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Everything posted by PTS

  1. Potato Chips are sweet to only those who can truly see the camel walk through the wet desert.
  2. Man, I don't feel sorry for her anymore. I feel sorry for her son that his mother is trying to ruin everything he believed in.
  3. I simply don't bother with politics or media anymore. That makes me feel better inside.
  4. So in hockey, it's straight up betting? Say I'm completely confident that Ottawa will win 60 games this year. If I decide to bet that everytime Ottawa plays, they will win, I should come out a winner 75% of the time? What happens with ties?
  5. You can stop right there. Obvioulsy the rest of this post is pure bull, just like blue and gold jerseys. Haha ... JK. » Chippewa at night. » Dave & Busters in the Eastern Hills Mall (stop by some of the great Haunted Houses in the area). » Niagara on the Lake. » Do a Sabres game next weekend (hit up the bars around the arena). » And my favorite ... room #21 at the Blue Dolphin Motel on Niagara Falls Boulevard. » After that, take her to the Adelphia Tower observatory where you can see the great Superspan International Bridge and the "re-developed" waterfront.
  6. Legitimate chiros will do your body more good in regards to back, bone and muscle problems than actual doctors. Legimate chiros have to go to school for just as long as actual doctors. Personally, I went to one for two reasons, a back and wrist injury from hockey. Both feel much better after a visit to the chiro. I had surgery on my broken wrist a few years back and when the weather gets bad, the pain is rough. However, my chiro "readjusts" it and it's good for a while.
  7. Potential to be slightly better than JP Losman. RJ > JP
  8. Whether or not the concept of "God" was invented by humans or not, I don't think anyone can ever convince me that there is no God, even after four Super Bowl loses.
  9. I'm sure "contacts" have been called already.
  10. The guy can be a stud when healthy but I really like Shaud Williams as our backup.
  11. http://www.wgr550.com/ondemand.php You can listen for yourself.
  12. RJ > JP And I HATED RJ.
  13. Which number? Because he's going to have to switch to a new number after they retire Derek Plante's 26.
  14. Absolutely disagree. Sabres retire to many numbers. They should only retire the best of the best and have a "Wall of Fame" for the other greats. Only three numbers deserved to be retired. 2, 11, 39. The rest is too much. 50 years from now, players are going to be wearing 54 and 73 as standard numbers because all of the "hockey numbers" will be retired. No knock on Patty or Danny, but if they go be these standards they will be retiring a lot of other numbers.
  15. From the "Questions without Answers" thread, I was going to post something to the effect of how did the universe begin OR where did God come from but Nick in England beat me to the punch. Many times during the course of my 25 year existance -- usually when I was bored out of my mind -- I'd try to conceive an idea on how everything started. Here's my dumb theory... (dumb because there is no way to prove anything) Being a Catholic, I believe in God ... who I believe to be the same for everyone regardless how we worship him or what regilion we follow. In my religion, we're told that God was always there and that there was no beginningm as time is infinite. This is obviously the only answer we could come up with because nothing else makes any sense. Big Bang Theory just doesn't work for me because, for "God's Sake" where did all the gases come from? Save your Godly farting jokes please! Life is to intricate to have evolved from gases. Someone with a vision put us here. I also believe that there are other lifeforms out in the universe that are identical to us or in some cases just more advanced. The universe is too big to be just for us. I think "aliens" that might have visited this planet are simply humans that have advanced through stages of evolution we haven't reached yet. We use something like 5% of our brains, I'm sure that number is more for "aliens" but I believe that their creator is the same as ours. Which goes back to my original question, where did God come from? My guess is our minds simpy can't even handle the answer to that question.
  16. Depending on whether or not Moss plays, I think next week will be a deciding factor in what we do with Nate. If Moss is held to marginal yardage because of Nate, I think the Bills would be foolish not to re-sign him. Plain and simply, QBs seem to look off whatever receiver Nate is covering 75% of the time. That results in more INTs for McGee as QBs try to force passes to the receiver he's covering. Either way, with or without Moss, I think Buffalo wins next week.
  17. Nice to see The Contender back on tonight, albeit really late because of the delayed college football game. Alfonso Gomez won his fight against some non-Contender. Alfonso is just getting better and better. Anthony Bassonti got absolutely screwed in the second fight against Jesse Brinkley. We not only won every round, he blew Jesse out in every single round. The fourth round was 40-9! Everyone was sure he won and boxing judges proved their ineptness (read coruptness) again. Fans were pissed, chanting bull s--t. The title bout is on right now between Segio Mora and Peter Manfredo Jr. Mark Burnett said The Contender: Season 2 will return in April on ESPN. He said the talent already looks to be as good if not better as the show has more star power now. ESPN is doing a much better job than the Contender Finale on NBC.
  18. I didn't mean to imply that Gaustad would take the "C" away from Briere or Drury. But down the road when those guys are gone I see him as the type of player worthy of getting it. He reminds me a lot of Michael Peca minus the huge open ice hits.
  19. Gaustad is here to stay. He earn his spot for the season with his play in the pre-season and especially after he took out Mats Sundin in Toronto and then fought of Pilak. He's continued his great play in the regular season. When Mair comes back, my guess is they don't dress Peters. Mair with Gaustad will be a fun line to watch. Two big guys that can move and hit. Hopefully they force Pyatt to become a better player as well. But Gaustad is going to be a huge fan favorite ... it's already starting. It won't surprise me if he's wearing the "C" a few years down the road. He's that kind of player. Vanek will be the offensive threat but Gaustad will be the guy that can do it all. Plus, it's nice to see US-born players on this team. We have seven Americans on this roster. That's probably more than any other team.
  20. Dude, I think you got the Bird Flu.
  21. So what does everyone think happened to the other survivors from the back of the plane? The Others? The Monster (haven't seen this yet this season), or did they go crazy?
  22. The thing that makes that picture for me is seeing a former boss of mine in it as well.
  23. Say no more. Did CNN somehow superimpose President Bush in the video as well? The guy lifted three cops at once! His head was bloodied after he went nuts and had to be thrown to the ground to be restrained. The guy deserved what he got.
  24. I just paid in full today to reserve the game tomorrow at GameStop. The manager said that the game probably won't even make it to the shelves until the weekend unless they get an extra shipment right away. He said he doubled his reserves for the game today alone. The game ships out of Dallas then to Syracuse before hitting Rochester and Buffalo. Syracuse should have it available tonight, Rochester might and only places like Walmart might have it available at midnight in Buffalo.
  25. Same here in Buffalo, some places like MediaPlay say they won't get it until Friday. Best Buy said they expect it in sometime today.
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