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its only real shh

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Everything posted by its only real shh

  1. Im pretty sure your just bein funny, but i think she was tryin to get him to piss. She was probly tryin to hit his bladder.
  2. About not bein able to get rid of Al. Realize Deadwood is fact based and if Al died in real life I doubt they would keep him on just because he's a main attraction, that would take away from authenticity, right?
  3. Thanks Charlton Heston, now they will never make that mistake again. Yeah, it was pointed at Al. What sense would it of made to get her boyfriend to help Bullock in the gunfight if she was just gonna turn around and be on Al's side.
  4. So do you just drop your 12 pack right in the ocean to save time and money on salt? Or do the walruses still run things over by the ocean shore?
  5. Their under because a bunch of player restructured their contracts, namely Gannon who reduced it from 8 million to 750,000.
  6. QUOTE(Puhonix @ Mar 10 2005, 03:16 PM) If your talking about Dana Jacobsen, you couldnt be more wrong. The girl knows her sports! Listening to her on Mike & Mike was a thrill, and then seeing her, she's not hard on the eyes. I dont know what face or look your referring to, but Jacobsen is a solid reporter. Im not even talkin about her, the one philburger1 up there mentioned.
  7. I wasnt too high on her face but I found myself always lookin at her legs. That new girl sucks, watch the expressions she makes when she does interviews, in one ear out the other with a hint of "I wish I knew what he was talkin about".
  8. Without someone losin their head? Call me morbid, but I expect people to fall like tree branches when beef starts. That coulda all been a publicity stunt though, right down to guy gettin legged outside Hot 97.
  9. ^^^damn, beat me to the punch. Wheres Lee Harvey when we need him, talk about a perfect shot.
  10. I think if their gonna pay someone to play LT, make sure the guy CAN play it. Now I dont know the plan if they sign him but he said out his very own mouth "guard, center anything inside but NOT tackle" <<verbatim. Im all for signing a player of his caliber IF they play him at his position. Dont just stick him where you want because you think you have the incredible Jim McNally to work his magic.
  11. that damn mtv slang
  12. This is obvious but I think out of the 3 big FAs the Bills priority was to make sure Schobel stayed. He's the youngest and IMO its easier to find a quality big man in the middle then a good RE.
  13. What side tackle did Teague play in Denver?? If they let him (gandy) compete for LG maybe Tucker goes to center, where he played well when Teague was hurt, and Teague could play LT. What I would see bein better is Williams might try to slide over to the left, he has the talent for the position but I dont know if he's ever played it or even if his mind is right yet to take that big step. But with all that said, they might simply put Gandy at LT and keep everything else the same.
  14. Well you might wanna think about gettin a life, wait whats there to do out there besides play chase the seal. You go ahead and be the message board interpreter, your good at it since you can read in between the lines especially when theres nothin to read in between. I havent been here long, but from what I can see your real quick to jump on someone even if their post has absolutly nothin to do with you or anything you said in the thread.
  15. Hey Alaskan, show me the sarcasm. That looks heart felt to me.
  16. Look your heroes Bledsoe and Flutie are long gone, deal with it and move ahead. Why do we have to be butt kissin chumps? Because we have a different opinion and share it? I dont care if Donahoe or Jesus Christ himself signed Holcome, if I agree or disagree you can rest assure I'm gonna go ahead say what I feel. LA Billz your old as hell to be tryin to come up with a catchy phrase like kool aid drinkin chumps...more soon then later your catch phrase is gonna be "pass the depends".
  17. I like it, last week I said to my man we should consider Holcombe but he said he thought he'd rather start then come in as a guaranteed backup, he said that and I immediatly dimmissed the thought of it, until now...someones gonna see me outside later.
  18. Oh, I dont know if I feel stupid or not. My guess was he meant "joint", like alot of player are takin a physical at the same place, combine like.
  19. ^^^Thanks, I guess you noticed I didnt read all 8 pages. That was kinda a dumb question anyway, since none of us really know because they havent told us yet.
  20. I'm willin to bet every single rookie QB is called "the kid", especially if he's an understudy. When I first started roofing 6-7 years ago they called me "junior", I see it as the same thing.
  21. Can someone fill me in on what "jint" means?
  22. About Hurley bein at the nuthouse, I'm not sure if he was a patient or if he used to work there.
  23. Damn, thats funny. An open invitation to a come one come all "rip me" party. Most people enjoy not gettin dissed, this man invites it.
  24. Nah, he was a 4 year starter at Chicago. Went to Carolina last year and got cut early in the season (hence the 4 starts) after he got injured.
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