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Everything posted by PTS

  1. If that day ever comes, like the Galatica, the cylons in the broadcasting industry won't be able to control older PVRs. So frack them. As for BSG, you gotta love a show that found away to use the f-word like that. I can't wait to see season two now. Almost done with season one. I have the last four episodes of season two recorded and they are re-running the season two right now so I'll be caught up well before season two picks up against in January.
  2. Speaking of BSG. Thanks to whoever told me to watch that show after I expressed my "love" for Stargate. BSG is awesome. I'm about 90% through season 1. As for the topic at hand, that would suck big time, but I'm sure there will be ways around it.
  3. I have already sent a certified letter to my girlfriend, family, friends and clients that they shouldn't expect to hear from me in the coming days. Undoubtedly, all my free time will be indulged in the greatest game ever invented, part III. SOCOM III comes out tomorrow for PS2. It's bigger, better and more incredible than the first two. I can't fathom that. I've never had a video game or anything for that matter (girlfriend included) that is just as enjoyable years later as it was when you first bought it. Anyone else taking the pludge tomorrow, or am I the only dork? And before it starts ... NO the US Seals uniforms won't be blue and gold. Ha ha ha, it ain't as funny if I make fun of myself first bastards!
  4. Sabres are on WROC-AM in Rochester. Sister station of WGR-AM.
  5. Trust me, no one is more pissed than me. I tried getting answers today but nada. I learned from my mistake, don't take anybody's word on anything unless you see it for yourself. That being said, Golisano said there would be some huge surprises at the game. I guess a 6-4 was a huge surprise. But there wasn't anything else.
  6. I'm here to take my lumps like a man and then go cry like a woman. I don't know what to say other that I'm sorry to those whose hopes I got up. With what I was told and by who and with what I already knew, I had no reason not to believe the Sabres were unveiling their jerseys tonight. So I was either lied to that this was going to happen tonight or the person who called me today was completely deceived with what was going on. That being said, let me have it. I will never open my mouth again for I was made a fool.
  7. Speaking of Mark Zampogna, here's an unbelieveable aritcle he wrote yesterday. Rumor has it Mark might be writing now and then on The Sabres Report as well this season. Mark's Buffalo Sabres Article from Yesterday
  8. That's where I remember him from! That was a great site.
  9. Hmmm, that name looks familiar. I think I've seen it before.
  10. HATERS. Don't worry, I don't get my info from JSP's uncle's brother's friend who lives next to the guy who cuts the grass for the Sabres equipment manager's niece. Expect more than one surprise tonight.
  11. what lardo?
  12. I think someone else posted about the discounted jerseys. I heard the Sabres store is very low on stock and most of it is on sale. But either way, you'll see for yourself in just over five hours.
  13. So when the Sabres skate out in brand new jerseys, that's not enough to prove they are switching to new jerseys? You can bet your ass that I'm going to be shaking in my seat tonight when they come out because they probably will still have the current logo at centre ice and the players will wear the current jerseys at warm up as not to tip anyone off. If I'm wrong, then my god, I don't think I could ever return to TBD. But like I said before, too many people told me this was going down and I already had a strong gut feeling from what I personally know.
  14. Here's exactly what I was told today: "They did apply for the jersey change last season and will be in their new jerseys tonight." I don't think third jerseys is what I take out of this.
  15. If I'm wrong, you won't see me here for a long time. Why? Cause I'd have a hit list of all the people that told me this was going down tonight. Nevertheless, no need to worry. This is happening.
  16. Because I'm well connected my friend. And did I ever say that someone from the Sabres told me? Plenty of other groups of people know, NHL, NHLPA, jersey makers, etc. I knew this was coming, but not until today did I find out from someone that would definitely know.
  17. Just got a call. The new jerseys are a go! Don't believe me, wait and see tonight.
  18. You know what, excellent point, unless the paintings are easily changeable. Even the Sabres said they will be switching once the NHL allows them too, so those murals would have to be changed sooner or later.
  19. On my way home today I worked a little cell phone magic. Here's what I found out. Sabres applied for new Blue and Gold jerseys at some point during the end of the 2003-2004 season. The rule is that the NHL and PA need one full season before they can make the logo/jersey switch official. The new jerseys would have been unveiled this season had the NHL played in 04-05. There was some confusion as to whether or not this switch could be made for this season because of the lockout. Here exactly what I was told by a friend that's well connected***... One source said the new jerseys have been approved for this season and we'll see them tomorrow. Another source is that the new jerseys have been approved but only as third jerseys until January 2006, at which point they can make them their official jerseys. Why January 2006? I have no idea. *** For those of you that question my sources, piss off. I wouldn't make this up for the hell of it.
  20. Smokescreen my friend, smokescreen. The rule you stated is in deed an NHL rule, but the Sabres had this in the works for a long time. We'll see tomorrow, maybe I'm just looking into a few things too much, but all the signs were there for me to say what I did. I posted months ago that their was a prototype jersey the Sabres had developed a while ago. As for the money-issue, if they are new blue and gold jerseys, I'm getting mine tomorrow as I'm sure 1000s of others will.
  21. I have no proof whatsoever for what I'm about to say only that I've had a feeling the Sabres would be bringing back the Blue and Gold sooner than the 2006-07 season. I am going out on the limb and as the Sabres ad campaign states "The future starts" tomorrow. Blue & Gold returns to Buffalo tomorrow! But like I said this is only an incredibly strong gut feeling with only tidbits of unconfirmed info that I just pieced together. I suspected this for a long time but have no hard proof. ====EDIT BELOW==== On my way home today I worked a little cell phone magic. Here's what I found out. Sabres applied for new Blue and Gold jerseys at some point during the end of the 2003-2004 season. The rule is that the NHL and PA need one full season before they can make the logo/jersey switch official. The new jerseys would have been unveiled this season had the NHL played in 04-05. There was some confusion as to whether or not this switch could be made for this season because of the lockout. Here exactly what I was told by a friend that's well connected***... One source said the new jerseys have been approved for this season and we'll see them tomorrow. Another source is that the new jerseys have been approved but only as third jerseys until January 2006, at which point they can make them their official jerseys. Why January 2006? I have no idea. *** For those of you that question my sources, good, cause I should question them too!
  22. I hope my travel agent worked out for you. My girlfriend and myself stayed at the Bavaro Princess in Punta Cana this past May. It was easily the best vacation we've ever taken. Five star service for half the price of Sandals or Breezes. I'd recommend checking out tripadvisor.com for user reviews but you have to take the 10:1 rule into consideration. For every one person that bitches about a hotel, 10 more love that hotel. We read some bad reviews on the hotel we stayed at but we found them to be completely unfound as would 90% of the people that stayed there.
  23. AD: I choose not to talk to Dish Network people unless I have to. You'd feel the same way after you had to argue West Seneca, NY is in fact in Buffalo and not Pittsburgh, PA like they think.
  24. That hit looked scary. Edit: Good news, he apparently has been able to wiggle his fingers and has become alert.
  25. Yes, it's better than Lost. OK, maybe as good as Lost. Each week the show gets stronger and stronger before it leaves you hanging in anticipation until the next episode.
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