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Everything posted by PTS

  1. Unfortunately, this might be the end of Boston Legal. IMO ... it's the best comedy/drama show on TV. It's the only one I make sure not to miss, but according to some websites, ABC won't be renewing it which sucks. EDIT: I just read some trade sites that said that BL will be renewed so who knows. James Spader and Will Shatner perform amazing on that show, and the chicks ... well they are simply amazing too!
  2. That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. 18k already? Unbelieveable!
  3. Bennucci's in the Pittsford Plaza. Great food but the crowd there was always how you would say "not-straight" ... not that there's anything wrong with that. My girlfiend and I always went there when I would come to visit her at college (SJFC).
  4. Just saw this movie yesterday ... it was an awesome movie! I heard reviewers where hot or cold about this one, but all the reviews I got or read from regular folk like you and me were great. This is definitely a must see ... Bruce Willis is the man.
  5. Hello F.A.T. My name is Reggie Whiterspoon and I would like to know why the NCAA Selection Committee did not give any at-large berths to any MAC teams even though teams like my Buffalo team and Miami (OH) had better resumes that 4-6 teams that did make it. Also, for the advice part, what can we do to make sure this doesn't happen again. Regrads, RW
  6. It looks stupid with the current logo. But when they go to the modernized version of the old logo, that will look tight.
  7. It won't be old color scheme for long. Blue and Gold will return soon.
  8. Don't buy a jersey. The Sabres will be switching within a year after the NHL returns.
  9. Facts are nothing but a right wing conspiracy tool.
  10. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher: Pregnant! Article #2 From The NY Post Lets start a TSW Pool. When will Bruce Willis knock up a young actress. My money is by June.
  11. LA Times Story - Closer To Getting Home Made Oil? "The drilling lobby knows they can't sell off the Arctic refuge if they have an open, honest debate," said Sen. John F. Kerry, a leading opponent of the drilling. A big :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to you Johny boy! I really don't understand the libs on this one. Oursourcing is bad, but depending on foreign oil is good? Just goes to show you way the terrorists love guys like John Kerry. Opening up ANWR creates jobs in America and will help drop gas prices. Why wouldn't we do it? At the very least, it send a big FU to OPEC saying we'll start looking for our own oil.
  12. Amen, I hate your team but great post.
  13. A lot of you TSWers are being stupid. You think this law only affects thugs that wear the pants at their thighs. On the contrary, this law was introduced because of women wearing pants that hang at their hips. I for one would fight until death before a law gets passed that would force women not to wear revealing clothing, even if it means having to look at thugs' boxers. This law is no good.
  14. This list is dead on... Peerless Price is rated 2nd last. Haha, what a steal that trade turned out to be.
  15. Oh those little devils! That was funny.
  16. Yeah, him and Screech commited a double suicide yesterday. You didn't hear?
  17. Nah, I really hope he offs himself and I know I'm not the only one. I'm just saying, if he wants to do it, he should. You know Michael can't go to jail and live away from his sick fantasy world. It's a shame when molesters like Michael get to live and poor guys like Urkle died suddenly.
  18. You ask and you shall receive... The Neutral zone trap is a defensive ice hockey strategy used by a team to deter an opposing team from proceeding through the neutral zone (the area between both blue lines). The strategy is generally used to level the playing field for teams that are not as offensively talented as their opponent. However, the trap is used on occasion by teams simply looking to protect a lead near the end of the game. The neutral zone trap consists of a team having four of their forward players in the neutral zone, and one forechecking in the offensive zone. As the offensive team starts to move up the ice, the forechecker (generally the center) will cut off passing lanes to other offensive players by staying in the middle of the ice, which forces the puck carrier to either sideboard. The defensive wingers--who are typically placed on or near the red line--will be positioned by the boards to take the puck carrier, prevent passing, or even other players from moving through. The two defensemen who are positioned on or near the blue line are the last defense should the play move past the wingers and the center. The trap has been widely criticized for lowering scoring and making the game less exciting for fans, but it has proven to be very successful, especially in the playoffs a la the NJ Devils. A number of proposals to ban the trap have been proposed, but none have been taken seriously.
  19. NHL 95 on Super Nintendo.
  20. Honestly, and I mean this in a sincere way, I hope he just offs himself. The world would be better off. Hey Michael, you won't pull the trigger ... you child molesting bastard --- alledgely.
  21. ***PetrinoInAlbany*** ACLU = RJ YOUR POSTS = RJ YOU = RJ JOHN KERRY = RJ JK's QUOTE = RJ They are terrorists, who the hell cares about their rights. They do not fight under the rules of war so they don't get the benefits of the rules of war. Remember 9/11. Bush is the President, deal with it or move to Canada.
  22. I am ... I think more and more will watch as it gets down to the wire. But it really is a fasinating show.
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