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Everything posted by PTS

  1. For the record, various media sources said the Sabres will be unveiling the jerseys like I said. Most of them quickly editted that story. After watching or hearing that Presser, tell me that wasn't a changed or thrown together press conference. "We didn't unveil today because I don't have any product available to show yet" Then he says we like the new jerseys, "We had Pominville and Gaustad try them on in the playoffs." Lies, lies and more lies. Judging from what he said, to me it looks like someone wanted to unveil the jerseys today but someone higher up wants them tweaked.
  2. That's flat out BS. All the jerseys have been done since April and tweaked since November.
  3. Wow. Third time a charm? The Sabres backed out of their plans. Local media was told to come to HSBC for a 4pm presser and that jerseys would be unveiled. Why else would the TV stations broadcast it live if it wasn't that. Were I work, I was told to be ready for the uniform sheet to send out to people at the strike of 4. Something happened between noon and now to cancel that.
  4. Here's what I heard from someone who has seen the whole set: As I stated before, the slugs are the primaries however I'm told the jerseys are actually very good and look very sharp. That was stressed to me. The colors are NAVY, "Slight" GOLD, and WHITE. The gold isn't the old yellow but I don't think it's actually gold either. I asked if the original logo would look great in this set -- say one year down the road -- and I was told it would look phenomenal. The FIGHT must go on! But for now we'll at least have the alternates.
  5. ALL jerseys WILL be UNVEILED.
  6. I was wrong once, but won't be this time. Details coming.
  7. I appreciate the advice and will definitely use it. I need to close by next Friday!
  8. That's what I'm afraid of. I haven't listened since that fateful day in August 02 or 03? They were on top of their game back then but I had a free preview of XM a year ago and I didn't like the show as much. Hopefully opening up the listener audience to regular radio will make it regain some of that swagger they had.
  9. Unfortunately, this vacation was planned about four years ago. I went to Germany for the World Cup. Like I said, before I left I made sure they had everything. Not only that, I got a Power of Attorney to allow my girlfriend to execute and supply the mortgage company any information required while I was gone. She had all my files and any information they could possibly ever need access to. Couple that with me calling in each week, I don't think me being away had anything to do with it other than the fact I was there to call them everyday. However, it shouldn't be my job to make sure they are doing their job.
  10. Don't play games with me man. This is awesome news if true, but aren't they on XM?
  11. The funny part of this loan is it is designed for younger people and/or couples as an incentive to stay in New York State. Here's an update on my situation: I called the manager again today and went to town on her voicemail. I held back before but I couldn't take it anymore. Seconds later she called me and in her conversation I caught her staff in a blatant lie with proof documenting what they told me. Needless to say, my application is expect to be finalized by Tuesday. But I'll believe that when I see it.
  12. Yeah, I found that out the hard way. However, their offers were all so enticing. I should have known anything to do with NY state should automatically be ignored. In hind sight, I'd go back in time and take a larger interest rate just so I didn't have to deal with this crap. The bottomline, however, is that SONYMA isn't messing up (yet). It's Citi, they haven't done anything correctly on their end to date. Plus, my realtor had another client who bought a home with SONYMA a week after me and he moved into his house two weekends ago.
  13. PREFACE: I need to vent, so I'd do it here. At the end of March this year, I opened up a SONYMA mortgage application with CitiMortgage. SONYMA is a program thru New York State for first time home buyers which I am. The application was registered March 31st. My bid on was reject but on May 10th I made a bid on another house that was accepted. It's my dream house. Everything I wanted that I could afford at this time in my life. The mortgage application was still active so I supplied them with all the goodies they needed to make this deal go down. I went on a three week vacation in June (bad timing) but made sure they had everything they needed from me. Each week I checked in and made sure the application was moving forward. So when I got back home, I received a letter in the mail stating I needed to "jump through hoops" in the next five days or the application will be cancelled. I called up my loan specialist and she assured me the letter was wrong. She then mentioned she's going on vacation for a week but someone else in her department will handle my needs. Then I find out the lawyers never receive a copy of the mortgage commitment letter from Citi. I called them up for three days with no answer. The b*tch filling in didn't want to return my calls or e-mails. So I call a manager on day two. The manager didn't even call me back originally. Finally after refusing to get off the phone until a manager picked up, they apologized and told me that they "accidentally" kept calling the wrong applicant who has the same first name as me. WOW! Are you kidding me? Nevertheless, I got my commitment letter last week about a month after I should have received it. I was supposed to close on the property this Friday which won't happen because the application still needs to be approved by NY State, again, something that should have been done weeks ago. Now the sellers people are calling my realtor and pretty much threatening to rip up my contract. I feel horrible because they are moving to Ohio and are waiting on me but there is nothing I can do at this point. I wanted to get into that house this Friday and had all my deliveries scheduled for then. I bought all new appliances specifically for that house and now I'm in freaking limbo because of the stupidity of the people at Citi. For all the bull crap people can sue for nowadays, here's an example of a company just f-ing with the lives of two families and you can't do crap about it. I wish the :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smilie was still here because I'd sent to my friends at Citi. </vent off>
  14. That my friend is a Bull charging over the word Buffalo. Big difference. Even UB knows that your team's nickname should be the primary logo.
  15. Relax ... I was only partial kidding. I'm just bitter over the last half decade of Bills football or lack thereof.
  16. Actually, it sucks to be a Bills season ticket holder. Big waste of money this year. You're paying $1000 plus just to get hammered. I can do that at home for free.
  17. New York's MLS team just offered Ronaldo 100 million over 10 years and he turned it down.
  18. REPORT FROM THE GAME: Wow did that suck ass. There was no passion in the game. Minus Reyna and Eddie Johnson, the team sucked. This was the worst I've seen them play since, oh well last game. This team doesn't look right. They need to play Eddie from the start and work the ball to the outsides. McBride is useless unless you can cross it in to him. As for the stadium and pre-game, it was to die for. The stadium was unbelieve, 52,000 of which 20k were Czech fans and about 12-14k were USA fans. It was a great turnout. I'll post pictures eventually but I'm too pissed and hammered now.
  19. Hey fellas, don't mean to brag but I'm heading out the door and catching the next train to Gelsenkirchen from Dusseldorf. I've been here for two days and it is freaking amazing. I thought Stanley Cup Playoffs in Buffalo was nuts but in the end, nothing compares to the craziness of being at a World Cup. It will convert any soccer-hater. I can't tell you how many Americans I ran into here that flat out stated he hated soccer, got dragged to a big game and fell in love. Now they travel around the world to watch the team play. We're expecting a big US turnout, hopefully that's true. Also, I think the entire islands of Trindad and Tobago showed up. There's sooooo many Soca Warriors here it makes no sense. I still can't believe they tied Sweden. Oh USA!!! USA! USA! USA!
  20. Wow, no wonder I don't post here anymore. I don't know what's worse, the Bills or some of their fans?
  21. Don't forget to spread the word ... Let's Go Buffalo chant exactly two minutes into the game!
  22. Ditto. Canes fans are panicking already because of the influx of Sabres fans. They are afraid of being outnumbered in certain parts of the arena like behind the net where the Sabres shoot twice. From friends that I have in the DC area, there's a group of over 30 from DC and VA going to the game.
  23. I don't know if the Canes fans get crazy at the start of the game like we do but I'm going to guess yes so I'll give the Canes their 2 minutes. THEN ... I want every Sabres fan in attendance to start chanting Let's Go Buffalo when the game clock strikes 18:00, two minutes into the game. We want to hear it on TV and I can tell you it will most definitely fire up our boys on the ice! What do we say? Be so kind to spread the news before the game to other Sabres fans, I already have a few groups set to make this happen. Spread the word!
  24. Did the Sabres not hire him for a job recently? Was he a canidate for the assistant coach slot that Scott Arneil got? Barry used to love the Sabres.
  25. Holy sh-t batman! Is that Rick Jeanarette in the Friday Night Fever picture pulling that girls thong?
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