde DeMarco Luck Decker Matt Jones Ertz I'm also happy
  20. Below the knee, not waist.
  21. I've never really understood it either. The part I appreciate is the games where they honor a veteran, that's a cool tradition thanking someone specifically for what they've done. But I don't really get the national anthem.
  22. Same. Johnson, Gurley, Elliott; however, I wouldn't blame anyone for picking those in any order.
  23. #1 and it's not even close in my book.
  24. Overwatch. Don't need anything else.
  25. It's meaningless encouragement, but nice to see the coaches have the team prepared even if it doesn't translate.
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