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its only real shh

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Everything posted by its only real shh

  1. all this guy wanted to do was to enjoy a slice... ...i like to call it "warren sapp vs the guy from super mario brothers" left click to stream http://wm.gannett.speedera.net/wm.gannett/...izzaassault.wmv
  2. oh yeah, a backhand!!
  3. oh great!! I know they dont have a RB but if that happens my Raider days are over, not really but I wont like it. I thought, or hoped, they would of taken Carnell Williams at #7 but thats not happenin now.
  4. Tom Gugliatta huh, damn i didnt even know he still played in the NBA. Wasnt Walker one of the very first players Ainge got rid of? I know he thought he was fat and he also didnt fit that personality thing Ainge lives by for his players. Him and some other guy go by a book written about certain athletes brain traits and how he can destinguish winners and losers by examining a cat scan. You heard of that?
  5. I dont know he had a serious/semi-serious neck injury, last year wasnt it?. He likes to carry the ball too so i dont know I'd rather have a pure blocker personally.
  6. What is this the 1950's?..."negro"? Go up to any black guy and ask him if its OK for you to call him a "negro". African American is dumb in my opinion, your just American really if your born here. Dikembe Mutombo is the African-American, because he's African. Everyone i know just call each other ni**as honestly.
  7. Send the cash....do it, the reward is higher then the risk cause he's got millions for ya.
  8. They put together a good 2nd half against uconn. I dont see them ranked any higher then like 14th and play a 3rd seed. if they play a dominant big man it could be ugly because Adibi is pretty soft and very un-athletic like he's gonna fall over out there. With a good outside shooting performence from the gaurds and if Jordan, Middleton or better yet Bortz can establish themselves in the paint I think a win is possible. Remember when the Bonnies made it and lost by a Tayshawn Prince 3 in OT?? That was a great game, UB can do the same but hopefully pull it out...gotta get in first though, huh??
  9. Now i wanna know how they can afford Moss after they just signed Porter. Moss is to get his base of 7.25 mil and still has 4 years left of a 75 million dollar contract.
  10. yeah hopefully they'll rob you everytime. ...i dont believe it yet but i havent been on espn, i know yesterday they said he wasnt goin anywhere. i'd give up a 7th in heartbeat for him though, but i would of rather they keep/or kept harris.
  11. and hey drew, remember "this is my team".
  12. wonder if he's still wearin his wristwatch
  13. 41st and vernon....queensbridge eatery
  14. yeah their athletes, and 18 wheeler drivers are super-athletes
  15. Funny how Sullivan said damn near the exact same thing in his article the other day.
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