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Everything posted by PTS

  1. Alrighty then ... show's over. 2nd half was just as good as the first ... if not better. I like the concept. The guy that plays Jim is pretty cool and his chick partner is hot. I'll hooked for a few weeks. Anyone else watch? Thoughts?
  2. Sure it's just 30 minutes into the pilot ... but I like where this show is going. Anyone notice in the scene with Jim's (the blind guy) wife after his first day on the job, they blurred out her green shirt? What was up with that?
  3. Ah, so I'm not stupid. I'm usually astute to stuff like that but this time I felt like a kid that had a Kick Me sign on his back and didn't even know it.
  4. Hate to say it ... but local college basketball is where it's at right now. If UB makes the Big Dance, it's going to be pretty damn sweet for WNY.
  5. Reminds me of a scene in Swingers... "What? Come guys I couldn't back down, that guy called me a B word we kept our "rep" bro."
  6. Man ... that one flew over my head. I turned around too, still missed it.
  7. No, but if Stamos played in LOTR ... the greatest movie of all time ... he then might be considered the greatest actor of all time.
  8. You're my hero. You didn't know?
  9. I could definitely use you on my side. You could tell the guy how him putting the cart behind my car has an adverse affect on the economy. Then, when he's all confused, I'd proceed with my plan. Coming from a man who bears the screenname of someone who wanted to drop the gloves with anyone that looked at him the wrong way. Who Luvs Ya Baby!
  10. Amazing ... although I thought the title of this thread was going to lead into a story about Alaska Darin. Makes a young fellow like myself feel ashamed I never joined the forces and did my part.
  11. Personally, I would have pulled that bastard from his car and beat his ass down using the cart. After I had him lying on the ground, I'd put the cart on top of him and say "how do you like it now." Maybe that's not the best option, but I think the point would have been made. Hold on ... I gotta get my Prozac.
  12. I never ask him about anything. If he volunteers me information, I share it. Other than that, me asking him complicates a lot of things for both him and myself. Huh??? I guess you are referring to me saying ass? If that's the case, I am sorry ... for you.
  13. God damn sarcasm on the internet ... I can never figure it out. I'm just saying, I get to know things that the media might not know and I would love to share with the board, just don't flame me like the board usually does when someone makes up whacked "insider" info. But like I said over and over, Ty was in on Saturday ... that's a fact. Anything other than that is purely speculative. Maybe, like I said yesterday, he came in to play Madden 2005 with TD? Who knows.
  14. Yo stevestojan, you know I raised my fees to $6,500 because of the weaking dollar.
  15. Oh, yeah ... radio stations, TV stations and newspapers are really credible. They get about 1 out of 10 rumors right. I got better things to do then make this crap up. Whether you believe it or not, it's not my issue. But those of you who know me, know I didn't pull this out of my ass.
  16. Everyone was talking about Kelly Holcomb for days before he got signed, right? Oh wait, they did that out of the spotlight and it surprised everyone. Just cause it aint in the rags or on the tube, don't mean it ain't happening.
  17. LOTR isn't about special effects. Of course there are some great effects in the movie but if you think LOTR is just about the effects, then you are sadly mistaken. Don't get me wrong, Godfather was a great movie, but IMO nothing holds up to the LOTR Trilogy. But that's just me and you know I love soccer too.
  18. As I mentioned yesterday in this thread ... Ty Law was in town Saturday. I spoke to my friend again last night and he told me Ty "came to check everything out." What the hell that means, I'm not really sure. But he led me to believe that both sides are interested in working something out.
  19. I realize that an epic like LOTR might be too complicated for you simple people. Personally, I loved all three movies and consider them the best movies ever made. To answer your questions, I assume you are referring to Aragon as the "man" throughout the movie. And the foul looking creatures are Orcs (smaller) and Uruk-hai (larger). BTW: How are the movies inconsistant? Did you watch them in the wrong order?
  20. Sharpton is one of the biggest racist in America. He envokes hatred between whites and blacks. I could care less what this jackass does or says.
  21. He was there this Saturday and I posed the same question you did in follow-ups. There are some good reasons why this wouldn't be released ... read the whole thread for those possible reasons. I also found out today that Sirius Radio reported last week he was coming to Buffalo on Saturday. Nevertheless, my source saw him there.
  22. "But why is the rum gone?"
  23. The more I think about this, the more I think that this is something Ty wants and not the Bills. Otherwise, I think the Bills would have said he was in town. But that might be good thing. Obviously -- even if you don't think there is a need at CB -- if a guy like Ty expresses interest in playing here and is willing to make a good deal, maybe something will happen.
  24. FACT: Ty Law met with the Bills on Saturday. RUMOR: They are working on a deal. My buddy said Ty Law was at OBD on Saturday. Anything else is speculative since he obviously didn't sit in on the meeting. But other that eating some Buffalo Wings with TD or playing a friendly game of Madden, why on earth would he be there? Maybe Law wants to get back at the Pats and he wanted to come to talk to TD about playing with the Bills. Maybe the Bills don't have any interest ... but ... obviously at least one side is interested in the other. Like I said, I know this is a touchy subject, but I have friends in good places that every now and then let me know what's going on inside. I thought I'd share this with my fellow TSWers.
  25. As a matter of fact I do ... here's the link!
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